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Rob Ford - Why the Supervillian?

I don't believe Jesus was a mainstream guy either not that I wish to elevate Mr. Ford to compete in His league but consensus for it's own sake is a losing formula.

A diversity of opinions is certainly important, and Ford has every right to vote the way he does. But in a system where the mayor only has one vote, consensus building is precisely his main job.
SimonP 'cherry picked' his examples from actual city council records using the original wording of the votes. js97 'cherry picked' his examples from where they've been reworded to make them sound evil.
Right, because official City Hall wording is sooooooo much more in tune with reality.

Do you have any idea how many nails they would need to use to get Rob Ford to stick to that cross?
Gotta be a close to how many it would take to nail your claws to that cross.

Has he accomplished anything in the 10 years he's been there?
Only one that matters right now: Set himself up to have a legitimate chance (based on the current field) of becoming mayor this fall. Unless of course you think he has no chance of winning, in which case you and a lot of others around here are wasting plenty of words.

One of Obama's major springboards to higher office was bragging about being a community organizer (whatever that means), and look where it got him.
I haven't read the entire thread, so this might be repetitive. But for me I could never vote for him because:

He's a raging homophobe and insensitive to diversity. He has a history of belittling HIV/AIDS by refusing to support city funding for programs, and also has a history of name-calling and acting like a school-yard bully. As a gay man, there's no way in hell I would ever support him.

Maybe he's fit to run a small-town rural village, not a diverse place like Toronto.

I'm also against this wild populist anti-government movement. Do the Harris years not ring a bell to anyone????

Also, check out this video. He's also a liar.


Anybody who can watch the way Rob Ford reacts in this video and still have faith that he will represent this city in a mature, professional and intelligent way, has seriously bad judgement.

It's obvious the right wing crowd will back anyone who supports their narrow issues, no matter how embarrassing and destructive they may be for the city. Let's face it, there are a lot of people living in Toronto that actually hate this city and would like nothing better than to see it taken down a few pegs. Read the comments at The Toronto Sun for proof of that. Most of these people are so caught up in their political rhetoric, they'd vote for a 3rd rate politician, as long as he/she shared their views. (competence has nothing to do with it, it seems) Say what you want about Miller but I was never worried he'd make a fool out of himself, and Toronto, when he was speaking publicly.

Ford is a complete embarrassment. We all know if he becomes mayor, it will be a field day for comedians and the media but the rest of us will just have to grin and bare it. All the Toronto haters who want to bring this city down a few pegs, will be smug and quite happy. Meanwhile, we'll have to get used to incompetence, bumbling and a whole lot of stupidity. Did we not learn anything from the Lastman years?

I don't care how much of nice guy Ford is or if he goes out of his way to please his constituents. There are more important things than that. This guy is known to not even read important documents or understand issues, just before voting on them. He just doesn't do his homework. (I guess he's too busy visiting his constituents at 2am, dealing with their problems) He doesn't seem to be able to understand issues beyond a superficial level. I really don't think he knows the implications of his policies or spends much time thinking about it. He promises more subways but has no way to pay for it, as he will not bring in tolls and he wants to cut taxes. If politicians promise subways (which cost much more than LRTs) shouldn't they be forced to explain how they intend to pay for them? (and make it make sense) All Ford does is give us easy answers and tell us what we want to hear. He'll promise the world but never tell us how we'll pay for it. Come on people, we need to expect more from our politicians, stop the political bull-shit!

How come we never hear anything about Ford's educational accomplishments? Does he actually have a university degree? I've never heard or read anything about that. Where did he go to school, McGill, U of T, Yale, Harvard, Oxford or Cambridge? Did he graduate at the top or bottom of his class? For some reason, I can picture him as an Animal House frat boy, who got kicked out in first year. Enquiring minds need to know. lol

This guy just scares me. I have no confidence in his abilities, intelligence, maturity, character or his ability to lead this city to better things.
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Anybody who can watch the way Ford acts in this video and still have faith

You'll notice right precisely at the 1:06 mark that the reporter does indeed call Ford a "Fat Fuck". I can read lips. The editors deliberately bleeped this out to cast Ford as the aggressor whom striked first when it's clearly the journalist that's out of line. If people did that at any workplace they'd be reprimanded. Mammoliti responded first and more boisterously than his fellow councillor, and both gentlemen were correct to expose the socialist agenda (and their colleagues in the mainstream media - I chose to spell it out this time) for precisely what they are = hypocrites. So to me, this documentary completely backfired because it's actually helped to radicalize citizens TOWARDS Ford, because people now know that he has a long history at City Hall fighting on behalf of the little guy and exposing all those that are only in politics for personal gain.

