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Rob Ford's Toronto

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We need more people coming out and explicitly slamming his actions in public.
When we do have that, then we will know without a doubt that the tide has turned on RoFo and his Traveller Crack Circus.
Duly Quoted: Paula Fletcher, on the Mayor’s Claims of Exoneration

Councillor insists that, regardless of the outcome of Project Brazen 2, Rob Ford will face judgment.

By Sarah Sweet

“I think he wishes he was cleared. What’s clear is that he was smoking crack, he was taking drugs, he was drinking and driving and probably using the most vulgar language any mayor has ever used here about his wife here at City Hall, and that he’s lied consistently. Those aren’t court issues. . . . But the court of public opinion will have its day.”

-Councillor Paula Fletcher (Ward 30, Toronto-Danforth), responding to Rob Ford’s comment from yesterday about having been cleared of wrongdoing after the OPP announced it would be stepping back from the Project Brazen 2 investigation. Various outlets reported Thursday that the OPP does not anticipate laying charges against the mayor, and that the Crown believes there is insufficient evidence to proceed with the investigation—but Toronto police insist the probe is ongoing.

Lol, hahhhaha.. you've got to be kidding. You're quoting Pam Fletcher? That loon as a serious threat?

If her courage matched her ego, she would run for mayor. But she's chicken feces who knows to stay in the shadows and crow like a frog.
This is exactly correct. People need to remember this the next time they're around "friends" or family members who support Ford.

I don't think it's always that specific. People who support Ford, especially when they actually live outside Toronto, are often motivated by a very vague sense of being 'oppressed' by a nebulous downtown entity that 'wastes' tax revenues in all sorts of conveniently unquantifiable ways.
Lol, hahhhaha.. you've got to be kidding. You're quoting Pam Fletcher? That loon as a serious threat?

If her courage matched her ego, she would run for mayor. But she's chicken feces who knows to stay in the shadows and crow like a frog.

A post OPP revelations troll has joined us!
Lol, hahhhaha.. you've got to be kidding. You're quoting Pam Fletcher? That loon as a serious threat?

If her courage matched her ego, she would run for mayor. But she's chicken feces who knows to stay in the shadows and crow like a frog.

Don't you mean Paula Fletcher, and regardless of your opinion of her, what she said is true.
I recall one of you having prescient vision of this moment...



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It's just looking more and more like there is no case against Rob that would stand up in court. iPhones don't normally record calls, so getting all Lisi's iCloud stuff just sounds like a fishing expedition. Rob and Lisi called each other gazillions of times over the months, but what does that prove? "This is a pattern of calls indicative to that of a bromance". As for Lisi turning: if I were Rob's defense lawyer, I'd rip him to shreds. Here's a character of questionable past and morals, suddenly (after years) claiming Slob ordered him to extort people. Isn't it true Mr. Lisi that you were offered a plea bargain for drastically reduced time in jail in return for this testimony? It's your word against his, and you have a huge incentive to tell a lie that can't be disproven, don't you Mr. Lisi?

I don't really even get the point of endlessly tracking Ford's comings and goings and phone calls. It provides circumstantial evidence, but without looking inside those envelopes, hearing what was said in the phone calls, or seeing what was going on inside dwellings, what is the point of it all? A plane, really? Did they think he was about to blow up the CN Tower? I just don't get it.

I am guessing they were originally hoping to connect him to Anthony Smith's death (and thus why a homicide investigator was put on the case) but that doesn't seem to have gone anywhere.

If they don't have anything at this point, maybe time to move on. Throwing good money after bad and looking biased. Yes he has substance abuse problems, but he's not Heisenberg. Yes he seems to have flirted with criminality, but those incidents are getting stale, and if there's nothing that will stand up in court, Toronto has other crimes to solve. Yes, he seems a bit too cozy with some developers, but he's hardly the only politician of whom that can be said. Mostly it's pretty clear what he's been up to and what kind of person he is. Let the people decide. Unfortunately, we get the politicians we deserve.

Worst case scenario, he gets re-elected. Is that the end of the world? The troglodyte contingent is mollified, and Ford remains really just one of 40-odd Councillors, who marginalize him and go on running the city with 41-1 votes. He eventually self-destructs and becomes a lasting embarrassment to his "Nation", rather than becoming a martyr ("all he did was extort some drug dealers who were extorting him! They took him out 'cause they couldn't handle the Truth, Sheeple!")
It's just looking more and more like there is no case against Rob that would stand up in court. iPhones don't normally record calls, so getting all Lisi's iCloud stuff just sounds like a fishing expedition. Rob and Lisi called each other gazillions of times over the months, but what does that prove? "This is a pattern of calls indicative to that of a bromance". As for Lisi turning: if I were Rob's defense lawyer, I'd rip him to shreds. Here's a character of questionable past and morals, suddenly (after years) claiming Slob ordered him to extort people. Isn't it true Mr. Lisi that you were offered a plea bargain for drastically reduced time in jail in return for this testimony? It's your word against his, and you have a huge incentive to tell a lie that can't be disproven, don't you Mr. Lisi?

You watch too much TV and know too little about criminal proceedings. Move along quietly.
Nowhere was it asserted that such a thing would happen, (likely for the reasons you state). Rather, in the mind of the person in possession of the recording, (Who may or may not "have a 13 year old's understanding of the world based on watching too many PG crime movies") it could or might, happen. Thus, a plausible motive other than extortion. Which was the point, really.

You assume the experienced criminals at the centre of this story have the aforementioned understanding of the criminal justice system developed from watching too many PG movies. This is a group of people who have personal experience with the justice system, themselves and their friends and families. No one involved in this situation would ever have thought that way. This is a stupid stupid implausible scenario.
Lol, hahhhaha.. you've got to be kidding. You're quoting Pam Fletcher? That loon as a serious threat?

If her courage matched her ego, she would run for mayor. But she's chicken feces who knows to stay in the shadows and crow like a frog.

Everything she said is true.

Your post is bad and you should feel bad for posting it.
Lol, hahhhaha.. you've got to be kidding. You're quoting Pam Fletcher? That loon as a serious threat?

If her courage matched her ego, she would run for mayor. But she's chicken feces who knows to stay in the shadows and crow like a frog.

It looks like you're asking for the customary, warm, Urban Toronto Ford-troll welcome.
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