Architect: Rafael + Bigauskas Architects
Address: 88 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto 88 Condos (Ei8hty8 Condos) | ?m | 35s | Minto Group | Rafael + Bigauskas

Looks quite nice. Large improvement over the Radiance and Spring (@ Minto Gardens).
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not particularly striking nor disturbing ... I personally like Radiance @ Minto Gardens more (with the brick)

The design at the top reminds me of the Emerald City towers
This isn't a crummy old class C/B office building either, it's class A, not that old (relatively speaking) and fully tenanted.

There is no option here, this must be refused, unless they plan on replacing all (and hopefully) more of the office space but clearly that won't be the case. We know Toronto can't enforce what lots are purchased but they sure can enforce what sort of development can go ahead. Clearly this is zoned for commercial use.

Not to worry..the office building will not be coming down

Site Plan Approval 11 330311 NNY 23 SA Ward 23
- North York Dec 22, 2011 --- --- --- ---
Minto (90 Sheppard) Inc. has applied to amend the Official Plan and Zoning By-law to permit the construction of a 34-storey residential building and townhouses to include a total of 374 dwelling units on the surface parking lot area at the rear of 90 Sheppard Avenue East. The existing commercial building will remain
I imagine it will be where the parking lot is within the yellow area of investican's image. The existing parking could be incorporated into a new underground parking area.

i just bought a unit, your absolutely right, its in the top yellow part where the parking lot is behind the beloved office buildingxD
Another Ill-Conceived Development in a very overcrowded neighbourhood

I attended a Community Consultation Meeting yesterday evening, January 11, 2012, regarding Minto’s Planning application for the project now called “EI8HTY8 Condosâ€. The application proposes to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to permit the construction of a 34-storey residential tower (100 metres high). This is 35 metres higher than the current limit in the area.

As many of the 60 or so local area residents stated during the Q and A portion of the meeting, this is an ill-conceived development project in an already extremely overcrowded and overbuilt area. Several people raised the issue that the local streets surrounding the development site are already gridlocked on weekdays (Doris Avenue, Greenfield Avenue, Sheppard Avenue East), yet the lawyer representing Minto stated that “their traffic studies†show that everything will be just fine after their project further intensifies traffic and overcrowding in the area. In addition, there have been numerous frequent vehicular accidents involving pedestrians attempting to cross at the intersections adjacent to the development site – many of which have resulted in personal injuries.

Another issue was raised regarding the numerous blackouts that have occurred in recent years in the immediate neighbourhood, apparently due to the fact that the local electrical power grid infrastructure has failed to keep up with all the recent condo developments. There was just a neighbourhood blackout two weeks ago at 6:30 am while I was showering before heading off to my office.

Maybe Minto should advertise the unreliable overburdened hydro infrastructure with frequent power outages, along with the ludicrous traffic problems in the immediate area as some of the buildings “features and amenities!â€

The take-away message from the meeting was that the city councilor and the City Planning department couldn’t care less about the additional havoc that this infill project (or as the planners quaintly call it - a “Tower in a Parkâ€) will cause in the neighbourhood.
I attended a Community Consultation Meeting yesterday evening, January 11, 2012, regarding Minto’s Planning application for the project now called “EI8HTY8 Condos”. The application proposes to amend the Official Plan and Zoning Bylaw to permit the construction of a 34-storey residential tower (100 metres high). This is 35 metres higher than the current limit in the area.

So the current limit is 2.85714286 metres? Flat-roofed single-storey buildings suitable for midgets only?

As many of the 60 or so local area residents stated during the Q and A portion of the meeting, this is an ill-conceived development project in an already extremely overcrowded and overbuilt area. Several people raised the issue that the local streets surrounding the development site are already gridlocked on weekdays (Doris Avenue, Greenfield Avenue, Sheppard Avenue East), yet the lawyer representing Minto stated that “their traffic studies” show that everything will be just fine after their project further intensifies traffic and overcrowding in the area. In addition, there have been numerous frequent vehicular accidents involving pedestrians attempting to cross at the intersections adjacent to the development site – many of which have resulted in personal injuries.

You have two subway lines serving the area. Bring on the intensification!

Another issue was raised regarding the numerous blackouts that have occurred in recent years in the immediate neighbourhood, apparently due to the fact that the local electrical power grid infrastructure has failed to keep up with all the recent condo developments. There was just a neighbourhood blackout two weeks ago at 6:30 am while I was showering before heading off to my office.

That needs to be fixed whether the tower goes in or not.

Maybe Minto should advertise the unreliable overburdened hydro infrastructure with frequent power outages, along with the ludicrous traffic problems in the immediate area as some of the buildings “features and amenities!”

The take-away message from the meeting was that the city councilor and the City Planning department couldn’t care less about the additional havoc that this infill project (or as the planners quaintly call it - a “Tower in a Park”) will cause in the neighbourhood.

The take-away message from this post is that local residents can only ever see the sky falling when something new gets proposed. In places where there is this much infrastructure, more density is inevitable. If you want peace and quiet, go find a farm on the outskirts that's being ploughed under for suburban tract housing. If you'd prefer to stay where you are, and you want to make the place you already live better, than try to work with your local city councilor and planners and the developer to ensure improvements to the public realm, both aesthetic and practical, as new density comes to town - - - because it's coming, and that's not going to stop.
Strangely, it's actually quieter in the city than in the countryside. Farmers working at all hours of the day and night in their noisy equipment, trucks and trades grinding gears up narrow country lanes, and animals doing their thing do not make for peaceful country living...unless you've got 1000s of acres to yourself.

The quietest place I ever lived in was the Annex.

Now, I find this condo design rather dull so if it got cancelled, I wouldn't mind.:)
So the current limit is 2.85714286 metres? Flat-roofed single-storey buildings suitable for midgets only?

35 metres above current, not 35-stories. But even with that math you'd have -1 stories (34 building - 35 over current). 100-35= 65 metres current limit.
I hate NIMBYism as much as the next but lets take the time to read over ones concerns before deriding them.

EDIT: At the same time, I'll agree with urbandreamer above.. The aesthetics of this thing sucks. You should have told them to redesign it at the community meeting Brooder3. lol
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Whoops! I apologize - I read that too quickly. I thought it said 35 times higher. That should learn me.

I stand by the other comments though - I wasn't kidding around with them.
