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Rob Ford's Toronto

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That's not how police investigations work, generally. They arrest when they have evidence. Though I get Ford is a special case.

There seems to be a line of thinking that they have enough evidence to arrest him for some crimes, but were letting him further incriminate himself.
Did the Sun pay for the audio? How much?

Why did Ford say he was done and going to California in the audio? Did he know he was going to rehab already?

No, I think he's talking about what he'll do if Tory splits the vote and he loses to Chow. It's a hypothetical.
Wow. He's one angry bastid. I'm extra friendly when Ibinge drink.

Well, Ford did say on a previous video that he is a "sick motherfucker" and when someone tells you that, believe them.

It's clear, Ford is indeed, a sick motherfucker! Thirty days in rehab will accomplish nothing. It's much too short a time for someone as sick as him.
"According to three sources with knowledge of Ford’s visits to Muzik, owner Zlatko Starkovski has told staff at the club that “Rob Ford is our best customer. His money is no good here.”"

This, in conjunction with the free alcohol to Fordfest and the fact that they are official lobbyists, should be a huge story.

"Councillor Doug Ford, the mayor’s brother, would not discuss the arrangement that saw Muzik catering to thousands of people at both Ford Fests, one on July 5, 2013, the other two months later on Sept. 20. He said the most recent Ford Fests were a “private party” and that the Star should be “very, very careful” about what it writes. He then hung up."

And a threat to boot!! And by the by, a free party in a public park is not a private party!
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Ford and his new entourage showed up around midnight and were ushered into a private booth. Three party hostesses were told to hand over their phones, according to sources with knowledge of the night. The Star has been told by people familiar with Muzik that this is typical behaviour when Ford arrives.

Bieber was there that night, partying in a common area. Ford left the booth to say hello and had a run-in with Bieber, who jokingly asked if Ford had any crack cocaine. Angered, Ford blustered back to his private booth.
People familiar with his activities over the next five hours (at least two partygoers, a Canadian actress and a Bieber follower tweeted that Ford and Bieber were there but did not provide details) say that Ford drank to excess and at one point went to a private washroom. He emerged 45 minutes later and was incoherent and rambling.

“My wife and children hate me. I am in over my head,” Ford reportedly said.

A cleaner at Muzik had to go into the bathroom and clean up vomit left after Ford exited. Two sources told the Star that Ford returned to the table and kept drinking, staying at the club until 5 a.m.
A few weeks after this event, on April 5, Ford was at the Air Canada Centre, apparently drunk and belligerent, and was barred from an executive lounge. He left and made his way to Muzik. According to witnesses, Ford slipped into a closed-off part of the club with two girls and another male. He emerged an hour later disoriented and apparently high.
more from Ford drank to excess and at one point went to a private washroom. He emerged 45 minutes later and was incoherent and rambling.

“My wife and children hate me. I am in over my head,” Ford reportedly said.

A cleaner at Muzik had to go into the bathroom and clean up vomit left after Ford exited. Two sources told the Star that Ford returned to the table and kept drinking, staying at the club until 5 a.m.
Z - protecting the City's kids from drug dealers.
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So now that the market seems to be saturated, will they sell and will we ever see any of these videos?
Another significant thing about the Star's story is "Ford slipped into a closed-off part of the club with two girls and another male." Note they specified girls. Not women. Not females. Girls.
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