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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I am not sure if you were joking as you of the other posters suggested, or serious. But I am taking everything you say at face value, and agree.
Trolls have not been crude here, that I have seen.
This has gotten worse in the last couple of weeks.

I’m very serious and it has gotten worse. Ignore JWBF. He suffers from the painful delusion that he is witty.
Again, there have never been the kinds of crude personal attacks on this thread that are becoming increasing common. People were here to engage.
And JWBF is one of the main perpetrators, doing thinks like--you know--attacking the very thoughtful contributions of new members in entirely sexist terms.

Since I was the target of your original comments, and a woman, let me weigh in on whether your comments came off sexist or not.

Truth be told, I was immediately offended by your response and especially the reference to being emotional. It was a direct stab at me as a woman and it made you look sexist.

When people call women emotional they are pulling out an old hurtful stereotype which suggests that women are unable to manage themselves in all sorts of situations where men can because they might become unravelled. Men have just as many unpleasant emotions as women and the subject of this Forum is the Poster Boy for unbridled anger but you won't see Rob Ford's tantrums labelled "emotional" because that insult is reserved for slapping women down.

You might think people should suck it up and accept any unkind bullshit that people throw out in a forum but let me tell you, I am old enough to remember when "emotional" was an excuse to shut me and other women out from everything from jobs and promotions to higher education. It still pisses me off today.

JWBF own your words for what they were. With snide, dismissive language you tried to silence me for daring to write about something which did not interest you. It would seem you let your emotions get the better of you when you made me the target of your frustration so now we are even.

Now, I'm a big girl and I have heard worse than what you said but if you are not being deliberately noxious, I think the right thing to do is begin again with a different tone.

More recently of course, he was out there defending a very offensive image-macro involving the genitalia of Renata Ford that several members asked to be removed. Even the person who posted it knew it was a mistake.

I disagree, unfortunately Robbie brought her into the game and she decided to play, that makes her faire game. Although the joke is crude, it is still in line with Robbie's comments IMHO.

At best, the guys a jerk. i'll leave it at that.
11:00 Doug says that Rob will be there
12:00 Parade officials release public letter saying that Ford isn't invited
14:00 Doug says that Rob is the mayor and can go wherever he wants
15:00-16:00 Lawyers talk
16:05 Rob shows up at work, fakes a back spasm and ignores reporters
16:08 Rob calls it a day
16:30 Doug says that Rob has decided not to attend the parade, because he doesn't want to steal baby Jesus' thunder. "I can't count how many people have stopped me on the street to say that Rob is the White Jesus".
16:31 Reporter asks if they meant "purple Jesus"
16:32 Doug gives everyone the finger and storms off
22:00 Joe Warmington publishes story about how healthy Rob looked when he walked in next week's parade

Hilarious! Thanks that was what I needed this morning.
I agree re: MM. At this point I think the TPS is reviewing and cataloging the 10 mb of data from the iCloud, which may or may not contain evidence that incriminates Ford directly. If nothing comes out of that then my guess (based on MM's tweets tonight) is they'd need something new to keep going further.

Blair indicated during his interview on CityNews that Giroux is a meticulous investigator who is his best. Every time Blair/TPS have a gift wrapped opportunity to use the media to wind down the investigation, they never take it. I see this as a sign of confidence, not weakness.
Blair indicated during his interview on CityNews that Giroux is a meticulous investigator who is his best. Every time Blair/TPS have a gift wrapped opportunity to use the media to wind down the investigation, they never take it. I see this as a sign of confidence, not weakness.

I would interpret "meticulous" to mean, "Do you want the job done right, or done fast?"
Glad you thought so, too. I was looking at both pics thinking the guy looks skinnier in the second one but Ford has definitely put some weight back on. His body looks fatter but his face still looks a bit thinner.

That's only because he now has more chin covering his neck, making his face appear longer ...
That pretty much shouts that Robbie was wasted. What sober person allows themselves to be ushered anywhere by a complete stranger? And that dashing across the street and hopping into a cab to escape his sitter was just pathetically juvenile. Should he be voted back in there will be nowhere in Canada that will remain unaffected by his embarrassing and criminal behaviour.

Edited for ipad oops.

Such utter bullshit.
I believe the T. Dot was smited with Mayor Rob Ford because of this "centre of the universe" attitude many citizens have.
The only effect he has outside of Toronto is weakening the city's image through the humiliation of having elected the guy.
Even Womback, Saskatchewan is laughing at you, FFS.
Such utter bullshit.
I believe the T. Dot was smited with Mayor Rob Ford because of this "centre of the universe" attitude many citizens have.
The only effect he has outside of Toronto is weakening the city's image through the humiliation of having elected the guy.
Even Womback, Saskatchewan is laughing at you, FFS.

If you don't think Rob Ford = Canada to most of the rest of the world you've not been watching TV.
If you don't think Rob Ford = Canada to most of the rest of the world you've not been watching TV.

Not only that, Rob Ford has set a precedent in Canada for brazen, shameless behaviour, and the longer he sticks around the more that attitude is sure to leak into the Canadian political climate at large.
Such utter bullshit.
I believe the T. Dot was smited with Mayor Rob Ford because of this "centre of the universe" attitude many citizens have.
The only effect he has outside of Toronto is weakening the city's image through the humiliation of having elected the guy.
Even Womback, Saskatchewan is laughing at you, FFS.

As a former prairie boy with lots of friends and family still living in Saskatchewan, I can confirm this.
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