If you ask someone a question and they're attempting to answer, the only reason you'd be cutting them off is because sometimes the plains honest truth isn't the preferred soundbyte that you were hoping for.
You'll notice right precisely at the 1:06 mark that the reporter does indeed call Ford a "Fat Fuck". I can read lips. The editors deliberately bleeped this out to cast Ford as the aggressor whom striked first when it's clearly the journalist that's out of line. If people did that at any workplace they'd be reprimanded. Mammoliti responded first and more boisterously than his fellow councillor, and both gentlemen were correct to expose the socialist agenda (and their colleagues in the mainstream media - I chose to spell it out this time) for precisely what they are = hypocrites. So to me, this documentary completely backfired because it's actually helped to radicalize citizens TOWARDS Ford, because people now know that he has a long history at City Hall fighting on behalf of the little guy and exposing all those that are only in politics for personal gain.

If you ask someone a question and they're attempting to answer, the only reason you'd be cutting them off is because sometimes the plains honest truth isn't the preferred soundbyte that you were hoping for.

You just don't get it, do you? The issue is not whether the guy said it or not. (We know he said it) It's not about sticking up for ones self. Ford handled that situation in a totally unprofessional, undignified, immature way. Do you want a hot-headed bully with both feet in his mouth, to be your mayor? Really? How about a little common sense and some dignity? The guy seems unable to control his temper or his mouth, and sadly, that's not even the half of it. I'd much rather see Tory represent the right.

Are you serious? Do you really think hollering at that guy, chasing him down the stairs, repeating over and over "fat fuck", then blocking him from leaving was the mature way to handle that? Can you picture Miller, Harper, Tory, or any other professional person, acting that way? I'm sorry but that doesn't leave me feeling too confident in his ability to handle difficult situations. It's not only that, we all know there have been repeated incidents where Ford chose to act like a buffoon. (and even lie about it) You need to raise your standards, Fresh, obviously they're pretty low right now.

I think I've seen and heard enough from Ford to form a clear picture of what this guy is about. His past voting record does not instill much confidence either. He's all for openness, accountability and transparency but when he had a chance to vote for it, years ago, he chose to vote against them. He's changed his tune, now that he's running for mayor. Go back and see what Ford voted for, over the years and then tell me you have confidence in what he stands for?

There is more to running a city than just cutting taxes and garbage collection. There are much more complex issues that I believe Ford can not comprehend. Sorry but I also can't get past his miserable character. The man just goes out of his way to look for conflict and confrontation, he seems to thrive on that. I just see it as immaturity and pettiness. It's gonna be 4 years of constant infighting, conflict and divisive politics. We just don't need that.
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Mammoliti responded first and more boisterously than his fellow councillor, and both gentlemen were correct to expose the socialist agenda ...
How does a reporter from a conservative paper calling Ford a fat fuck have anything to do with a socialist agenda?
Anybody who can watch the way Rob Ford reacts in this video and still have faith that he will represent this city in a mature, professional and intelligent way, has seriously bad judgement.

It's obvious the right wing crowd will back anyone who supports their narrow issues, no matter how embarrassing and destructive they may be for the city. Let's face it, there are a lot of people living in Toronto that actually hate this city and would like nothing better than to see it taken down a few pegs. Read the comments at The Toronto Sun for proof of that. Most of these people are so caught up in their political rhetoric, they'd vote for a 3rd rate politician, as long as he/she shared their views. (competence has nothing to do with it, it seems) Say what you want about Miller but I was never worried he'd make a fool out of himself, and Toronto, when he was speaking publicly.

Ford is a complete embarrassment. We all know if he becomes mayor, it will be a field day for comedians and the media but the rest of us will just have to grin and bare it. All the Toronto haters who want to bring this city down a few pegs, will be smug and quite happy. Meanwhile, we'll have to get used to incompetence, bumbling and a whole lot of stupidity. Did we not learn anything from the Lastman years?

