What is it about Chow that would drive you to vote for Ford again? She's tough, politically savvy, well connected, was a former City Councillor, is a strong supporter of transit, she works well with those "across the aisle" and would represent the city better than Rob Ford any day. She's smart too.
There are many reasons why I would not vote for Chow. Off the top of my head I would say the fact that she still pledges to kill the Island Airport even after it has been proven to be so positive for Toronto pumping $Billions into the local economy and providing thousands of jobs (including at our largest Mfg employer Bombardier) disqualifies her for any public office in Toronto.
I think Chow is a fraud much like her late husband and lets face it, had she not married Jack it's unlikely that most of us would have ever heard of her name. I will not forget how when Jack was alive these two dippers double-dipped on housing allowances in Ottawa (over $1 Million A YEAR in housing & travel expenses!) and when confronted explained it was OK because they didn't break any rules (just like they didn't break any rules when they lived in Toronto Public housing years before while making over $100,000!)
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