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Premier Doug Ford's Ontario

One shortcoming of Twitter links; absent further info.........

When I clicked through, I got this:


Doug Ford’s Ontario revealed to be alternate universe shown to suicidal man by Christmas angel

From link.


QUEEN’S PARK – Reports indicate that dire circumstances throughout Doug Ford’s Ontario are actually due to it being a fantastical alternate reality, created by a Christmas angel in order to teach a desperate local man about the worth of his own life.

Late last evening, 38-year-old Greg Barley considered jumping from the Bloor Viaduct Bridge in order to leave life insurance money to his family, before being approached by Clancy, Barley’s guardian angel sent from heaven. In order to teach Barley about the positive effect he’s had on his community, Clancy magically whisked the downtrodden man to an alternate Ontario where he was never born.

Sources have revealed this nightmarish parallel reality to be Doug Ford’s Ontario.

“W-w-w-why is everyone scrambling over each other to find booster appointments?” asked the perplexed Barley, shocked to find that this hellish version of Ontario did not have a centralized easy-to-use government booking system. “People are lining up for hours for rapid tests and shots, just to be turned away! What the hell kind of madness is this?”

Witnesses on the scene have reported that Barley, previously a pillar of his own community, was shocked to discover a harsher, meaner version of Ontario that had been corrupted by the machinations of a heartless, bitter millionaire.

“Are you telling me this Ford fella actually cut public health funding during a pandemic?” Barley added, shocked. “What kind of scurvy spider would do such a thing?”

In addition to the substandard COVID response, eyewitnesses report that Barley has been similarly horrified by the Ford timeline’s rampant housing inequality. “Back where I come from, people can afford to buy a decent home in Barley Park,” muttered the beleaguered man, reading through listings for $1000 sq/ft condos built by Ford donors. “Plus, we’ve had $10 a day daycare for years! What’s he waiting for?”

As Greg Barley ran down the streets, horrified at Ford’s proposals for waterfront casinos and “hot jazz establishments”, onlookers remarked at his cross-dimensional existential crisis.

“It never really occurred to me that Doug Ford’s Ontario was ‘the bad timeline’, but yeah, that tracks,” mused one weary holiday shopper.

Barley’s spirits reportedly dropped to their lowest point when his angel revealed that his wife, Marion, had become a librarian, only to have her job slashed by cuts from the Ontario government.

“I want to live again,” Barley yelled to the heavens. “I want to live again, back in my own universe where Doug Ford is just some angry crank with a sticker factory!”

In a related story, three Christmas ghosts who arrived at Ford’s home proved unable to show him the error of his ways after discovering the Premier had previously fled to his Muskoka cottage to avoid work.
Thug is getting roasted on social media for yet another sudden disappearing act as soon as things get rough again and leaving poor Dr. Moore to be the sole bearer of bad news to Ontarians.

That election is looming Dougie, and trying to weasel your way out of trouble by sticking your head in sand will only make things worse for you, asshole.
Thug is getting roasted on social media for yet another sudden disappearing act as soon as things get rough again and leaving poor Dr. Moore to be the sole bearer of bad news to Ontarians.

That election is looming Dougie, and trying to weasel your way out of trouble by sticking your head in sand will only make things worse for you, asshole.

I noticed on CP24 yesterday morning just how boneheaded the new policy is.

No doubt everyone else sees it but they are artificially trying to lower the numbers but curtailing testing which in the long run will make things ALOT worse.

More to the point, Dr Moore was saying because "Ontarians have been so good" the risk ot flu and colds have diminished to the point where people can assume they have Covid and self isolate.

Honestly, Doug is trying to control the narrative but it is going to backfire.

I call it the Chernobyl effect. Doug finds out there is a problem, uses a bunch of half baked measures to control the situation and pretends everything is ok. Once the situation is out of control and everyone realises it (by which time it is too late) he then makes a inconspicuous press release subtly admitting the problem.

With an election in 6 months he is doing himself more and more damage by the day.
I noticed on CP24 yesterday morning just how boneheaded the new policy is.

No doubt everyone else sees it but they are artificially trying to lower the numbers but curtailing testing which in the long run will make things ALOT worse.

More to the point, Dr Moore was saying because "Ontarians have been so good" the risk ot flu and colds have diminished to the point where people can assume they have Covid and self isolate.

Honestly, Doug is trying to control the narrative but it is going to backfire.

