Toronto Bloor Street Neighbourhood Condos | ?m | 32s | Cresford | Northgrave

I find those "dimpled doodads" remind me more of SweetTarts than they do of nipples. Like, I can bite into them for a burst of flavour
Aug 22nd

Brick is completed at ground level

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

Nasty. The meeting of brick and precast is just so awkward and ugly. The most unpleasant building to go up in the core since RoCP.

Thanks for all your pics, dt_toronto_geek.
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Nasty. The meeting of brick and precast is just so awkward and ugly. The most unpleasant building to go up in the core since RoCP.

Thanks for all your pics, dt_toronto_geek.

I'd say that the podium is still far and away superior to ROCP's only because it does not seem so obtrusive.
clearly that street front element of the building is meant to resemble the scale and style of the neighbouring buildings. I think it generally succeeds in that, though the colour of the brick is stomach turning. Perhaps as other have suggested with different projects, a few years of weathering and pollution will help.
It looks like laminated plywood in pictures too. I have no idea what they were thinking.
Walked by this afternoon. This building is mindnumbingly repulsive. Vomit in built form. A pox on Northgrave, Cresford, the city's planning dep't / OMB (if applicable), and all the specuvestors/purchasers who bought into this pile of crap.*

*Apologies to any such stakeholders directly connected to BSN on this website.
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I assume they are starting to tend to the balconies soon.

The railings still haven't shown up on the site yet, but I'm pretty confident that if you like pippypoos and dimpled doodads with asscracks them I'm sure you'll love what the designers have come up with for railings.
From Yonge & Bloor:

