Danny Crispin
Outstanding logic. But you will find my reply just as persuasive:
Hope that's settled, then.
Hitler was a conservative? I thought conservatives supported things like gun rights, and not disarming their own people, like Hitler did? They also want less government intrusion into their personal lives -- Hitler didn't exactly live up to this ideal.
As for the other picture -- Radiohead, The Smiths or Morrissey would suffice --they're all equally pretentious. Johnny Marr deserves credit, however. He is a great songwriter/guitarist. I wonder how someone like Morrissey would have survived in the middle ages -- since "Meat is Murder"? What would he do if he were stranded in the wild and had nothing to eat? Would he go hunting for tofu?
She has a budget of about $35 Million a year from a variety of sources. The $100M is the Federal amount over the past few years for which a forensic audit was conducted which discovered that about 80% of the transactions could not be accounted for (no receipts) or deemed inappropriate!
Here is the 2011 consolidated financial statement issued by Attawapiskat FN http://www.attawapiskat.org/wp-content/uploads/2011-Consolidated-Finanacial-Statements.pdf
Notice revenue from all sources is just short of $35 Million a year (they also have a $60 Million surplus!). I believe that at the most they have about 1800 people living on the reserve so this works out to about $77,000 per family of four TAX FREE (the equivalent of well over $100K for the rest of us!). This is just the government handouts - many on the reserve also work at the De Beers Diamond mine making big bucks.
With all this money pouring into this tiny community why are so many living in deplorable living conditions? Either this is the worst example of financial mismanagement in Canada or one of the larger cases of fraud. The RCMP should be investigating Spence but instead the government and the media (with the lone exception of SUN media) are treating her with kid gloves. Yesterday our idiot Governor General expressed "concern" for Spence's health. By now it should be apparent to anyone with any intelligence that Spence is faking her hunger strike.
EDIT: Just to put things further into perspective - the $60 Million surplus is the equivalent of a $ 17 BILLION surplus for Toronto! Can you imagine the shape Toronto would be in if we had a $17 BILLION surplus? And yet these people are crying out for more taxpayer money?
Jeepers, creepers, where'd you get that, Peepers?
You know you can't show facts and expect them to be acknowledged. Get real!
Oh, it's a Sun News link, so it has got to be sensationalism, because they're just FOX News North, and people here don't take anything seriously that isn't written beyond a 'grade 10 reading level'.
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