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Rob Ford's Toronto

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What Jeffrey Simpson neglects to consider is the fact that there are still a large number of people who believe that elections matter and that you don't replace an duly elected mayor with someone un-elected

Last time I checked, everyone on City Council is democratically elected. Council governs...not the mayor. Council decides (democratically) who does what at city Council.

We have a weak Mayor system, which means the Mayor has one vote in Council the same as every other member. His real power lies in his ability to lead...which means his power is what he makes of it. And in that ability, Ford has demonstrated that he is the least effective mayor of all time.
there are still a large number of people who believe that elections matter and that you don't replace an duly elected mayor with someone un-elected

Ever? Seriously, is there literally nothing a sitting mayor should be replaced for?
What Jeffrey Simpson neglects to consider is the fact that there are still a large number of people who believe that elections matter and that you don't replace an duly elected mayor with someone un-elected (and in the case of Kelly someone who would be completely un-electable as Mayor). I note also Simpson neglects any mention of London's Mayor Joe Fontana.

You do realize that democracy is not limited to the right to vote in elections, right? You couldn't possibly be that dense, could you?
I wonder what the Toronto Star headline "an end to business as usual" is suppose to mean? It seems to me that what we will be seeing is a return to "business as usual" now that that slime-ball Norm Kelly is in charge. Since he is now the de facto mayor Kelly will be able to take his wife on even more exotic taxpayer funded vacations (

I was down at city hall this afternoon and I was surprised to discover that anybody off the street can go up to the area in front of the Mayor's office. I thought that you would have to show press credentials or be quizzed by security but there is nothing or no one to stop you so I ventured up there and came upon the press conference Kelly was giving to introduce the staffers he raided from the Mayors office. Kelly couldn't even pronounce the names of some of the new staffers. In person the guy is very creepy looking and sounding (looked like he had makeup on). I cannot understand how someone like this can get elected?
The headline is "The end of business as UNusual"
Now? Now? You ask this question now? After three years of Rob Fucking Ford proving that the boil on an old hag's bum could be elected mayor, you ask this question now?

I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think Peepers has yet reached the point where we can reasonably describe him as being self-aware. He was asking not how Ford could have been elected, but rather how Norm fucking Kelly could have been elected. IIRC, he bemoaned a few pages back that (paraphrasing) 'Ford wouldn't have let that gravy slide!', essentially doing his usual fellating of Warmington.
in his facebook about section it says

so he's part of rob's jesus moment?

If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, it must be another winning entry in Connect the RoDoFo Dots.

I noted that possibility when Agyemang was hired, which is likely now about 200 UT pages ago.

It makes no difference to me if Rod Ford comes to Jesus; I want him to come to his sober senses.
I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think Peepers has yet reached the point where we can reasonably describe him as being self-aware. He was asking not how Ford could have been elected, but rather how Norm fucking Kelly could have been elected. IIRC, he bemoaned a few pages back that (paraphrasing) 'Ford wouldn't have let that gravy slide!', essentially doing his usual fellating of Warmington.
TBH, I've sometimes speculated that Peepers IS Warmington. If not, it's uncanny how his cycle of outrage so carefully follows joe's own.
You do realize that democracy is not limited to the right to vote in elections, right? You couldn't possibly be that dense, could you?

Thank you, milkywaymusings.

Democracy doesn't end when the votes are counted and is definitely not limited to dragging ourselves away from the internet long enough to cast ballots every few years. Democracy is about having systems and mechanisms in place to non-violently transfer power from an elected official to another elected official or to a caretaker selected by other duly elected officials.

In this particular instance, a weakness in our municipal system has been made glaringly obvious. Knowing Rob Ford is still the mayor of Toronto annoys me but having parents who fled from violence, revolution and lack of civil liberties on two continents, I'm thankful that there were no tanks trampling Torontonians to seize power from him.
I think books and movies are inevitable, but i think when this story is done unfolding, I think it the full Michael Moore treatment.
I hate to burst your bubble, but I don't think Peepers has yet reached the point where we can reasonably describe him as being self-aware. He was asking not how Ford could have been elected, but rather how Norm fucking Kelly could have been elected. IIRC, he bemoaned a few pages back that (paraphrasing) 'Ford wouldn't have let that gravy slide!', essentially doing his usual fellating of Warmington.

Well, to paraphrase the Mayor, he's Norm fucking Kelly, Deputy Mayor of this fucking city :)
Thank you, milkywaymusings.

Democracy doesn't end when the votes are counted and is definitely not limited to dragging ourselves away from the internet long enough to cast ballots every few years. Democracy is about having systems and mechanisms in place to non-violently transfer power from an elected official to another elected official or to a caretaker selected by other duly elected officials.

In this particular instance, a weakness in our municipal system has been made glaringly obvious. Knowing Rob Ford is still the mayor of Toronto annoys me but having parents who fled from violence, revolution and lack of civil liberties on two continents, I'm thankful that there were no tanks trampling Torontonians to seize power from him.

Very well said. Thank you, TOvp. What's more is that many of those calling Council's actions 'undemocratic' also turn around and dismiss Wynne as being 'unelected'. What this seems to demonstrate is complete and utter ignorance of how our political system actually functions. Take Rob Ford's apparently genuine desire to one day "run for" Prime Minister, when what he ought to say is that he would like to become leader of the CPC. It's quite vexing that the most ignorant are so often the loudest.
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In the pre-come to Jesus period of Ford's life I am sure he would jump at the chance to party with a porn star. But now? Maybe not.

Also, comparing Dennis Morris to Saul Goodman is silly. One of them was a great and talented lawyer and the other uses hotmail.

Are you kidding? He told CNN he was thinking about going to California and hanging out with Charlie Sheen! Just going to see a stripper would be like Sunday school to him.
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