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Rob Ford's Toronto

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On the bright side, with political interference shelving a case against a politician, this is now very much the sixth season of the wire.
I imagine it depends on the US customs person who in this case may not have known about Ford?

Or it could be that Ford had a lawyer expedite a waiver to allow admission into the USA.

So is this now official OPP policy: if you are being blackmailed or extorted, DO NOT go to the police. Instead, hire a drug-dealing thug to go after the people threatening you.
I went to sleep after Jimmi T's rumour and woke up to this. It's interesting to see how his confusing wording kind of captured this; disagreement over who to arrest.

That Star article, as others have noted, is clearly TPS's way of letting us all know that the hold-up is not their fault. Pugash could have said, "The investigation is ongoing and we can't discuss when or what charges might be laid." Instead he gave possibly the most substantive comment I've ever seen him give about any investigation While people on this forum have known all along the they are working with the Crown etc. to make sure their butts are covered, I don't think that was common knowledge. Now everyone knows TPS has done their due dilligence and these Johnny Come Latelies at the OPP are more concerned about arresting Siyad than Ford and Lisi. (It also sounds like while they feel they have these guys, they're still pulling more off the iCloud stuff.)

My wife read it as, "Now he's going to get away after you said he'd be arrested?!" but I don't see that. As the Star article points out, it's hardly contradictory that they were trying to extort Ford and Lisi was extorting them. Threats beget threats. So, to come back to Jimmi T, the TPS may regard the first extortion as less of a big deal while trying to get at Ford/Lisi while the OPP are saying, "You have to go at these other guys too; arrest them all at once."

Obviously TPS can arrest Ford and Lisi whenever they want. The trick is the optics since Ford is accusing them of being political and we think OPP is being can TPS afford to pull the trigger without the cover they'd get from OPP or has that become more of a liability than a help?
I went to sleep after Jimmi T's rumour and woke up to this. It's interesting to see how his confusing wording kind of captured this; disagreement over who to arrest.

That Star article, as others have noted, is clearly TPS's way of letting us all know that the hold-up is not their fault. Pugash could have said, "The investigation is ongoing and we can't discuss when or what charges might be laid." Instead he gave possibly the most substantive comment I've ever seen him give about any investigation While people on this forum have known all along the they are working with the Crown etc. to make sure their butts are covered, I don't think that was common knowledge. Now everyone knows TPS has done their due dilligence and these Johnny Come Latelies at the OPP are more concerned about arresting Siyad than Ford and Lisi. (It also sounds like while they feel they have these guys, they're still pulling more off the iCloud stuff.)

My wife read it as, "Now he's going to get away after you said he'd be arrested?!" but I don't see that. As the Star article points out, it's hardly contradictory that they were trying to extort Ford and Lisi was extorting them. Threats beget threats. So, to come back to Jimmi T, the TPS may regard the first extortion as less of a big deal while trying to get at Ford/Lisi while the OPP are saying, "You have to go at these other guys too; arrest them all at once."

Obviously TPS can arrest Ford and Lisi whenever they want. The trick is the optics since Ford is accusing them of being political and we think OPP is being can TPS afford to pull the trigger without the cover they'd get from OPP or has that become more of a liability than a help?

Want to bet Dougie has a go at the TPS again today?
One question that needs to be asked: if Rob Ford is innocent and was being extroted why not corroborate with the TPS. It makes absolutely no sense.
I don't quite understand how being a 'victim' works in the case where the extortion threats begin AFTER the existence of the video became public knowledge. At that point, isn't it retaliation vs trying to get the video back to protect ones reputation?

In the words of Chief Blair, "I'm disappointed".
Wait, can they? I thought the whole point of OPP oversight was that they would have to clear any actual charges/arrests.

They absolutely can. They never lost jurisdiction over the investigation - they just brought the OPP in for optics. Which clearly backfired.
British celeb cook Nigella Lawson was stopped from entering the US on the weekend because she admitted to using cocaine. Wonder why Ford is allowed in considering his crack usage. Going on TV means you are special?

I thought it was more interesting that Randy Ford was let into the USA that weekend.
All we have is the ITOs. If there ends up being clear evidence that Ford orchestrated video extortion then FUCK THE POLICE.
Hold on.

I think I've connected some dots that have me retreating from the ledge. I'd like to hear feedback on this :

Yesterday, Jimmi T's source speculated that the OPP was causing the delay on the arrest that MM was predicting. The reason was that the OPP wants Siad et al. investigated as well for their roles.

Today's Star article confirms Jimmi T's speculation. It doesn't spell out the reason as clearly as JTs source. However there is an important part of the press release that talks about new information being needed by OPP from TPS if they are to move forward. JTs source fills in the blanks. That new information must be an OPP request for an investigation into the wiretap allegations from the ITO that Siad et al had approached Ford with the video and demanded money. It stands to reason that if what Ford did was illegal, what Siad did was as well. You can't go after either one exclusively.

We know that the crown and judges have vetted the charges against Ford. MM still stands by his source saying Ford will be arrested, but the timeline shifted. The ball is back in TPS' court. I'm sure we'll hear more from MM's TPS when he gets back. He said yesterday he speaks to his source in person.

Investigating Siad et al is a good move. It will remove an indication of bias about the investigation when it comes to trial.

*Deep Breath*
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