Toronto Bloor Street Revitalization | ?m | ?s | Bloor-Yorkville BIA | architectsAlliance



OMG... WOW!!!

I didn't even recognize that. I thought it was a photo from another city until I scrolled down and took a minute to process it.

WOW. Looks stunning.
Simply Spectacular!!!
I can only hope that this kind of effort is copied by other BIAs and the City overall.
Looks fantastic.

Anyone have a before pic?

Before the trees were planted

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Same area, facing east instead of west before the trees went in

Oct 24th

A few more photos of the north & south side of Bloor between Church & Yonge

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Sorry for the poor quality photos. My camera died so I'm using a borrowed camera for the first time today that I'm not familiar with until I can decide on & purchase a good Canon or Nikon. Suggestions welcome, please PM me.

South Side:

North side:

OMG unreal!! what a couple of trees can do... Hope this sets a precedent for the rest of the city's downtown main streets... Bay? Yonge? Dundas?
N I C E ... amazing what some trees can do

I'm very impressed they are actually planting some mature size trees here, maybe this stretch Bloor CAN really become Toronto's version of Champs-Élysées one day :D
Simply Spectacular!!!
I can only hope that this kind of effort is copied by other BIAs and the City overall.

I agree the results thus far are stunning and I hope this expedites the ongoing studies in the Bloor corridor from Avenue to Christie (current proposal include eliminating one westbound lane between Spadina and Bathurst to significantly widen the sidewalk).

As for other BIAs doing this on this kind scale - I wouldn't get my hopes up to high - I don't think there are many other BIAs that can afford to raise $20 million through increased fees (this is yorkville afterall). The development industry also made sec 37 contributions in this area... But it's also one of the real hot-beds of condo development in the city - other communities don't have that additional benefit in terms of significant density bonusing development contributions.
