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Rob Ford's Toronto

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From Reuters and Yahoo! News:

MM: Thanks to everyone here at UT I have learned about Toronto Mayor Rob Ford and his rough relationship
with Toronto's citizens...I want to ask if there are ever any polls taken about his popularity among Toronto's
citizens and if so how is/was he doing? I understand that this is Canada but can we call this an impeachment?


His approval rating has been sinking for some time now. He was elected with 47% of the vote, approval bounced him up to 60% once elected, and is now in the low 30s after only two years into his first term.

No opportunity for a recall here unfortunately, this was the only way to oust him early short of being convicted criminally.
Really?!?!?! The problem is that you believe the garbage that the Toronto Star puts out.

How does the Sun get away with shit like this?


What's missing?
I know this is a very left wing site but I need to put my rant here about this situation. I'm going to bet that I'll get banned for this, which is fine, as it will go ahead and prove my point about the lefty ruling class.

Kids, the lesson here is that in Canadian politics, if you are not a member of the elite, Liberal-socialist ruling class, or a member of the clubs, or an alum. of Upper Canada College or St Andrews, Rosedale/Forrest Hill, member of the big boys club, then you have absolutely no chance in Canadian Politics.
Poor Rob Ford, the voice of the common person, the hard working tax payer, never even had a chance in the face of the left wing, socialists, and the Toronto "Red" Star newspaper. Public opinion is against him just because he didn't fit the image that the left created while the Toronto Star, the CBC and other biased media shaped the image of an idiot when he actually did many positive things for Toronto (no strikes, canceled the vehicle fee, contracting out garbage collection, fixed the Jarvis bike lane, added Sherbourne bike lanes and championed a subway expansion)
So now, he loses his job, for something as minor as $3000 for his Football team while others who happen to be Liberal/NDP/Socialist/Left Wing, get away with massive corruption, nepotism, and boondogles (E Health, Natural Gas Plan scandals etc).
I for one am so disappointed in the so called "democracy" in Canada it makes me sick. I would rise up and fight, but how can we when we are wasting soo much time in gridlock traffic and inadequate public transit commuting to a job that underpays in order to pay off the massive mortgage and high cost of living.
The lesson here is that democracy is a sham in Canada, the left have the power and control, and will do what it takes to get their way, even when they lose the elections.
I for one am NEVER GOING TO VOTE AGAIN!! Why should I WASTE my valuable TIME when it's so obvious that it doesn't even matter.

Thank you.
Why is Mayor Hazel still mayor after having a clear conflict of interest involving her son's development company? Somebody please explain this tidbit to me and I might be more receptive of Ford's removal.

Agreed, and while we are at it, why isn't Dalton Mcquinty and George Smitherman in JAIL for their massive waste and corruption???

Stupid double standard in this country, that's why.

Banning? that we got that out of the way, just how is someone born to a family with wealth in the millions not a member of the "ruling" elite? No offense, him "helping" others out and being their voice has all the trapping of a side hobby, not backed up by his policies. Think of it as, I don't know, "corporate social responsibility"?

So instead of blaming Rob Ford for not following the rules that he should know about (which he himself said he didn't bother to acknowledge, even though he sworn an oath on it), you blame those who pointed it out. I thought the "right" is all about personal responsibility? One can't expect others to do so and yet fail at such a task himself, over and over and over again.

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I would rise up and fight, but how can we when we are wasting soo much time in gridlock traffic and inadequate public transit commuting to a job that underpays in order to pay off the massive mortgage and high cost of living.

Awww, poor lefty.

The lesson here is that democracy is a sham in Canada, the left have the power and control, and will do what it takes to get their way, even when they lose the elections.

The ruling party is called "conservative", look it up, you're a member of the elite ruling class.

I for one am NEVER GOING TO VOTE AGAIN!! Why should I WASTE my valuable TIME when it's so obvious that it doesn't even matter.

Said the scholar.

Agreed, and while we are at it, why isn't Dalton Mcquinty and George Smitherman in JAIL for their massive waste and corruption???

Because none fo you angry people have brought charges against them....maybe you righties are too lazy or unskilled to do so.
Funding cuts to homeless problems (which will eventually revert one of Millers major successes ... far less visible homeless people on the streets).

HAHAHAHA I needed a good laugh, if anything there were more homeless people under Miller.

Banning? that we got that out of the way, just how is someone born to a family with wealth in the millions not a member of the "ruling" elite? No offense, him "helping" others out and being their voice has all the trapping of a side hobby, not backed up by his policies. Think of it as, I don't know, "corporate social responsibility"?

