Toronto Aura at College Park | 271.87m | 78s | Canderel | Graziani + Corazza

They've completed the 49th floor and now starting the 50th. I'd guess about 370 feet to top out (they're almost 60% done)
Between the change in floor plate and the holidays, the last couple of floors seem to have taken forever. I guess they'll soon be speeding up again until the curve begins on the east side.
The concrete forms are being lifted into place today for the 3rd floor above the western circular shift, it looks like they're on a roll now and should be into about a floor per week, weather permitting.

SkyJacked those are some great shots.
I wonder if you can (purely for fun) try to find the Aura webcam (mounted to the eastern face of one of the ROCP towers) with your ultra-zoom camera. I always try to spot it from ground level but never can. I know it is mounted outside the building because of how it moves on windy days and gets water on the lens, so it isnt a wild goose chase!
I count 10, plus the very faint cluster out at Keele and Hwy 401 Ontario Government offices redevelopment.. I think there are 5 or 6 cranes at that site alone. :). Great photo!
Ahh, I now see 9, but can't find the 10th. Is there more than 1 crane in NYCC? I feel like I should be able to see hallmarks, but I can't.
Did you count the cranes at the "Five" construction site?

I think NYCC is just out of the field of view to the top right..
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