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Rob Ford's Toronto

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OPC could possibly deny his leadership bid but permit him to run as mpp.
Do you mean deny as in not vote for him at the leadership election or deny as in not let him run for leadership? Can they even do that (officially)? From their website I don't see anything about vetting leader candidates.

Here are the full rules...I'm at work and don't have time to review them right now.
Doug's not a good second fiddle. Go big or go home (or to Chicago).

After Doug's non-stop attacks on Tory and his lack of experience on city council, it'll be rich to see how Doug spins his qualifications for PC leader without ever having been an MPP (also like Tory). Oh! But Doug's dad was an MPP (and Tory's wasn't), so that changes everything.
Mikey's voice:

It matters not to the merits (or lack thereof) of Mikey as a trustee. I think it is just that, having been silent (except for a few words at a Ford Fest) for so long, some people were struck by how high the pitch of his voice is - he sounds somewhat like his voice has not changed since he was about 12, or, as one CH reporter put it (rather cruelly, perhaps) on Twitter, he sounds like a castrato. My thought was that it sounds similar to when Michael Jackson provided the voice for Leon Kompowsky, the large white guy escaped mental patient who claims (until the final moments of the episode) that he is Michael Jackson and helps Bart write the song "Lisa, It's Your Birthday" on the Simpson's.

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Siobhan Morris ‏@siomo 15s15 seconds ago
CP headline: "Ontario Progressive Conservatives brace for possible Doug Ford
leadership bid" BRACE #TOPoli #ONpoli

The choice of words is telling. If he goes for it, he can try the same tactics, but they won't work.
After Doug's non-stop attacks on Tory and his lack of experience on city council, it'll be rich to see how Doug spins his qualifications for PC leader without ever having been an MPP (also like Tory). Oh! But Doug's dad was an MPP (and Tory's wasn't), so that changes everything.

It would be awfully interesting watching D Ford trying to wrangle all the disparate forces within the Ontario PCs...
The private property advocates of Eastern Ontario (Randy Hillier etal)
The agricultural NIMBYs and their war against wind power
The public vs the growers over Ontario's Marketing Board system
The absolute ignorance of the North
The harumphing behind the LHIN system across Ontario (particularly the rural/regional town issue)
The dogs breakfast that is the Provincial overseeing of the educational system
The highway network of Ontario and the long continued municipal complaint of downloading
How to find a happy medium between the AMO, the Province and Toronto
I would like to be a fly on the wall when he speaks to say those of The Bruce vs Niagara vs Frontenac vs Ottawa Region and the juggernaut the is the GTHOA region
Here's Trusty Mike's first in-studio interview at CP20Ford. Stephanie Smyth didn't dig too deeply (doesn't seem like there's much to mine to begin with); they talked about his time at Camp Kandalore, a canoe trip he took when he was 16, his time on student council at Richview Collegiate, that he studied Business Administration at Humber College after studying "Leadership" at Wilfred Laurier. Things are "amazing" and "fantastic" (y'know). His priorities as trustee are concerns about school safety after the "incidences" at North Albion and near Don Bosco. His voice seems to have that high Fordian-ness that could easily turn whiny when provoked. He also sounds a bit nasal, whether that's a palate issue, allergies or some other Ear Nose & Throat-type issue (not a doctor here), I don't know.
Oh, these Canadian news sites, whose videos I cannot get to load in the US of A... Thanks to both you and casita for the links to make the attempt - will try on my phone when I get a chance :)

Yeah, I don't hear that either. The pitch of his voice is what it is and I don't get the impression he is working, or has worked, to correct a speech impediment of the type that would affect articulation. What strikes me is the tempo of his speech - it seems to drag the way it does in someone who has neurological damage, not a physical issue with producing speech.
I managed to find an interview posted on yahoo news that I could watch and listen to. That 'hypernasality' could well be a residual of cleft palate, yes - among a bunch of other conditions, such as ear/eustachian tube problems, adenoids and effect (known risk) of surgery for same (also from tonsillectomies). Apparently it can be a bear to get rid of completely. My husband says that slight 'blowing out' on some of the explosive consonants is really tough to stop doing even after you don't need to do it anymore following corrective surgery or successful corrective appliances being worn. Ford sounds as though perhaps some ear problems might be involved, to me - that lag you mentioned, and the fact that he hasn't trained out or had physical correction done for the problem. Again, could result from cleft palate - ear infections and resultant scar tissue often go along with same. The pitch of the voice wouldn't have to do with any of the above conditions I mentioned. And that's as much as I know...not in the medical field anyplace at all :D

I searched UT, Google and #topoli. The only source I could find was this:
casita, have I ever mentioned that I adore your posts? :) I meant to grab your one about confidential medical info, too - zzzzing.

It was out there years ago, don't remember where I read it.
lizangel, with due respect...I'm thinking that something that you read someplace, sometime - but don't remember where or when and that no one else can verify from any other public source - might not be a good thing to throw out as fact, especially where it casts pretty serious allegations against his mother and (apparently) divulges confidential medical information about Ford...even to defend him.
Do you mean deny as in not vote for him at the leadership election or deny as in not let him run for leadership? Can they even do that (officially)? From their website I don't see anything about vetting leader candidates.

Here are the full rules...I'm at work and don't have time to review them right now.

Officially, all he needs to run is some nominators and the fee. So, officially, if he has that he can run. However, as the Fords know so well, there are rules and then there is what people do. If the existing party leadership do not want him they would surely lay it out for him, in words even he could understand, that there would be lots of things that they could do to make his run a miserable failure.
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It would be awfully interesting watching D Ford trying to wrangle all the disparate forces within the Ontario PCs...
The private property advocates of Eastern Ontario (Randy Hillier etal)
The agricultural NIMBYs and their war against wind power
The public vs the growers over Ontario's Marketing Board system
The absolute ignorance of the North
The harumphing behind the LHIN system across Ontario (particularly the rural/regional town issue)
The dogs breakfast that is the Provincial overseeing of the educational system
The highway network of Ontario and the long continued municipal complaint of downloading
How to find a happy medium between the AMO, the Province and Toronto
I would like to be a fly on the wall when he speaks to say those of The Bruce vs Niagara vs Frontenac vs Ottawa Region and the juggernaut the is the GTHOA region

Doug Ford will not deal with any of that--all he thinks he needs are six slogans repeated endlessly and plenty of media time...
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