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Rob Ford's Toronto

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Poor Rob Ford, the voice of the common person

It's scary how many people have this sentiment.

Proof that we don't need better politicians....we need a better electorate.

So now, he loses his job, for something as minor as $3000 for his Football team

I know this will never enter the bubble you are in...but that's not why he lost his job.

while others who happen to be Liberal/NDP/Socialist/Left Wing, get away with massive corruption, nepotism, and boondogles (E Health, Natural Gas Plan scandals etc).

Well, if you think any of those are criminal offences, there's nothing stopping you from hiring a lawyer and doing exactly what Madger did. Be a good citizen...BE A WINNER!!! Although I imagine Clayton Ruby's fees have increased....substantially!!! ha ha ha

I for one am so disappointed in the so called "democracy" in Canada it makes me sick. wasn't a good day for democracy...but what does that say about democracy????

But it was a rather good day for the Rule of Law in Canada...which is even more important. Don'tcha think?
It must be said again and again that he didn't lose his job because of the amount of money involved, or his charity - the ruling is pretty clear it was the willful ignorance, sense of entitlement and intransigence. Ask yourself this - if you are an accountant, would you get away with flouting the rules governing your workplace? Then ask yourself again - why should Rob Ford get a pass? Worse - he admitted he knowingly didn't follow the rules because he think he knows better, and he had so many prior warnings otherwise that would have spelled the end of one's job in other workplaces. Isn't this ruling the very epitome of the big guy being subjected to the same rules as everyone else? That's what any good populist should support.

Too busy with life and work to bother with this. Remember, I'm not some old retired man living in the Beaches with a lawyer friend who takes cases pro-bono. Waste and corruption is ok, as long as the politician fits your criteria, correct?

Well said Filip, ;)
Well, if you think any of those are criminal offences, there's nothing stopping you from hiring a lawyer and doing exactly what Madger did. Be a good citizen...BE A WINNER!!! Although I imagine Clayton Ruby's fees have increased....substantially!!! ha ha ha

A good citizen or.... a D-Bag with a massive sense of entitlement and friends in high places. See

I was a good citizen, thinking that my vote actually mattered, but alas, it doesn't. When one works full time, has a family to feed, a mortgage to pay and a life to live, one just can't live off of welfare and connections and become an "activist"
Remember, I'm not some old retired man living in the Beaches with a lawyer friend who takes cases pro-bono.

Instead, you simply make things up to further your agenda. Intellectual dishonesty at its best ;)
I hope no one harms him, but I really want to see what his real agenda is. There is more than meets the eye with this guy.

I find this to be one of the more bizarre deflection tactics of the Ford Nation logic...shoot the messenger.

Regardless what motivated him to do it, it doesn't alter his right to do it.
A good citizen or.... a D-Bag with a massive sense of entitlement and friends in high places. See

I was a good citizen, thinking that my vote actually mattered, but alas, it doesn't. When one works full time, has a family to feed, a mortgage to pay and a life to live, one just can't live off of welfare and connections and become an "activist"

Welfare? What? That article clearly states he has a full time job.

I suggest you avoid such slander. Do you not have any better arguments to put forward, you know, that is based in reality?

I was a good citizen, thinking that my vote actually mattered, but alas, it doesn't. When one works full time, has a family to feed, a mortgage to pay and a life to live, one just can't live off of welfare and connections and become an "activist"

Okay, if you apply these standards to Rob Ford...he didn't have to work full time to feed his family, can live off corporate welfare courtesy of Deco and his connections and become an "activist" of sorts while coaching football on worktime and using city (taxpayer) resources to benefit his own business, before any average person gets their share - and you are okay with that?

I was a good citizen, thinking that my vote actually mattered, but alas, it doesn't. When one works full time, has a family to feed, a mortgage to pay and a life to live, one just can't live off of welfare and connections and become an "activist"

Your vote does not empower your candidate to act beyond what's allowed by the law. Do not confound choice in a democracy with a candidate who can't follow the rules that governs all of us. If you want to blame someone (which you should) - blame the mayor who didn't familiarize himself with the rules as per his job requirement; blame the mayor who in spite of multiple attempts by others to correct his error, insisted on acting in a manner furthers it. Again, personal responsibility.

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Really?!?!?! The problem is that you believe the garbage that the Toronto Star puts out.
What are you referring to? The Toronto Star is a real newspaper, bound by ethical codes, and also a professional organization that requires them not to simply make up news stories.

The Sun on the other hand, deliberately removed themselves from these professional organizations thus allowing them to simply make up the news.

How can you even compare the two?

The Star has had Rob Ford's number from day one ... it's taken years for the Sun to finally realize just how incompetent Rob Ford is.
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a D-Bag with a massive sense of entitlement

Isn't that exactly what the judge called Rob Ford? And doesn't that describe Rob a tee?

Like I doesn't matter...Madger won his case, Rob Ford was convicted. If Ford was found innocent of the charges, you might have a case.

Oh...I the bubble of Ford Nation, he is innocent of the charges. ha ha ha

I was a good citizen, thinking that my vote actually mattered

It did helped get a total idiot elected, so he could get himself removed from office.

Keep up the good work.
Btw.. I really have no agenda.. I am not a card-carrying member of any political party. I am most definitely not an activist for any cause, I rarely call the city to complain about something (unless it's related to the TTC, they will never get a pass from me) and I most definitely don't involve myself in any sort of mud-flinging on a municipal level. All I want is a responsible government that doesn't inflate the budget many times over inflation.. That simple little calcuation would have avoided a land transfer tax, a vehicle registration tax, and many other taxes we were slapped with because somebody's pet projects were not budgeted properly. Is Ford the right man for this job? Yes and no.. He has definitely reduced spending and began to reign in our labour costs but at the cost of a constant circus. However, given the current slate of candidates - he's the only one I'd be willing to vote for again.

Adam Vaughan? Olivia Chow? Shelley Carrol? Please.. The last thing this city needs is another spending-circus a la Miller.
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