I don't care how much of nice guy Ford is or if he goes out of his way to please his constituents. There are more important things than that. This guy is known to not even read important documents or understand issues, just before voting on them. He just doesn't do his homework. (I guess he's too busy visiting his constituents at 2am, dealing with their problems) He doesn't seem to be able to understand issues beyond a superficial level. I really don't think he knows the implications of his policies or spends much time thinking about it. He promises more subways but has no way to pay for it, as he will not bring in tolls and he wants to cut taxes. If politicians promise subways (which cost much more than LRTs) shouldn't they be forced to explain how they intend to pay for them? (and make it make sense) All Ford does is give us easy answers and tell us what we want to hear. He'll promise the world but never tell us how we'll pay for it. Come on people, we need to expect more from our politicians, stop the political bull-shit!

How come we never hear anything about Ford's educational accomplishments? Does he actually have a university degree? I've never heard or read anything about that. Where did he go to school, McGill, U of T, Yale, Harvard, Oxford or Cambridge? Did he graduate at the top or bottom of his class? For some reason, I can picture him as an Animal House frat boy, who got kicked out in first year. Enquiring minds need to know. lol

This guy just scares me. I have no confidence in his abilities, intelligence, maturity, character or his ability to lead this city to better things.
So you're not voting for him?
You just don't get it, do you? The issue is not whether the guy said it or not. (We know he said it) It's not about sticking up for ones self. Ford handled that situation in a totally unprofessional, undignified, immature way. Do you want a hot-headed bully with both feet in his mouth, to be your mayor? Really? How about a little common sense and some dignity? The guy seems unable to control his temper or his mouth, and sadly, that's not even the half of it. I'd much rather see Tory represent the right.

Are you serious? Do you really think hollering at that guy, chasing him down the stairs, repeating over and over "fat fuck", then blocking him from leaving was the mature way to handle that? Can you picture Miller, Harper, Tory, or any other professional person, acting that way? I'm sorry but that doesn't leave me feeling too confident in his ability to handle difficult situations. It's not only that, we all know there have been repeated incidents where Ford chose to act like a buffoon. (and even lie about it) You need to raise your standards, Fresh, obviously they're pretty low right now.

I think I've seen and heard enough from Ford to form a clear picture of what this guy is about. His past voting record does not instill much confidence either. He's all for openness, accountability and transparency but when he had a chance to vote for it, years ago, he chose to vote against them. He's changed his tune, now that he's running for mayor. Go back and see what Ford voted for, over the years and then tell me you have confidence in what he stands for?

There is more to running a city than just cutting taxes and garbage collection. There are much more complex issues that I believe Ford can not comprehend. Sorry but I also can't get past his miserable character. The man just goes out of his way to look for conflict and confrontation, he seems to thrive on that. I just see it as immaturity and pettiness. It's gonna be 4 years of constant infighting, conflict and divisive politics. We just don't need that.

Um, it was Mammoliti that egged on most of that incident, or are we watching the same video? The reporter interrogated Ford without giving him a chance to respond and Ford simply returned him the favor. I admit that I laugh everytime I see that just because of the irony of it all.

Trust me, if I saw where it was possible to believe in what the other frontrunner candidates (Smitherman, Rossi) were saying; I'd probably be more inclined to support one of them because admittedly they carry themselves in a more put-together manner. But voting for either of them is a huge gamble. Rossi at times appears to be even more right-wing than Ford, ironic given the fact that he was handpicked by the Ignatieff liberals to run (read his bio). And aren't the c. difficule, OLG, Green Energy Act, eHealth scandals not huge red flags warning us not to trust Smitherman with even a $10 bill? And now would you want to hand over $17 billion from the taxpayers to him to go build surface "streetcars" in this climate? Regardless of his portfolio, the facts would prove that his overzealous approach in “getting things done” has lead to gross abuse of taxpayer’s funds. One would hope that the Provincial Opposition would be taking a close look at the money trail within the Ministry of Energy and Infrastructure. Pantalone's representative of the wasteful culture at City Hall that I'd like to be abdicated; and Thomson is not being taken seriously enough by the press, so all roads lead me back to Ford. When I can honestly say to myself that he's the least worst of the group, that speaks volumes about our options here.

