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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

And so the character assassination of Rob Ford continues

You are giving his opponents way too much credit - he committed character suicide by his own hands (or was it mouth) years ago. Funny how things have a tendency to come back from the dead though, the hush-hush notwithstanding.

Oh and speaking as a gay man, what do you have to say about what his brother's claim that RF is a big supporter of Pride?

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Who cares if RF supports Pride? Is that an issue that this election is being fought over? Is that a pressing issue in Toronto? How about his feelings on Scientology? Does he think video games are more fun than board games? Does he prefer cats over dogs? Tee shirts or muscle shirts? Regular or light beer? Hockey or baseball? Southpark or The Simpsons? Capt. Kirk or Picard? Butter or margarine?

I can understand that it is important that the candidates understand the needs of their constituents, but Pride is not an issue compared to the problems this city must deal with. Hot button issues (or non-issues) do too much damage in elections by taking the focus off things that really need fixing.

On the other hand, if a candidate or his suppoter claims that they are the "greatest supporter in something" - and evidence shows otherwise - then the honesty of the candidate is questionable. Surely you do see the importance of personal ethics - and that RF has demostrated a lacking in such over the years?

On the substantitive side, just how much of a platform did Rob Ford put forward so far, other than sounds bites? Like the pressing issue of transit for example? The dear candidate can't even cost anything out other than claiming that air rights will pay for it - then talk from the other side of his mouth and argues that putting 5x density at what is a subway node is bad planning. Please reconcile that for me, if you will? Besides, how can someone even claim to be fiscally responsible if they can't even demostrate the financial viability of what he proposes?

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Personal ethic? Were still talking about politicians here, right?

Rob Ford does not walk on water. None of the candidates do. If you choose to look, you'll find something imperfect about anyone running for any office... even the one(s) you prefer. I would expect every politician to say they are the biggest Pride supporter... there votes at stake.

Well, interesting that you chose to argue that because they are politicians personal ethics is something we can overlook - how can we demand better, as you clearly seem to desire if that's the attitude? As much as you may disagree with the politics of Miller, he hasn't have any gross lapses in personal ethics and judgement over his tenure. I can't say the same for Ford for one - the contrary, in fact. Everyone makes mistakes - but to do so consistently and act in a belligerent manner about such mistakes, blaming it on others, denying them only to have to admit to them with the greatest of reluctance when evidence shows otherwise? That's not a leadership trait.

I have noticed you have ignored my challenge. And no, while I don't consider the Pride to be the issue that the city should cast its' vote on, I believe the most of the other candidates in question can at least back up their claim of support - and not have quotes that shows clearly otherwise.

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Torontovibe....................could you please stop with this "anyone who votes for him is a low life" crap. It may be a surprise but some people agree with him, not everyone in Toronto is a lefty. I would like to know how many of those City Hall kids actually agreed with the funding or just voted for it so they wouldn't be named homophobic. The guy stated what he felt and the idea that he was willing to do so regardless of the reaction at least states that he is willing to let his views be known. I'd rather be told to f---off to my face than behind my back.
I don't know a lot about him but as far as I can tell so far so good. Whether I agree with someone or not I am much more likely to at least respect them if they state their views openly and not have them change every time it's politically advantageous.
But that's the point. He says he's a big Pride supporter then votes against funding. To me, that sounds like someone who is playing political games and is saying f__ off out of one side of his mouth and "glad to meet you" out of the other. I can't trust a guy like that.
I think Ford has spent too much time reading the Republican's handbook. (say one thing and do another) Is it any surprise, that just like the Tea Party crowd, he is bringing out the worst in people? Nobody stirs up divisiveness like Rob Ford. You just have to read this thread to see that. (Miller doesn't even come close) We all know if Ford is elected, we are going to have 4 years of conflict, protests and just a whole lot of stupidity, at the expense of this citiy's development. We might get lower taxes but will we have a better city?
Even in the highly unlikely scenario that the buffoon Ford gets elected, he won't be able to get much of his agenda through at City Hall given that not even the other conservative councillors like him very much.
Rob Ford campaign ad?

