Architect: Rafael + Bigauskas Architects
Address: 88 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto 88 Condos (Ei8hty8 Condos) | ?m | 35s | Minto Group | Rafael + Bigauskas

The town houses and water garden are really nice. The tower is a bit boring, would have liked to have seen red in a vertical application as well.
Since there are 5 storey office buildings to south and west along with townhouses to the north and east, this condo tower sticks out like a sore thumb.

This building is about 400 feet away from Sheppard,.... so how did it get the address 88 Sheppard Ave East???? Should have a Greenfield Ave address (street north of SheppardCentre). And since the roadway access is via a laneway at end of Greenfield Avenue or the meandering driveways of the low-rise office buildings, it's a really odd access. It doesn't help that the front lobby entrance faces the loading docks of the low-rise office building to the west.
