Active Member
Mikey's voice:
It matters not to the merits (or lack thereof) of Mikey as a trustee. I think it is just that, having been silent (except for a few words at a Ford Fest) for so long, some people were struck by how high the pitch of his voice is - he sounds somewhat like his voice has not changed since he was about 12, or, as one CH reporter put it (rather cruelly, perhaps) on Twitter, he sounds like a castrato.
It is rather cruel. I have no real problem with Mikey's vocal characteristic, maybe slightly curious on why it seems to differ slightly from Ford Fest to now, but that maybe a technical recording issue. But I agree, it has no real bearing on the merit or lack of merit of him winning school trustee. How he seems to have won by name recognition alone and how his uncles seem to manipulate him, that is a concern to me.
Best case scenario is Mikey does make the best of this, him "in agreeance" with LGBT students may not be grammatically guud, but it's a good start in defining himself separate from his two uncles. Though really, I hope he does break away from Rob and Doug, and if he'd rather continue in aviation after this term, pursue that instead.
Jeebus H Christos, frankly I'm getting sick of political dynasties. The Fords may be the worst examples of it, but let's not kid ourselves here, they're not the only ones. Politics is the one field where I'd rather not see a "Governed and Ruled by X and Sons since 1892 est" fridge magnet.