Torontovibe....................could you please stop with this "anyone who votes for him is a low life" crap. It may be a surprise but some people agree with him, not everyone in Toronto is a lefty. I would like to know how many of those City Hall kids actually agreed with the funding or just voted for it so they wouldn't be named homophobic. The guy stated what he felt and the idea that he was willing to do so regardless of the reaction at least states that he is willing to let his views be known. I'd rather be told to f---off to my face than behind my back.
I don't know a lot about him but as far as I can tell so far so good. Whether I agree with someone or not I am much more likely to at least respect them if they state their views openly and not have them change every time it's politically advantageous.

Somehow, I'd expect such political/cultural naivety from a tinpot monorail obsessive...
But that's the point. He says he's a big Pride supporter then votes against funding. To me, that sounds like someone who is playing political games and is saying f__ off out of one side of his mouth and "glad to meet you" out of the other. I can't trust a guy like that.
To be against funding for a cultural event doesn't necessarily make one opposed to the event itself. I'm all for our immigration system being as international as it has become, but I'm opposed to the "multiculturalism" industry that now exists in Canada where the major political parties try to outdo each other in pandering to the various ethnic organizations.
What do you mean you said nothing? Why the lie? You clearly said "a notorious ineffectual do-nothing for her constituents".

Fitzy, my apologies. I’ve been overwhelmed lately by people claiming things that are obvious mis-truths.

And what's with the Bussin/Tory interview? She said she doesn't work for the city. Correct - legally, councillors are not city employees. Had she said she did work for the city, then she would have been lying, and you'd be jumping all over her.

What a bunch of tripe. She doesn't technically work for the City? Instead, she works for her constituents (whoever that may be since none of the Ward 32 constituents featured in those YouTubes looked mighty satisfied with her ‘work’ ethic)? Perhaps the City that she doesn't work for should stop paying her and tell her to go to her 'real employer' to get paid. Among Miller's inner group, Sandra is one of the most hostile towards opinions other than those held by her little clique and has the most to lose when (not if, when) City Hall gets back into the hands of a Mayor who wants to stick to the business of the City. She should be ashamed of herself for this childish outburst.

She's certainly not perfect ... and I've criticized her before, but is that the best you can do?

Oh don’t worry, I’m just getting started.

Compare to Ford ... no arrests, better attendance at community council, no offering her constituents drugs, no warnings from council about ethics, no drunken behaviour, no racist rants, no bigoted comments ....

Let’s give Sandra Bussin a round of applause for being a perennial benchwarmer who lacks the living-under-a-microscope level of scrutiny that Rob Ford has had to endure.

Your apologetics are leaning towards desperation. She does work for the City, she's indebted to the voter's interests, not profiteering contractors. City council under her direction failed to reconsider the vote granting Tuggs exclusive rights to concessions and business on the waterfront for 20 years — without putting it up for tender and competitive bids. Worse, this new deal is worse than one negotiated in 2007 with the same restaurant owner. And it perpetuates an earlier 20-year lease that council awarded to the same guy without tender. City staff advised against the deal. The local councillor, Sandra Bussin, refused a request to reconsider, even though reports surfaced that questioned the political relationship of Bussin and the restaurateur, including thousands of dollars he contributed to her election campaigns.

She lacks complete personal understanding of the issues facing her constituents. That explains how she votes on transit issues, like splitting the Queen streetcar in two so drivers can get more breaks and riders can wait longer and have one more transfer to do. The $400,000 for a skateboard park from of all places the TTC sounds like a payoff to Millers inner circle in exchange for a streetcars yard no one wants on Ashbridegs Bay, crossing Lakeshore and running empty deadhead streetcars on Leslie. A vote buying scheme paid for by the taxpayer. I sat through a TTC meeting where the residents were left to fend for themselves against the highly paid TTC consultant. The Q&A seemed staged. When they spoke up all, it seemed all of the sudden the options now included appropriation of the resident's front lawns. Now there's a good way to get people to shut up. Oh yes, Ms Bussin was there - she chatted away with Fletcher while the residents who asked good questions got no responses. Not once did she openly support the residents. Adam Giambrone played on his BlackBerry all night. Rob Ford showed up - not even his riding but he was there. Point is, this is nothing new for this ward; same-o ineffectual do-nothings for constituents, the gravy train for political allies and donators.