I call it the Chernobyl effect. Doug finds out there is a problem, uses a bunch of half baked measures to control the situation and pretends everything is ok. Once the situation is out of control and everyone realises it (by which time it is too late) he then makes a inconspicuous press release subtly admitting the problem.

With an election in 6 months he is doing himself more and more damage by the day.
Totally agree with the Chernobyl effect, this latest version of Covid is virulent it's all around us because of the half a**ed measures. Several of my friends have been exposed either at work or through the son of a friend who thought he had enough "natural" immunity. His actions have put his parents who are in their late sixties with serious health problems, his niece and nephew, who are 3 and 1 his siblings in peril. Of course we're not even counting the amount of customers he has been in contact with at the store he works at. Doug will get re-elected because of the good folks outside the GTA still think he's doing a cracker job or just because their grandparents and their parents voted conservative.
Totally agree with the Chernobyl effect, this latest version of Covid is virulent it's all around us because of the half a**ed measures. Several of my friends have been exposed either at work or through the son of a friend who thought he had enough "natural" immunity. His actions have put his parents who are in their late sixties with serious health problems, his niece and nephew, who are 3 and 1 his siblings in peril. Of course we're not even counting the amount of customers he has been in contact with at the store he works at. Doug will get re-elected because of the good folks outside the GTA still think he's doing a cracker job or just because their grandparents and their parents voted conservative.

My father is voting for him because he "tells it like it is".
My father is voting for him because he "tells it like it is".
Ouch.... That could make some interesting dinner conversation, backed up with well documented facts he's corrupt and totally inept to govern this province. Doug is in it for himself and his rich friends and campaign contributors. I for one not a fan of his folksy way of speaking.
Ouch.... That could make some interesting dinner conversation, backed up with well documented facts he's corrupt and totally inept to govern this province. Doug is in it for himself and his rich friends and campaign contributors. I for one not a fan of his folksy way of speaking.

Considering I'm a brown NDP supporter (NDP for years but turning Liberal as I get older) it does.

Sadly my father is one of those people who grew up in housing and foster homes while not finishing high school. He relates more to Doug Ford than he does Del duca or Horwath.

You can tell my father about how Ford is inept but he goes on about how the liberals are corrupt while the NDP taxes everyone to death. He also firmly believes that there is so much we don't know about the liberals time in office and that Ford will get back in.

I love the man to death but he gets his news from Youtube, the Toronto Sun and questionable internet sites he takes as fact.
Funny thing is Lucy, he firmly believes that Doug Ford is the most honest politician we have in Ontario.
Sorry to have to say this, but your dad is sadly misinformed and is far from alone. Sad, for all of us. I certainly agree that there are few Ontario politicians who inspire (I actually can think of none!) - Ford may have the most superficial appeal as 'a man of the people' but a closer look .......
You can tell my father about how Ford is inept but he goes on about how the liberals are corrupt

I would choose my words more carefully; but I would then add, all governments, by which we mean primarily teams Red and Blue; are subject to lobbying and Influence from outside sources.
There is really no question this effects some of the decisions taken; and often for the worse.

That said, there is no evidence of which I'm aware that either of those 2 parties is materially better or worse than the other in that regard.
Though they clearly have differences both in program goals; and in leadership style/image.

while the NDP taxes everyone to death.

This really is such an odd notion. The NDP have never had power federally and only once provincially.
In the latter case, the Ontario Corporate Tax rate actually went down under the provincial NDP from 14.5% to 13.5%


I love the man to death but he gets his news from Youtube, the Toronto Sun and questionable internet sites he takes as fact.

Almost as unreliable as you can get; though all news sources should prompt a certain degree of skepticism that demands of the reader that they look more closely at issues and do some of their own research.

Ontario shortens quarantine, limits tests as COVID-19 cases surge

From link.

Doug Ford is just following Donald Trump directions (from July 20, 2020)...

Trump said more Covid-19 testing ‘creates more cases.’

See link.

President Trump said testing “makes us look bad.” At his campaign rally in Tulsa five days later, he said he had asked his “people” to “slow the testing down, please.” At a White House press conference last week, he told reporters, “When you test, you create cases.”

And in an interview with Fox News that aired Sunday, Trump could not have been clearer: “Cases are up because we have the best testing in the world and we have the most testing.” Basically, the president was arguing that the U.S. had just as many new cases in June and July as it did in May but, with fewer tests being done in May, they weren’t being detected; with more testing now, they are.
