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Rob Ford's Toronto

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I think what is most telling about the Ford video, is that Ford had a clear, open pathway, right down the middle of the hall, yet he foolishly, looks down and walks into the camera of the cameraman, standing against the wall, and he has the audacity to blame the cameraman. lol Then he angrily drops the F-bomb, while storming off in a huff. What a class act. Yep, that's our mayor.

Does anybody see a pattern here, of Rob Ford never taking responsibility for anything he does? The guy acts like he is accountable to no one and he always has someone other than himself to blame for his stupidity. With Ford, you get ZERO accountability and very little transparency. In this day and age, that's just unacceptable.
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I think what is most telling about the Ford video, is that Ford had a clear, open pathway, right down the middle of the hall, yet he foolishly, looks down and walks into the camera of the cameraman, standing against the wall, and he has the audacity to blame the cameraman. lol Then he angrily drops the F-bomb, while storming off in a huff. What a class act. Yep, that's our mayor.
I really don't see the need to fault him. One tends to walk down the right side of hallways. It looked like it really hurt ... I'd think many would say something similar.

With Ford, you get ZERO accountability and very little transparency. In this day and age, that's just unacceptable.
There's is so much stuff one can criticize Ford for, I don't see the need to go after him for this.
I think I know what would Rob Ford's post-political career would be aside from being a football coach: a sketch comedian!

Who, Chris Farley? That said, tend to agree, bumping and swearing isn't a big deal - but the bit about "show some respect"? Please, show some respect, why? We aren't at church, nor a funeral, and those who doesn't show respect at council chamber should hardly be expecting any himself.

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CITY TV (whose cameraman it was) explained it this morning kinda apologetically. Their cameraman was moving along at the front of the scrum....the force of the "crowd" got him jammed up against the wall and he had nowhere to go......he stopped suddenly, the mayor kept walking (as did everyone else) and the gap between the camera and the mayor's head closed suddenly.

Their report had a sort of "unavoidable accident" tone to it and that seemed reasonable.
CITY TV (whose cameraman it was) explained it this morning kinda apologetically. Their cameraman was moving along at the front of the scrum....the force of the "crowd" got him jammed up against the wall and he had nowhere to go......he stopped suddenly, the mayor kept walking (as did everyone else) and the gap between the camera and the mayor's head closed suddenly.

Their report had a sort of "unavoidable accident" tone to it and that seemed reasonable.

I doubt anyone would have given this a second thought if Mr Ford were not always doing something stupid. Give a Mayor a bad name and all that ....

"Well, here's another nice mess you've gotten me into!"

Except that Rob Ford is no Oliver Hardy.
Ford still trolling for a football coaching job?

Mayor Rob Ford grabbed a paint roller Wednesday morning to help cover graffiti on a Pizza Pizza restaurant in Scarborough.

The event was to publicize the Clean Toronto Together campaign, which targets litter and graffiti.

“Everybody’s had enough of the graffiti,” Ford said. “We’re fighting back.”

After helping to paint over the wall — which will soon be covered with a mural featuring cats and an octopus — Ford handed out free pizza to appreciative high school students on their lunch breaks.

Ford, who is known for coaching high school football, encouraged the students from Neil McNeil Catholic Secondary School to have their principal call his office if they want help setting up a football team.
I don't even have to click the link to see what paper that story is from
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