Most of us are just tired of elitists like Miller and his ilk with their "know it all" attitude. Leftists all think they are so smart, and know better how we should live. So bring on the man who 'talks low'. It states on Miller's bio he received a degree in economics from Harvard University, that I truly have to question. He has yet to do anything that indicates he has any concept of the true nature of the definition. I wouldn't let this man & his crew on City Council run a lemonade stand. they would no doubt first put together a committee costing millions of dollars, take a year or two to complete and then when finally put it into action, they would find a way for it to lose money. Isn't it sad these individuals have their fingers on a budget the size of Toronto's?
I wouldn't let this man & his crew on City Council run a lemonade stand. they would no doubt first put together a committee costing millions of dollars, take a year or two to complete and then when finally put it into action, they would find a way for it to lose money. Isn't it sad these individuals have their fingers on a budget the size of Toronto's?

Been there, done that. Remember that fabulously successful hotdog cart promotion foisted on us?
When it comes to the problem with Ford, here's an urbanistic metaphor.

Toronto, pre-Ford mayoralty

Toronto, post-Ford mayoralty
How does a reporter from a conservative paper calling Ford a fat fuck have anything to do with a socialist agenda?

Get it through your propagandized skull, the Globe and Mail is NOT really associated with any conservative or right-wing organizations. It's partially owned by the TorStar Corporation and has had many an unflattery thing to write about several Conservative Party members over the years. In general, the paper supports whoever is politically in power at the time, but has always maintained a socially liberal stance:

In the 1990s and early 2000s, the paper generally supported the policies of Liberal Prime Ministers Jean Chrétien and Paul Martin. In the 2006 federal election, the paper turned away from the Liberals to Stephen Harper's Conservative Party of Canada. Once again, in the 2008 federal election, the paper's editorial board endorsed the Conservatives.[6]
Get it through your propagandized skull, the Globe and Mail is NOT really associated with any conservative or right-wing organizations. It's partially owned by the TorStar Corporation and has had many an unflattery thing to write about several Conservative Party members over the years. In general, the paper supports whoever is politically in power at the time, but has always maintained a socially liberal stance:
I'm just amazed just how ignorant you are. How can you write something that is so profoundly wrong? Toronto Star only owns 20% of the Globe. The Thomson family owns 40%, with Bell Canada owning 15%.

I'm not sure what writing unflattering (or even unflattery!) things about several Conservative Party members means ... the Sun and National Post do the same about some Conservatives.

The Globe clearly supported the Conservative party during the 2006 election, despite them not being in power. And even the Conservative party maintains a socially liberal stance, making it clear that they have no intention of banning abortion, banning gays, or ending medicare (though personally I don't believe them ... but they still maintain the stance).
Most of us are just tired of elitists like Miller and his ilk with their "know it all" attitude. Leftists all think they are so smart, and know better how we should live. So bring on the man who 'talks low'.

I thought dumb went out of fashion with George Dubya. I thought people realized how expensive dumb is.
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I wasn't aware that those latter two were running for office. Mammoliti has some redeemable qualities (see his defense of Ford in that YouTube clip), but has zero chance of winning. Ford only has baggage, IMO, because he dares to question the motives of fellow politicians and cannot be bought. I agree that Ford may, at times, be rough around the edges... BUT, I get tremendous joy from the thought of him being mayor and making the rest of city council squirm! These councillors who brought us the land transfer tax, the vehicle tax, etc. and who spent like there was no tomorrow need a rude awakening! At least, I know with Ford no new taxes, fees, etc. will be implemented for the next few years unless they are absolutely necessary. Ford is ahead despite his buffoonery because he is frugal and more honest than his rivals.

The left must really be afraid of Ford winning this shindig (RE: coercing John Tory into running in hopes of splintering the right/centre-right electorate). Why don't they actually TRY to work with Ford if he wins rather than do everything they can to not work with him?

I understand your point. We do need lower taxes by and far. But I want Ford to come up with a whole platform before I myself make a decision. Cutting taxes is great but we need more substance IMO.
