Architect: Rafael + Bigauskas Architects
Address: 88 Sheppard Avenue East, Toronto
Category: Residential (Condo)
Status: CompleteCompletion: 2015
Height: ? ft / ? mStoreys: 35 storeys
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Toronto 88 Condos (Ei8hty8 Condos) | ?m | 35s | Minto Group | Rafael + Bigauskas

So they're trying to develop the parking lot and it looks like that the DRP has turned it down. This might take a while.
The Doris extension south of Sheppard along with the extension of Poyntz east of Yonge, these will be a great relief for the congested area. Are there any plans on the west side with regards to an extension of Beecroft south past Poyntz Ave.?

No immediate plans.

Acquiring the properties to make this happen would have cost $18 million in 1998, which would put it closer to $40-50 million today with the increase in real estate prices and all the rebuilds that have doubled or tripled property values for some of the properties. I also don't think it would make a big enough of a difference in traffic to justify the costs, plus a major intersection onto Sheppard just a block or two north of the 401 on-ramp would cause havoc with people changing lanes to get on the highway.
Nice, I expect my Chinese people set up tents camping for days ahead of the first day of sale.

Even though I am not superstitious at all, I would be interested to buy the 8th floor, unit 8. --> 88 - 808 Sheppard Ave East.
I understand it is condo with townhouses at the base ... just like Radiance & Spring @ Minto Gardens
Pardon for my omission. Believe the project consists of 355 units in 35 storeys + 16 townhouses. They appear to launch their condos first.
