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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Apart from his arrest for serious charges, your predicted outcome would be welcomed. However, I'm still convinced that this leave is nothing more than a PR strategy by the Ford family. Sit out one or two months in the campaign, return in late summer with a resurrection narrative designed to mobilize Ford Nation. The bonus of it is, Doug doesn't have to spend family money on the campaign until the very end.

That's a sound theory, and maybe this is all PR. But a plan like that hinges on Rob being able to sober up and control his behaviour. Rehab stint or no, I don't see that happening.
None of this rings true. It's all too pat. From the hurried L.O.A and hasty departure to parts unknown as new revelations emerge, to the 'crack pipe' images - taken while Lisi and his sister were present, no less. Nor does Doug's 'emotional' presser do anything to alleviate the sense that this is not some grand bit of political theatre. It all feels like so much stage blocking in service of some narrative like 'redemption' or 'return of the wiser hero'.

Where's Doug been for 8-10 days? What was he doing; stage management? Why were Kathy and Lisi there while the video was being recorded? After all, isn't Lisi some master of evasive manoeuvres who would be canny enough to realize recording was happening? Has he ever been identified as a user of crack? This video conveniently emerging all of a sudden, is it not? In tandem with the audio (which does in fact, as mentioned backthread, seem to have DoFo waving his baton in the b.g. there.) The Bieber/Muzik stuff is just icing on the cake (although the whole Muzik/Number One Customer thing, if true, is supremely rancid).

It all feels like a stunt. Or, fingers crossed. maybe the TPS/Giroux et. al were getting ready to bring the hammer down, word got out to the friendlies at the local division and heads up were given. That at least believably explains the haste.

Of course, perhaps tinfoil headgear I'm jauntily sporting is too tight. It all could really be as it appears on its face. But, as has been repeatedly demonstrated, nothing these characters do should be taken at face value.
Awww, what the hell...
that's actually pretty good, and quick work too

She doesn't come across as a stupid person so she should stop acting like one.
she wants us to leave rob alone

leave rob alone? sure, lady... when he's no longer the mayor of my city

until then, i'm going after my mayor with extreme prejudice -- not physically, of course, but by influencing other voters

casita: thank you for "spring break" -- i am so stealing that
So Rob is taking a personal leave of absence, not a medical leave. I don't think he will get paid while he's doing this. I also think he's doing it this way - assuming he IS in rehab - to keep any information about his treatment between himself and the rehab facility.

Could council order staff to confirm that Rob Ford is in a legitimate rehabilitation program before granting him an excuse for his absence?

As you mentioned it might be hard since it is a personal leave of absence and not a medical leave. I just imagine many members of council wouldn't want to look foolish trusting Rob Ford's words again.
None of this rings true. It's all too pat. From the hurried L.O.A and hasty departure to parts unknown as new revelations emerge, to the 'crack pipe'
images - taken while Lisi and his sister were present, no less. Nor does Doug's 'emotional' presser do anything to alleviate the sense that this is not some grand bit of political theatre. It all feels like so much stage blocking in service of some narrative like 'redemption' or 'return of the wiser hero'.

Where's Doug been for 8-10 days? What was he doing; stage management? Why were Kathy and Lisi there while the video was being recorded? After all, isn't Lisi some master of evasive manoeuvres who would be canny enough to realize recording was happening? Has he ever been identified as a user of crack? This video conveniently emerging all of a sudden, is it not? In tandem with the audio (which does in fact, as mentioned backthread, seem to have DoFo waving his baton in the b.g. there.) The Bieber/Muzik stuff is just icing on the cake (although the whole Muzik/Number One Customer thing, if true, is supremely rancid).

It all feels like a stunt. Or, fingers crossed. maybe the TPS/Giroux et. al were getting ready to bring the hammer down, word got out to the friendlies at the local division and heads up were given. That at least believably explains the haste.

Of course, perhaps tinfoil headgear I'm jauntily sporting is too tight. It all could really be as it appears on its face. But, as has been repeatedly demonstrated, nothing these characters do should be taken at face value.

And you don't need to be Alfred Einstein to put the dots together like this.
Could council order staff to confirm that Rob Ford is in a legitimate rehabilitation program before granting him an excuse for his absence?

2.12.3 Voluntary leave of absence without pay
After six months of continuous service, full-time Councillor staff
are eligible to apply for up to 20 days' leave of absence without
pay per calendar year, during which their benefits continue.

Those 20 days would be the equivalent of four weeks. More if stat Holidays are factored in.

He may also be eligible to use Lieu and Vacation time.

As long as he doesn't book-off sick, it's noooobody's business where he is.

Not sure, but this may also apply to the mayor:

Is there an HR specialist in da house?

Old Serbian proverb ( from Twitter ) "Drunkards say what sober men think."

Another pearl of wisdom from Twitter: "As we say in recovery circles, you can sober up a horse-thief and, without profound change, all you've got is a sober horse-thief."
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I have a theory.

I believe Ford may really be at rehab (but just barely), and I think that's exactly what he wants (subconsciously; if he actually *has* a subconscious).

His brother and family want him in a short rehab. Not long enough to forfeit the mayorship, but enough to shore up the sympathy votes.

Ford hates his job. The disdain is visible in his eyes every time he has to go to a ribbon cutting and his work attendance is dismal.... But he's there, and running again because the family deemed it so. However, Rob, like many others with depression and guilt, is prone to self-sabotage.

So, my thinking is that he's going to consciously or subconsciously (and very publicly) sabotage his rehab. He stays in rehab for 90 days, he's no longer mayor. More than 6 months, and he's missed the election and has to wait four more years.

