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News   Sep 16, 2024
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News   Sep 16, 2024
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PM Justin Trudeau's Canada

The next election will be more nasty because conservatives don't know any other way to campaign

Can't be sure of that. It depends what they take away from this election. If they honestly sit down and realize that a lot of these policies didn't sell in urban Canada, they will move on. To be honest, proposing to cancel the carbon tax, is probably what tipped enough voters over to the Liberals to give them government. If the Conservatives, didn't have that policy, they could have possibly fractured the left more and taken some moderate voters themselves.
Unusually slow for an incumbent government.

Perhaps. But given the regional dynamics, he really has to be careful in who he picks and what portfolios he gives them. He also needs to avoid another JWR situation.

I'm not sure how one has an informal coalition.......

I think they are thinking of an unofficial confidence and supply arrangement with the NDP.

He has deemed his highest priority to get his tax cut passed (raising the Basic Personal Amount). I find that odd;

I don't. He can find lots of support on the left. What he needs right now is to pass any right-leaning policy and dare the conservatives to vote against it. He should be passing any tax cuts and anything to do with the pipeline and oil sector immediately. Then spend the next few years battling the left and slowly stealing votes from the NDP and BQ.
Can't be sure of that. It depends what they take away from this election. If they honestly sit down and realize that a lot of these policies didn't sell in urban Canada, they will move on. To be honest, proposing to cancel the carbon tax, is probably what tipped enough voters over to the Liberals to give them government. If the Conservatives, didn't have that policy, they could have possibly fractured the left more and taken some moderate voters themselves.

They would be worried about their right flank though - any talk of carbon tax other than cancelling it is anathema to the AB/SK base. Not that it would turn those provinces any other colour, but it would definitely create agitation within the party - you might get to govern, but you would create a true betrayal in your base. They probably don't want to go there.

I can see them trying to "fake it" and then break that promise as soon as they get into power, but that would just confirm the innate suspicions of the East.

I don't. He can find lots of support on the left. What he needs right now is to pass any right-leaning policy and dare the conservatives to vote against it. He should be passing any tax cuts and anything to do with the pipeline and oil sector immediately. Then spend the next few years battling the left and slowly stealing votes from the NDP and BQ.

NDP is in poor shape financially I believe - they aren't ready to have another election (say nothing of leadership review). As to the tax cut - it's aimed at lower/lower middle income- the CPC proposed something similar, and the NDP could say no on the basis of what? It didn't benefit the poor?

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I think the large infrastructure cuts didn't help either.

Lots of people in the GTA benefit from a strong construction Industry

I just don't think they know any other way to campaign.

Plus the entire separation thing is proof to me that they are stubborn and unwilling to consider other points of view
Plus the entire separation thing is proof to me that they are stubborn and unwilling to consider other points of view

They need to be very careful with that wexit thing - for example the nastiness to the Nflders will not endear either provinces and their cause to the rest of Canada. In the meantime, their provincial government have been told time and time again by experts that they needed to implement sales tax to fill the hole - and successive governments had refused to do so - and chose to give more money away to corporations, which almost immediately turns around giving it out as dividend/compensation and cut jobs instead. This stuff wears down sympathy and turns into annoyance nationally - you can't refuse to implement revenue sources that every other province has, cut corporate taxes to the lowest level in the country and then cry poor and claim mistreatment.

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I can see them trying to "fake it" and then break that promise as soon as they get into power,

This would be worse than campaigning on it. They are at an inflection point. A mess of their own making to be sure. But they need to give up a few seats in the West to win several times more in the East. And moving on the carbon tax is the easiest way to do this. Every year that goes by, support for the carbon tax is going to grow, as millennials gain electoral share, and the CPC will look more out of touch.

Sure, they can prioritize party politics, but then they can't win power. Their base too, is at an inflection point. They need to decide if ideological purity matters more than power.

I think the large infrastructure cuts didn't help either.

To be honest, there really wasn't much talk of infrastructure this election. If it moved votes at all, it was probably confirmatory to people already voting Liberal. But it certainly added to the narrative that they were being deceptive and duplicitous on their sincerity about tackling climate change.

