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Star: A prayer for the city's great churches

^ Oh, I bet China would be able to beat up the Romans using hundreds of thousands of men and human-wave tactics... just like in the movie Hero. (all the soldiers in that movie were real men, no CG characters like Lord of the Rings!)

The Indians had war elephants. Hannibal had a couple of those when he kicked the Roman army around Italy.
It's interesting how many beautiful churches have gone up in the suburbs though, and more are planned, like this Polish Roman Catholic church in Brampton. Currently they have mass in the auditorium of a high school, and it tends to be packed on Sundays. Construction is funded through private donors and Sunday offerings.

I didn't know how rich the history of Toronto's churches is, especially St. Paul's with the mass graves. In terms of architecture, heritage and age, these are gems.
^ Oh, I bet China would be able to beat up the Romans using hundreds of thousands of men and human-wave tactics... just like in the movie Hero. (all the soldiers in that movie were real men, no CG characters like Lord of the Rings!)

The Indians had war elephants. Hannibal had a couple of those when he kicked the Roman army around Italy.
I haven't seen Hero yet, but did see Jet Li's Fearless on an Air Canada flight. Of course being AC they kept interupting the movie wih their innane chatter, of course repeated in French (and the victory at the Plains of Abraham were for what?), so I had to go and rent it. Hero must be just as good.
Of course being AC they kept interupting the movie wih their innane chatter, of course repeated in French (and the victory at the Plains of Abraham were for what

You're a completely unrepentant racist aren't you? Is there any depth to which you won't sink? You hate French, yet you can't even construct a proper sentence in English.
It's interesting how many beautiful churches have gone up in the suburbs though, and more are planned, like this Polish Roman Catholic church in Brampton. Currently they have mass in the auditorium of a high school, and it tends to be packed on Sundays. Construction is funded through private donors and Sunday offerings.

Ironically, that place reminds me of a modern day version of the Palace of Culture + Science in Warsaw--stylistically *and* contextually...
You're a completely unrepentant racist aren't you? Is there any depth to which you won't sink?
Oh, Andrea, I just love how you troll for my posts and then insert something cute or witty.

The French aren't a race, silly. The French belong to the the Caucasian race (sometimes called the Caucasoid race), which includes British, Germans, French, Danes, etc. I've said nothing against the race whatsoever.

I ask that you defend your statement however. When, specifically have I demonstrated that I am "a completely unrepentant racist"? This is a serious charge, in need of justification. I consider myself very tollerate and welcoming of all cultures. My daughters' Godparents are from Jamaica and Guyana, my Bestman from my wedding and still best friend is from Hong Kong (he's the one that jokingly introduced me to the gailo comment, which apparently isn't insulting, just descriptive). Like anyone who went to school in Toronto, I have close friends from all over the earth.

I am no more a racist than you are a conservative.
i'm also tolerant. i have a friend from manitoba. well, actually i had a friend from manitoba. he was short in height and had a wooden peg leg and so i used to call him minnipeg from winnipeg and one day he got really pissed at me.
When, specifically have I demonstrated that I am "a completely unrepentant racist"?
Completely unrepentant racist, maybe not, but you have a way of turning every thread into something race-based. And your anti-French/Quebecois "comment of the week" is also something between tiring and disturbing.
Another possible problem is that many young people today don't see an advantage to going to church or are no longer followers of religion.

Isn't St. Mike's gonna get some money for the sale of their air rights and the convent across the street?

I wouldn't call it a problem, it's just a sign of the times. If the church is failing it's because they're message hasn't stayed up to date. If all else fails they could sell up and let them be turned into night clubs or theatres.

Completely unrepentant racist, maybe not, but you have a way of turning every thread into something race-based. And your anti-French/Quebecois "comment of the week" is also something between tiring and disturbing.
That's not entirely fair, IMO. What threads have I turned racist?

I've just reviewed all my posts at and none that I can see are on matters of race. Instead, I've posted about Starbucks coming to Cabbagetown, speeders/racers on the highways, HMCS Haida, vintage motorcycles, stopping the North American Union, the growing congregation at my downtown church, my old stereo, Walnut Hall's sad demise, wanting a classic look for TTC's new streetcars and Regent Park development.

Even on my post about perpetual welfare at the TCHC: Lawrence Heights Revitalization, I intentionally avoided any mention of race, since poverty and dispair affect us all.

I'm not intending to pick on the French or Quebecers, they've certainly earned their place in Canada and can have their lingo on Air Canada as much as they wish. My comment above was to pick on my own people, the English/British, who seem to win most conflicts, but invariably lose the peace.

I never said your posts were necessarily "racist," but that you have a habit (and certainly did on the old forum too) of turning many posts into a discussion along colour, ethnic and creed lines. I'm not interested in debating whether or not your posts are racist per se, but at the very least, they often aren't in keeping with the spirit of this forum and often take more than they add to the discussion.

In fact, you are still at it by claiming that French is some "lingo" when it's one of our official languages. This thread has NOTHING to do with French, yet you feel you can drop your little comments in a way that you feel is innocuous, but actually only poisons the thread by insulting certain groups.

If you feel otherwise, I'll be glad to engage the Mods in a discussion about this.
They're both kinda stranded in a sea of nothingness--here due to auto-oriented megachurch dystopia rather than Stalinist bombast...

The "palace" isn't stranded, rather surrounded by skyscrapers, and it itself was the Stalinist bombast. (Now, Stalin's name isn't even found on the building, the statues which once read "Marx, Lenin, Stalin" now only have the first two names).


You didn't think every building in Warsaw looked like the Palace did you?

Brampton isn't a dystopia today, though the sprawling subdivisions. The new church does not look like the Palace of Culture, and it's surrounded by a subdivision where the street names are Polish inspired. The church organizes picnics with music (contemporary, live), dancing, food every Sunday in the summer and hundreds of people show up.
