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Rob Ford's Toronto

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... but don't look to his membership at a golf course as evidence of some sort of latent racism.
In itself the golf course would be a non issue.

But John Tory turned it into an issue with his advise to females to get ahead by golfing. And yet his own golf club, to this very day, still discriminates against women golfers! Which then makes you start to look at his golf club.

Combine that with his denials about white privilege existing, at the same time belonging to a golf club for years that stopped non-whites from joining while he was a member ...
The private golf club stuff was a stupid move in his part. The women playing golf comment made some sense but was delivered in a tone deaf manner. The white privilege comment was taken out of context.

That's three examples in 40 years of business, two of which were clumsy delivery. Has any female or minority employee or volunteer ever alleged that he mistreated them or held back their careers? Has he ever said anything patronizing in public about his wife or daughters? His biggest misstep seems to be being a 60-year old rich white guy.

In absolute terms (let alone relative to the competition), the smears just don't hold water.

Clearly we're not going to align or convert ideologies here, nor should we try.

But one thing I will say abut Tory - a close and highly respected relative of mine worked with him for years (decades) and speaks well of him as a person and as a businessman. They acknowledge his verbal gaffes but admit surprise and disappointment at them, claiming they were out of character and not truly reflective of what the man believes or represents.

Take this as you will. Please don't vehemently call me out on this, I'm only relaying opinion from a "source" and I'm well aware that many of you will disagree. I guess what I'm saying is, much as I like to discuss, I hate to argue :eek:
The Rosedale Golf Club doesn't discriminate against women. His full remarks about white privilege have been repeated ad nauseum on this forum. Again - i am fine having respectful discussions on policy - but trying to paint Tory as a Ford-eque racist and misognyst are really not fruitful discussion points IMO
Regarding Robbie's visits to the polling stations:

“As a candidate, you are allowed to stay in a voting place to observe, but you are not allowed to interfere with voters, attempt to influence how they vote, or ask a voter how they voted,” explains an Ontario government guide to the law. “You are not allowed to have campaign brochures, campaign buttons, signs or any other material inside the voting place.”

Read more:
People, respectfully, don't "assume" - *read* the platforms of the three leading candidates! Don't go by headlines, bluster, news snippets or attack ads - know what each of the candidate's platforms are and if you know more - like some of the *real* history of the candidates (most of us here do), that's all the better. Wiki is helpful there. It takes all of ten minutes for the Mayoral candidates, Google each one and read. Well, skip Dug. Know your Councillors and Trustees too, be informed voters. I don't mean to sound so harsh or in attack mode here, but we're only 8 days out and this is the information age!

As that was a reply to me: Dude, I can't vote in this election. But I did what you implored:

Completely useless, as Tory can't or won't say what reforms he would expect at TCHC or where the funding for repairs would come from. I'd say I now know a little bit less about Tory's housing policies than I did pre-Googling. And I'd say that's just the way the campaign wants it.

And -- wait for it! -- I'm OK with that and would still be voting for Tory if I could. Sucks, eh?
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Regarding Robbie's visits to the polling stations:

“As a candidate, you are allowed to stay in a voting place to observe, but you are not allowed to interfere with voters, attempt to influence how they vote, or ask a voter how they voted,†explains an Ontario government guide to the law. “You are not allowed to have campaign brochures, campaign buttons, signs or any other material inside the voting place.â€

Read more:

So does that law even have any penalty like oh say, instant disqualification. Or is this yet another skating event with Rob?
In itself the golf course would be a non issue.

But John Tory turned it into an issue with his advise to females to get ahead by golfing. And yet his own golf club, to this very day, still discriminates against women golfers! Which then makes you start to look at his golf club.

Combine that with his denials about white privilege existing, at the same time belonging to a golf club for years that stopped non-whites from joining while he was a member ...

If Tory would have extended the statement properly there would have been less of a stink. Tory would have still seemed to be an ass due to his golf course but less of one. I assume most people know the whole golf and halls of power thing.

The "white privilege" thing just reminds me of a bad remake of Caddy Shack II.
So does that law even have any penalty like oh say, instant disqualification. Or is this yet another skating event with Rob?

Hey! Rob has got cancer man, didn't you read SAL's column about her gobble session with Doug? Your just a hater like the rest, Karla was right, no wonder she doesn't read the newspapers. (factious not sarcastic comment)


I agree with you, and I also think that MPs, MPPs, and other elected persons from outside the municipality of Toronto that endorse a candidate in a municipality of Toronto election should be penalized; candidates who except such endorsements should also be penalized. Big business, and that includes media organizations, in or out of the city be banned from taking sides.

[/end rant]
Graeme is out of control on twitter, once again calling a RFMGer a commie. Daniel Dale is re tweeting him.
Graeme is out of control on twitter, once again calling a RFMGer a commie. Daniel Dale is re tweeting him.
I was watching that and he then went on to call people fools. I'm trying to imagine where he's going to work after the election. I don't know if he was always a nasty POS, but he's definitely one now.
Regarding Robbie's visits to the polling stations:

“As a candidate, you are allowed to stay in a voting place to observe, but you are not allowed to interfere with voters, attempt to influence how they vote, or ask a voter how they voted,†explains an Ontario government guide to the law. “You are not allowed to have campaign brochures, campaign buttons, signs or any other material inside the voting place.â€

Read more:

Rob's not a candidate in those wards though.
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