Toronto 99 Atlantic Avenue | ?m | 8s | Kevric | WZMH

This thing gives me some serious Front Street data centre vibes from the Atlantic side. It looks like it's been there since the 70s/80s!
Yikes that looks so unsafe to walk under or near. No thank you. Nice looking building though other wise
That column looks purposeless. No way it’s holding the weight above all that well on an angle like that (but, I’m no engineer). And then to have nothing under it.. I’m sure they know what they are doing and alll...but still just the same you wouldn’t catch me near that building though at least that side of it
Jan 17, 2020






Sidewalks aren't really a developer's problem though. Yes, they should be increased everywhere, but why should that come from an owner's property? I would support a setback on the ground floor, then bumping back out above that, but the city isn't a fan of that situation for whatever reason.
Sidewalks aren't really a developer's problem though. Yes, they should be increased everywhere, but why should that come from an owner's property? I would support a setback on the ground floor, then bumping back out above that, but the city isn't a fan of that situation for whatever reason.
That's fine with me. I'm not one to fight for 6m clear sidewalks either like the city likes these days downtown, but Atlantic is a very tight ROW and the sidewalks are really tiny. I just hope something was done to accommodate some sort of widening.
Sidewalks aren't really a developer's problem though. Yes, they should be increased everywhere, but why should that come from an owner's property? I would support a setback on the ground floor, then bumping back out above that, but the city isn't a fan of that situation for whatever reason.

If the owner is profiting from increased density over what existed before, then the owner arguably bears responsibility for the issues created by the density like cramped sidewalks. In turn, addressing these issues creates lasting value for the owner because it improves the area and makes the property more desirable. Even the developer who builds, sells, and walks away benefits from the good will and reputation created by such simple investments.