So instead of blaming Rob Ford for not following the rules that he should know about (which he himself said he didn't bother to acknowledge, even though he sworn an oath on it), you blame those who pointed it out. I thought the "right" is all about personal responsibility?


I have a great deal of respect for you for your work on this forum, so I'll just say this and I'll be on my way.

As someone who was born and raised in Scarborough, to an immigrant family that came from nothing and worked hard to get a decent job in the financial core, I've noticed (and so have many other outsiders) that Toronto is still ruled by an old boys club of North Toronto, Rosedale, Forest Hill, Yorkville, UCC grads. They are the political, social and financial elite in Toronto. Ford was not a part of that group, thus had to be removed. With the help of the Toronto Star and their lawyer buddies, they succeeded, against the democratic voice of the city.
In the working work, just like politics, especially in the financial, banking, legal, consulting and real estate industries on Bay Street, it's very hard to get ahead when the CEO golfing buddy's son get's fast tracked, while hard working stiffs get screwed. Yes there is opportunity in Toronto, but there is a wall, where the only way to truly get ahead in this city is to be part of the elite.

Thanks for letting me air my views.

Thanks for the endorsement - note this tete-a-tete isn't personal.

As someone who was born and raised in Scarborough, to an immigrant family that came from nothing and worked hard to get a decent job in the financial core, I've noticed (and so have many other outsiders) that Toronto is still ruled by an old boys club of North Toronto, Rosedale, Forest Hill, Yorkville, UCC grads. They are the political, social and financial elite in Toronto.

That part I wouldn't necessarily disagree with, though one can argue given Rob Ford's pedigree (multimillionare, son of an MPP) he is a crypto-elite. I mean, ask yourself this - just how did someone just parachute into the position of a councillor without nary a job prior - other than name recognition in the community, which can only flow from his daddy? That's the hallmark of silverspoon elitism. Everyone can say things that sound populist, but no one can erase the benefits family offers - and in this case, it's dramatic indeed.

Ford was not a part of that group, thus had to be removed. With the help of the Toronto Star and their lawyer buddies, they succeeded, against the democratic voice of the city.

Now this part I do disagree with - for one, it assumes that the financial elite doesn't like Rob and at a more practical level, think that removing him benefits them. That assessment is questionable considering that he is probably far more friendly to their interests than his predecessor. Personally I think that they find him embarrassing (given his incompetence), but they certainly kept their mouth shut about it given it align with their interests.

In the working work, just like politics, especially in the financial, banking, legal, consulting and real estate industries on Bay Street, it's very hard to get ahead when the CEO golfing buddy's son get's fast tracked, while hard working stiffs get screwed. Yes there is opportunity in Toronto, but there is a wall, where the only way to truly get ahead in this city is to be part of the elite.

And even assuming that Rob Ford isn't a member of said elite, just how did his policies break that elite glass ceiling? I mean, ask yourself this - would the average Joe get to have a fishing trip with Harper and Hudak?

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I know this is a very left wing site but I need to put my rant here about this situation. I'm going to bet that I'll get banned for this, which is fine, as it will go ahead and prove my point about the lefty ruling class.

Kids, the lesson here is that in Canadian politics, if you are not a member of the elite, Liberal-socialist ruling class, or a member of the clubs, or an alum. of Upper Canada College or St Andrews, Rosedale/Forrest Hill, member of the big boys club, then you have absolutely no chance in Canadian Politics.

Blah blah blah... Mel Lastman seemed to have made a pretty long career of it - which "kind of person" was he from your list above?
Yes there is opportunity in Toronto, but there is a wall, where the only way to truly get ahead in this city is to be part of the elite.

Of course, it's always someone elses fault.
Awww, poor lefty.

The ruling party is called "conservative", look it up, you're a member of the elite ruling class.

Said the scholar.

Because none fo you angry people have brought charges against them....maybe you righties are too lazy or unskilled to do so.

Too busy with life and work to bother with this. Remember, I'm not some old retired man living in the Beaches with a lawyer friend who takes cases pro-bono. Waste and corruption is ok, as long as the politician fits your criteria, correct?
Yes there is opportunity in Toronto, but there is a wall, where the only way to truly get ahead in this city is to be part of the elite.

What does "getting ahead" even mean anyway? Who is ahead and who is not? If it means being a multi-millionaire, then it's a fool's game.
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