He gets out of having to run for mayor again, without the personal shame of losing an election that he already knows is probably lost anyhow. It's hard for his family to push him into running again if he's off the wagon in public. It's everything he really wants. He gets to take his ball and go home, in a bizarre way. Sure, Doug and Diane might be mad at him for a while, but after all the stuff Kathy's done she's still part of the family, right?

I've been thinking along the same lines for quite a while. I think RoFo has a version of "imposter syndrome". That's the condition of some high-achieving people who receive praise for their competence and accomplishments while secretly feeling that they are not up to the job and are not performing adequately. RoFo has the Family constantly pressuring him, assuring him he's the Best Mayor Ever, while he knows he is not capable of doing the job at even the most basic level. He has publicly (while drunk and uninhibited) responded to a woman's comment that he's the worst mayor ever with, "I know. But I try" (2013 St. Pat's bender) and said on the latest audio recording (while drunk and uninhibited), "I'm in over my head."

With true imposter syndrome, the sufferer is actually competent and high-achieving, and has the delusion that they are not. In RoFo's case, it's not a delusion: it's the bald-faced truth and he knows it. So does the crime family, I'm sure; but they want him in office for the benefits of prestige and influence and because they're the f**king Kennedys North.

I think he goes on these public benders, and carelessly smokes crack in the presence of drug dealers who actually don't do much business over non-camera-equipped landline phones, knowing full well there will be bad publicity to follow; he is pushing the


self-destruct button -- either subconsciously, or consciously and cowardly, in an effort to extricate himself from a situation he absolutely hates. In the face of family pressure, he feels powerless, and hasn't the strength of character to stand up to them and say No. So he is acting out and getting caught and making it worse and worse and worse until finally he can escape.

I'm not sure I agree that he will sabotage the stay in the "finest facility" in order to remain in it for a longer period. Maybe to get out of jail early. If the fine facility is reputable, he either follows all the rules strictly and sincerely (and actually does dry out), or he breaks the rules and they throw him out. The first outcome is possible, given the relatively short period announced. He'd hate it, but it's time-limited and he's not under other pressures while he's there. I don't think he'd really manage to follow the rules for 90 days or 6 months; he hasn't admitted the drug problem, "won't give up the blow", and is not going to quit cold turkey for that length of time.

The crime family has engineered this sham and wants him back on the campaign trail as soon as the 30 days are up. Then he'll just lather/rinse/repeat with another bender/audio/video to again try to get out of his predicament. If he breaks the rules and the fine facility throws him out before the 30 days are up, not even his crime family will be able to justify his returning to office and campaigning.

One way or another, I think this loser is trying to demonstrate that he is the worst. loser. ever. just to get the torture of being Mayor to stop.
Does anybody think a big fraud of this whole story is the hype of "Ford nation" size? I am a fan of South Park and there was an episode that Cartman was being Cartman and saying polls say 25% agree with him and Kyle said "yeah because 25% of people are effin idiots" (i cleaned it up a bit) I agree! I am not talking about legit political differences but issue that is so obvious that you will always find a certain percentage who will take the most absurd side of it. We could be talking about the moon landing, heck there was a poll recently where 25% didn't know the earth revolved around the sun. 25% of society are f*ck'n idiots and there is nothing you can do or say to change that. So let's stop pandering to them and wish they could change, they won't.

I liked how the NBA dealt with their problem. They listened to the 75% and ignored 25% and banned the racist for life. Because guess what, if you listened hard enough, even the racist Clippers owner had his "25%ers" who was defending him by saying "This is Amuurrica, what about free speech... what about rappers... hey it's the woman fault... he's old give him a break". But good on the NBA and it's commissioner and ignored the idiots and did what's right for the overall league and it's players and ruled to ban the old racist a-hole for life. And guess what, the 75% applauded him and now thinks he's the strongest commish in sports

Compare that to the weak-ass moves done by the politicians here who didn't go nuclear on Ford. They went half-ass and Ford still walks around like he's the real Mayor and just causes more embarrassment and damage to our city. It didn't really do anything for the 75%, and the 25%ers still act like victims. Stop being so worried about what these flat-earthers think, focus on the 75% of the citizen with a clue. We spend as a collective (even on a great site like this) worrying about how to switch FN people over, or if this will embolden them or unit them. I think at best they are 30% (at best) but the more you try to pander to them the more you discourage the true citizen with standards.

With all this and as low as Ford/Wormington combo has been, using the recent death of Sun reporter Jenkins to show Robs "soft emotional side" is as low and disgusting a person can get. If he want's to tarnish the memory of Fleherty, that's fine, he enabled Rob for many years. But to use Jenkins (who broke the DUI/pot in Florida story) to deflect responsibility for Rob, it's almost as gross as anything that was said in the bar rant. BTW Horwath wins dumbest political tweet of the day right after the announcement. She wrote "Taking a break to deal with his health issues takes courage". Seriously Andrea? Courage? Dumb and clueless comment, there is nothing courageous about him. He's the definition of a weasel and a coward,
BTW Horwath wins dumbest political tweet of the day right after the announcement. She wrote "Taking a break to deal with his health issues takes courage". Seriously Andrea? Courage? Dumb and clueless comment, there is nothing courageous about him. He's the definition of a weasel and a coward,
Had to chime in to agree with this.
One assumes he's going to "rehab" in the US in part to complicate an arrest. If charges are coming it's doubtful they would be laid while he's in an American medical facility - the optics are bad and the extradition would be a pain. In a perfect world he'd get arrested by CBS at the border, disrupting his triumphant return to reclaim the throne.
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