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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

I haven't read the entire thread, so this might be repetitive. But for me I could never vote for him because:

He's a raging homophobe and insensitive to diversity. He has a history of belittling HIV/AIDS by refusing to support city funding for programs, and also has a history of name-calling and acting like a school-yard bully. As a gay man, there's no way in hell I would ever support him.

Maybe he's fit to run a small-town rural village, not a diverse place like Toronto.

I'm also against this wild populist anti-government movement. Do the Harris years not ring a bell to anyone????

Also, check out this video. He's also a liar.

The story of Rob Ford as successful businessman is largely a fiction. His father built that business and made it a success, and the family suggested Rob go into politics so that he wouldn't be around to run it into the ground.

Any gay man who would vote for Rob Ford is profoundly disturbed, IMHO. The idea that you can easily separate fiscal conservatism from social conservatism is flawed -- social liberalism costs money (and has values that aren't easily described in dollars), and it is social programs that 'fiscal conservatives' always put on the chopping block first. Which isn't to say that 'Red Tories' don't exist, or that it's impossible to balance fiscal and social goals -- but Rob Ford's profoundly simple-minded approach to finances will not achieve this balance. He's like the guy who 'saves money' by not doing basic maintenance and then passes the buck when the house falls down.
Rob Ford would like to get rid of the streetcars in Toronto. Yet in Washington, D.C., they want to plan for a network of streetcars in that city. See The TransportPolitic for the article at this link.

Please don't compare Toronto to D.C. until you've actually worked/lived there - it's a disaster of a city with little to no 'urban' life. Yes georgetown lovingly charming, but that's the equivelent of an enlarged version of Main St. in the Markham suburbs.

That being said, calling the man racist is streching it.... homophobic, yes, unpolished/bigoted, yes - unfortunately, that does reflect a portion of Torontonians, including many of those union workers in the NDP ;)

I do have to say that he's got some good policies and track record regarding the poor, i.e. providing rent subsidies as a solution to low income housing. Being the only candidate that has first hand experience about the state of our public housing, and quite frankly, being the only candidate that works with the ground level/grass roots community groups to improve programs for the youth. He's just too ideologically stricken - the ultimate downfall of the conservative party. But maybe four years of stalemate until the city is recovered from the knee jerk reaction of kicking this administration out will be good for the city
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I'm a bad person but I laughed very hard at the video of the angry helium-voiced ford waddling after the reporter down the hall.
While Ford's insensitive comments are unfortunate, they don't particularly bother me. The mayor of Toronto doesn't really influence social issues. Toronto is a diverse and relatively tolerant place and that won't change no matter who is elected. We need someone who is realistic about the financial state of the city. We've had a mayor with lofty ideas and no way to pay for them since 2003. Some of the things he did I like, but the problem of the city's finances has not been addressed. I am generally not a right wing guy, but I think the city needs the pendulum to swing that way for a while. We can't keep doing what we've been doing.

If Rob Ford can convince me that he can address this problem, he'll get my vote. With Smitherman we're getting more of what we already have. He's further right than Miller, but not far enough. Plus I think he's in it for himself more than the city. I don't get that impression from Rob Ford. I think he's at the very least genuine, which is saying a lot for a politician.
Maybe so, but his experience where the rubber meets the road is a positive as opposed to the accomplishments of the other candidates.
Running a business and running a government are nothing alike. Nor should they be.
Running a business and running a government are nothing alike. Nor should they be.
If the examples of Greece, Ireland, Portugal, etc., in ignoring and abusing sound business ideals and standard accounting practices are anything to go by, then let's immediately increase Toronto's spending tenfold, the consequences be damned.

And yes, I understand there are some differences between running a government versus a private business.
There are huge differences. Governments exist in part to provide services that businesses can't or won't provide. They have powers and responsibilities that no business has. Economic crises call for vastly different strategies between businesses and governments. Why do you equate running a government like a business to lower spending? There are many successful businesses that spend huge amounts of money. It's little more than a buzzword coined to earn votes and has no real meaning. King of like "smaller government" or "tax and spend" or "family friendly".
Fine, huge differences. My point is that we don't (and shouldn't) want our governments to pile up large debts forever. Up until the mid-90's, Ottawa was paying over 40 cents of every tax dollar just to service our federal debt ( I believe it's in the 20's today). What a waste of resources. If the budget had never been balanced, today we'd be in the same boat as those European countries. And who said anything about lower spending? While that's a short-term option, there are also spending freezes, slowing the growth of spending, and tax increases.

And throwing around those terms, you are obviously under the impression that I'm a Rob Ford supporter. I'm not.
Fresh Start,

Why not Mammoliti, why not M.Thompson? why not Doug Holyday?

They represent everything Ford does without the baggage.

I wasn't aware that those latter two were running for office. Mammoliti has some redeemable qualities (see his defense of Ford in that YouTube clip), but has zero chance of winning. Ford only has baggage, IMO, because he dares to question the motives of fellow politicians and cannot be bought. I agree that Ford may, at times, be rough around the edges... BUT, I get tremendous joy from the thought of him being mayor and making the rest of city council squirm! These councillors who brought us the land transfer tax, the vehicle tax, etc. and who spent like there was no tomorrow need a rude awakening! At least, I know with Ford no new taxes, fees, etc. will be implemented for the next few years unless they are absolutely necessary. Ford is ahead despite his buffoonery because he is frugal and more honest than his rivals.

The left must really be afraid of Ford winning this shindig (RE: coercing John Tory into running in hopes of splintering the right/centre-right electorate). Why don't they actually TRY to work with Ford if he wins rather than do everything they can to not work with him?