Plus the entire separation thing is proof to me that they are stubborn and unwilling to consider other points of view

To be fair, that was not something pushed by Scheer and his campaign. That's some noisey online folks. But Kenney and Moe are being utterly irresponsible fanning the flames of division.
Trudeau should be careful I think

Or else he could repeat the mistakes of his father and really inflame regionalism.

Like Trudeau won clearly but I feel the next election is going to be even more nasty.

I’m quite glad about the results- the Trudeau Liberals and the Ford Conservatives have received their warnings. Name recognition can no longer get them unabashed supported, nor will playing/flip-flopping both sides work.

Meanwhile, the Federal Conservatives will need to figure out a new gameplan- this one didn’t work, as it clearly shows.
Guess according to the Quebec government, they do not speak French in France.

From link.

Quebec denies French citizen's immigration application because chapter of thesis was in English

Immigration Ministry said she 'couldn't demonstrate' knowledge of French

Émilie Dubois had everything she needed to settle in Quebec long term. A French citizen, she applied to come to the province after completing a PhD at French-language Laval University in Quebec City.

But the provincial government refused Dubois's residency application because one chapter of her thesis was in English.

In a letter sent to Dubois earlier this year, the Immigration Ministry said the 31-year-old French native had not demonstrated she had the level of French required to receive a Quebec selection certificate, the first step toward permanent residency, under the province's experience program (PEQ).

"You did not complete program of study in Quebec entirely in French, including the dissertation or thesis," the letter read.

"I have a diploma from a francophone university, the first in Canada. I'm a French citizen, too, and I did all of my studies in French," Dubois told Radio-Canada.

One of the five chapters of her thesis on cellular and molecular biology was written in English because it was a scholarly article published in a scientific journal.

The rest of her studies were in French, including the seminars and thesis defence.

"It's like an avalanche fell on my head and I don't know why," she said.

The PEQ has been at the centre of controversy for the CAQ government. The province cut about 300 fields of study from the list of ones eligible for the program, which gives foreign students studying in the province a fast track toward permanent residency.

The move left thousands of current students hoping to settle in Quebec without a clear path forward, and prompted criticism from politicians, academics and business leaders.

In response, the government recently backtracked on its position, saying those already studying under the program would be allowed to complete it.

Took French test as proof

Dubois said she was informed her thesis could be a problem in December 2018. She asked the ministry for extra time to rectify the situation.

Dubois then passed a French test recognized by the ministry and sent the results to the government.

A month later, she received the letter.

"My life is here," said Dubois, who has been living in Quebec since 2012. "You cannot tell me that I cannot prove that I speak French."

In addition, Dubois — who started her own business after graduating — is now considered a self-employed worker. The PEQ does not allow self-employed graduates to apply.

'It doesn't make sense'

It's a situation Catherine Dorion, the Québec Solidaire MNA for Taschereau where Dubois lives, says is absurd.

"We have a French girl called Émilie Dubois who is rejected for citizenship or permanent residency because we have no proof of her knowledge of French?" Dorion said.

Dorion said she will ask the Immigration Ministry for an explanation.

"It doesn't make sense," she said. "If in the administrative maze we did not handle this case intelligently, our job is to shed light on it."

Christopher Skeete, the parliamentary secretary responsible for relations with the English-speaking community, tweeted on Thursday morning that the decision was being reviewed.
Immigration rules can't possibly be tweaked for individual circumstances. Canada also requires Americans to take an English language test in most cases. That is normal. This is such dumb reporting on the reporter's part. Really trying to stir a pot while there are more useful things to focus.
Immigration rules can't possibly be tweaked for individual circumstances. Canada also requires Americans to take an English language test in most cases. That is normal. This is such dumb reporting on the reporter's part. Really trying to stir a pot while there are more useful things to focus.

If Donald Trump's family decides to immigrate to Canada, we should require them to take an English language test, without the assist of an interpreter.
Immigration rules can't possibly be tweaked for individual circumstances. Canada also requires Americans to take an English language test in most cases. That is normal. This is such dumb reporting on the reporter's part. Really trying to stir a pot while there are more useful things to focus.
The story confuses me. Could she simply not take a French language test?

There is something wrong with the system if a French-born PhD student attending a Francophone university can't demonstrate her ability to function in French before the Ministry. Where does that leave everyone else?