"We're an early morning business - if the area is congested because of these light rail vehicles, people will avoid it," he said. "We'll have to wait and see - see how the community responds. We're at the mercy of the community's comfort zone and driving patterns. The question is how bad it will be. We know it will be bad."

"That community is truly being heavily impacted by this decision," said Sandra Bussin.

Gee, you think? You treat everyone fairly and with courtesy and respect or else move aside and give someone else the opportunity to lead. That's she's clinging for dear life to this position is a sign that she has no real world qualifications to do anything else and it's oh so hard to part with a cushy $100k paycheque per year plus over $10k in benefits.

And the other two videos ... one is claiming she is pro-development (how bizarre, one of my complaints is that she tries to stifle too much development where it IS appropriate (such as major avenues) ... and if you think this is real, then why do you suggest we vote in a scummy developer like Baker? Why should we trust anything you say, when you lie so blatantly?

So let me get this straight, you'd like to see more developments along Queen Street East (I’m assuming that’s the “major avenue”) and the primary reason you're opposed to Bruce Baker is his occupation? WOW! Are you really from Ward 32 or are you pulling our chain? You realize that as an insider both within the TTC and real estate worlds, Baker is the most qualified to advocate on the Beaches community’s behalf sustainable transit and development options right? What has Bussin done for Ward 32 lately, tell us since you profess to know that neighbourhood so well, and in what areas will she strive to do better this time?

And the final video is that grandstanding by someone who wanted to demolish a house ... and went on a warpath before he'd ever even applied for a demolition permit ... which he received in almost no time at all when he finally got off his ass and applied for it. Bussin did her job by helping her constituents; one who wanted to deal with the historical protection process ... and the other who wanted to demolish the house. She suggested they get the permit, they did, it got demolished. What's the big deal? Perhaps she could have communicated it better ... but you’re so clearly ignorant of the real issues in this ward!

I charge that it is you who is ignorant or rather indifferent to the suffering of your fellow community members at the hands of this person. What Bussin has done is effectively set back the live of a quadriplegic by about two years.

Plain and simple, was the property deemed a historical property when it was purchased? No. Did the purchaser do all the necessary background checks and contact the property authorities with regards to his intentions? Yes. I'm no lawyer but it would seem to me that you can't alter the designation on the whims of a few busy-body neighbours that Bussin is pandering to.

The problem is the homeowner did everything above board and did not follow Bussin’s modus operandi. Stuff a brown envelope full of money through Bussins door, that's how business is done in the Beach. Are any of you really surprised? An attorney in Bussin's ward got tired of the constant graffiti on her building (and having to pay to get it cleaned all the time) so commissioned some local high school students to do a mural. She set some ground rules about content and let them go. Bussin saw it after it was complete and ordered it removed because she (Bussin) doesn't like it. Her reasoning is that she (Bussin) was an art major in school and knows better than the attorney what constitutes art. I saw the mural myself and while it wasn't a Picasso or Rembrandt, it was pleasant to look at.

Just because a house is old does not mean it is worth saving. If that were the case, nothing much would be built in Toronto. Drive by and look at the house. It needs to have a day with an excavator. It is nothing but a ramshackle old cottage that would not even meet today's minimum standard building codes. I just drove by the house a couple weeks ago and I would figure the people immediately south are the ones complaining. 204 Beech is a dump! It has a turret, big deal. Drive on Beech and see the various styles from old to new. Just north of the house in question there is two rows of town homes.....the street is a mixed bag, just the way it is. The house in question, and it’s nothing special and has no historical significance. "Oh it's cute because it has a round turret on it".

I’m sincerely hoping for an East Toronto sweep: Ootes, Fletcher, Davis, Bussin replaced by Pitfield, Dewdney, Walker and Baker. It is good to see someone challenging Bussin. It is time for change in Ward 32.
Well, first off, I'm not running for mayor, so my IQ is of little interest to anybody and won't damage this city. Yep, I think I'm smarter than your boy Rob, by a long shot. I notice you never answered that question. Lol

I think that everybody is intelligent in their own way. I mean, just take a load out of this gaffe-factory: SMITHERMAN: "[Optometrists] a bunch of terrorists, and I don't negotiate with terrorists."

