Not AV related but an interesting problem for the railroads:
Trains magazine offers railroad news, railroad industry insight, commentary on today's freight railroads, passenger service (Amtrak), locomotive technology, railroad preservation and history, railfan opportunities (tourist railroads, fan trips), and great railroad photography.
Trucks are electrifying and fast. Given that the lifecycle of a truck is about 5 years, it is conceivable that by 2030, the majority of trucks will be electric. At that point, if rail isn't electrified, shipping freight by rail will be WORSE for the environment than by road.
Still, even when rail is electrified, when road is as well, then the environmental arguement in favour of rail will no longer hold true meaning that shippers who currently look to use rail for its environmental credentials will have reason to look elsewhere.
The Tesla Semi is going to enter production this year and given that no other truck comes even close to it for range, Tesla is poised to absolutely dominate the trucking industry. The big problem is that Elon Musk has pitted the Semi against rail at the unveiling. Elon sees the rail industry as vulnerable and wants to take market share. Elon is someone I wouldn't want to be up against.
The rail industry should take notice and start making plans for the worst case scenario.