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Pride silver anniversary

She must be. Must! Look at her physique. Slim hips and waist. Her shoulders aren't broad enough for a man's, and her arms are a giveaway. Male police officers generally are a pretty bulked-up group of guys, and those arms aren't near to that size. And is that not a ponytail emerging from behind her cap? (She'd be much more alluring if she had the standard-issue forage cap on). I also have to assume she was attractive enough to warrant having a photo taken in the first place. She's married too, if her ring is any indication.

Well then, back to my role-playing...

That boots and jodphurs combo, and handcuffs....

Amen to that (combo, that is)!

Good thing I did took a few pics of some undeniably male police officers on Saturday for domestic consumption :evil



Not perfect, but like I've said before, it's the uniform that counts.

And people criticised Fantino for bringing in the black uniforms. Pshaw. No matter your preference, that's a sharp lookin' uniform.

And people criticised Fantino for bringing in the black uniforms. Pshaw. No matter your preference, that's a sharp lookin' uniform.

From the purely aesthetical level, I have to agree with that one.

It's disgusting. Who wants to see a naked person walking down the street. Your body is supposed to be a sacred thing that you only share with the person you love. You're not supposed to walk around, all nonchalant exposing yourself to everyone. If I was to walk down my street right now, completely nude I would be arrested, but since it's gay pride day it's suddenly tolerated?
Give it up man - this is an ultra liberal message board.

I'm just so proud I live in such a diverse city. I look forward to bringing my kids to see naked men walking around the streets. :D
building babel
Senior Forum Member
Posts: 2669
(29/6/05 7:43 pm)
Reply Re: Pride silver anniversary
fiendish: Are we sure that cop is a woman?


Hehehe... in Terrono you can never be sure; everything is

The opposite of the "womanizer''
is a ''MANIZER''.....haugh !!!

:smokin :hat :smokin
You guys have no problem with small children seeing full frontal nudity? Wow.
I have far more issues with exposing young children to violence, foul language and sexist/racist materials than simple nudity.

You guys have no problem with small children seeing full frontal nudity? Wow.
As I said this is a liberal message board you intolerant bastard. Anybody who disagrees with the fact that small children should not see merry men walking naked is a homophobe and should be stripped of citizenship and of his/her posessions. ;)
If children see nude people on occasion they might be less freaked out about their own full frontal nudity, which they certainly see everyday.

The were a million people on the streets on sunday. A few naked folks are to be expected. They become invisible (to me anyway). The costumes and clothing on other people are much more interesting to look at. That's the crazy thing about nakedness - it all sort of looks the same pretty quickly.
Pause for a Babel Moment, in honour of the pre-Pride era:

Back in the mid-1970's when Babel The Art Student used to frequent the ... ahem ... Hanlan's Point beach, I was lounging in the dunes one lovely summer day when a nice young man about my age wandered along.

He didn't look like he belonged with 'our' crowd at the airport end of the beach, and I was surprised when he sat down beside me and asked, "Do you buy grass?"

I, unfortunately heard it as, "Do you bugger ass?"

( I SWEAR this is true!! ).

We had the strangest conversation, for a surprisingly long time, in a sort of quasi-negotiating mode, both discussing entirely different things. There was enough common ground for the conversation to sorta/kinda make sense to both of us, but we both knew there was something seriously, terribly wrong somewhere. But we kept at it anyhow, trying to reach some sort of ... agreement ... which never happened.

Eventually he shook his head and wandering off along the beach, looking rather stunned, leaving me sitting there wondering: what on earth was that all about?

It wasn't until about 25 years later that I figured it out.

Now back to Pride ...
ROTFL @ babel!

Seriously, give some thought about writing and publishing your autobiography! It'd be a bestseller!

Geeky: There is no copywrite on Babel's little stories and bon mots. Anyone here can appropriate and pass them off as their own should they be so inclined. The late great andreapalladio, for instance, vowed on several occasions to recycle my wittier gambits as her own, and has no doubt done so.
Pride was amazing. I caught the after party on Church Street with a couple forumers and friends. Was amazing.

My server is down so I can't post pics at the moment. But it was a great time.

Nothing like Church Street during PRIDE.
Mike sure has loosened up in the past year.


I skipped out and went to the beach today at Hanlan's. Clothed, to some degree, mind you. But it's the nicest beach and it's nice that people can be at any level of dress they'd like. There was a family with little kids playing in the surf. They didn't seem to notice the nakedness around them, and were more into the sand and water.

There were these two guys with bags of beer who were super loaded and sort of squating in the water, falling over. As they left they were yelling "**** you faggot beach" then stumbled into each other. Then, they left.