Smart guy, eh?

And as for Ford's education, you didn't say much. OK, he studied Political Science and?

Which makes Ford one of the more qualified candidates/municipal politicians we have going for us.

1) George Smitherman - grade 10 dropout.

2) Giorgio Mammoliti - mowed lawns for Toronto Public Housing and then became a union steward. Mammoliti eventually became the president of his CUPE local, a fact which says more about CUPE leadership than his fitness to be mayor.

3) I'm sure there are other sadly undereducated, questionably qualified members of our city council, but I'm afraid to check.

Did he get his masters, Ph.D., bachelor or did he drop out before graduation? Was he accomplished in any way? So far I haven't seen much accomplishment from Ford. I know his dad was a politician and was wealthy, from starting his own company. Rob Ford and his look-alike brothers got the company from daddy and they all run it together, as a family. Rob Ford does not run the company himself. So what I see is a guy who was given everything to him and has no achievements of his own. If I am wrong, please correct me, as I'd really love to learn more about our next mayor. Let's face it, you are the expert on everything Ford, so fill me in, bro.

Got to love the tolerance of the leftists eh, oh that’s right, they only tolerate people who goose-step behind their vacuous ideology far, far removed from reality; everyone else gets called names. Apparently all these public/private organizations in which Ford is heavily involved could give two shits about how much accreditation proceeds his name:

Administration Committee
Audit Committee
Etobicoke York Community Council
Licensing and Standards Committee
Canadian National Exhibition Association, Municipal Section
Greater Toronto Airports Authority (GTAA), Noise Management Committee
Harbourfront Centre Board of Directors
Metropolitan Toronto Police Pension Plan
Metropolitan Toronto Police Benefit Fund
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Executive Committee
Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA), Business Excellence Advisory Board
Toronto Fire Pension Plan
Toronto Police Services - 23 Division Community Policing Liaison Committee (CPLC)

There’s others too (Salvation Army, Red Shield Appeal, Terry Fox Foundation, Heart and Stroke Foundation, Toronto Board of Trade, the Toronto West Rotary Club, etc.) but I’m trying not to exceed my word limit. Oh and the most accredited person CURRENTLY running is trailing in 5th place, so so much for academic pedigree.

I also just read that Ford is fighting against the redevelopment of Lawrence Heights because some near by neighbours didn't like it.(NIMBYs, in Toronto, what a surprise) Let's stop all buildings that someone is opposed to and bring this city to a complete halt. So the fact that this development will improve the lives of thousands of people and create thousands of new condominium apartments (and construction jobs $$$, govt. taxes) is of no concern? Giving people a safer, green, nicer, more accessible, better designed and higher density neighbourhood is a bad thing?

Mr. Vibe, you are whistling in the dark. It is hard to imagine that you understand so little of what’s just happened. You may need denial as a shield against grief, but what happened was strong repudiation of a man, an outlook, a way of proceeding, and a vision for the future. The people may have naively elected Miller and his stooges, but a lot of those people just don't want them or their ilk anymore now that they know them better. They just don't. Those poor residents of Lawrence Heights have no idea what they’re getting themselves into.

It's things like that, that make Rob Ford a "supervillan" and the people who support him are a bunch of low-lifes. (in my humble opinion) He's just playing politics and you fools are just following him like a pied piper. I used to think Canadians were smart enough to see through right-wing political bull-shit but maybe I was wrong. Let's wait and find out. I'm starting to really hate Rob Ford and all he stands for.

Look, I'm sure I'm not the only one that is sick and tired of politicians sweet talking us. I'm tired of the "Yes We Can" catch phrases to manipulate the masses only to do the exact opposite of what's promised.

The proof is in the pudding. Rob Ford manages tax payers money responsibly. He has tons of imperfections. He's a human being, but we all know that he's looking out for our best interest when it comes to spending.

Can't we all agree on that? The guy tries to manage our dollars properly. He actually gives a shit when it comes to our money. Now, who of the other candidates can you say stands for something like that and lives by it? Ultimately, who and what do the Smithermans, Thomsons and Pantalones, Rossis and other leftists represent?
