The Bean, a mid-rise project proposed for 2433 Dufferin St., first applied for planning permissions in 2014, and has changed its scope from 50 units to more than 100 units in recent applications. Initial presale prices were about $450 a square foot, but according to Urbanation, projects preselling now in the GTA now average $766 a square foot.
“We have unfortunately had to refer this project to the OMB/LPAT, so we are in abeyance until after the hearing," said Doug Skeffington, director of development with Royal Park Homes, referring to the Ontario Municipal Board and Local Planning Appeal Tribunal. "We are hopeful that the project will move forward but are unable to give you any definitive date until after the decision is received. … Our hearing will occur in September.” While he wouldn’t confirm details of any presale contract negotiations, Mr. Skeffington did confirm that “we continue to keep our families informed as to the status of the project and are working with our families’ individual needs” and that some of the families “that are staying in” are from the company’s first launch in 2014.