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Next Mayor of Toronto?

As a Hudak premiership is coming online in a year, and his close relationship to Ford, I see the future is bright for TC's death.

And with it the death of all transit subsidies from the province for as long as a Con is in power. Sounds like a bright future for Toronto's transit system. I'd rather have TC than no expansion for the next 15 years, take the money and do something with it. I'm going to love seeing off-peak service slashed to the bone!
Ah, spite. What a great way to make policy.

Guys,Filip is obviously immature and inexperienced and just too young to know any bettter... so lets stop fueling his little fire.

We should leave the TC argument in the Transit Forum/Threads.. lets get back on the Smitherman will decimate Ford reality topic at hand.
Guys,Filip is obviously immature and inexperienced and just too young to know any bettter... so lets stop fueling his little fire.

We should leave the TC argument in the Transit Forum/Threads.. lets get back on the Smitherman will decimate Ford reality topic at hand.

So automatically because I'm against Smitherman and Pantalone, and because I'm right leaning (therefore voting for Ford) I'm immature and inexperienced?

I'm sick of billions being wasted on useless projects. In the years of debt-piling Miller has caused, what do we have to show? No new transit, a few new parks, business taxes still high, Toronto losing it's employment base to the suburbs and a whole lot of pissed off residents.
So automatically because I'm against Smitherman and Pantalone, and because I'm right leaning (therefore voting for Ford) I'm immature and inexperienced?

I'm sick of billions being wasted on useless projects. In the years of debt-piling Miller has caused, what do we have to show? No new transit, a few new parks, business taxes still high, Toronto losing it's employment base to the suburbs and a whole lot of pissed off residents.

No, its your anecdotal references stated as hard facts and misguided perceptions of... Wait a second, I'M NOT FALLING FOR THIS AGAIN!
And you've been giving hard facts, right? Riiiight....

Easy to be morally superior when you're on a board of similar minded people - Torontonians however think differently, and thank God for that.
It is the latter.

These things are not unto themselves. They are means to an end. At some point we have to evaluate what we are getting. Has the Miller's 44% increase in spending made Toronto more prosperous, reduced congestion, put the city on a firm financial footing, improved the environment, reduced poverty. No. Let's look at the waterfront for example. The the public is paying to clean up the soil as to facilitate redevelopment. But what private redevlopment has, or is, going to happen? Condos. While this may be nice for those whom move there, there is a cost to the rest of the city*. So long as the majority of redevelopment that occurs is residential most of the goals will be negatively effected. Without a proportionate rise in local employment there will be an increase in outbound (SoV) traffic. The city will be increasing expenses more than revenue and housing will continue to increase in price by he fact that the subsidisation of services will be capitalized into values. So housing will be less affordable, the environment will suffer, and the cost will be borne by the city at large. The city in turn, will continue to try and isolate residents from the impacts. As such, whenever assessment values change between classes, necessitating a shift to the residential class, council will avoid it (see 2004), accelerating the process.

*To the degree that new residential development is causing a fiscal operating loss
for the City (i.e. tax revenue brought in by new development is less than added
operating costs needed to service that development), a higher residential tax rate
would reduce (or eliminate) this loss. The higher tax rate would increase the tax
revenue that new development brings in. The higher tax rate might also slow the
pace of residential development to some degree. If new development continues
to produce an operating loss even at the higher tax rate, a reduced pace of
residential development is fiscally beneficial

Dr. Peter Tomlinson

Thanks Glen, all fair points. Again, I was just stating what his long term vision seems to be ... not the merits (or lack there of) of his plans.

So I guess to you there are no alternatives - Ford is the only vote - not necessarily a good one, but the only one.
I said hippie but never said communist.. Your lies are good though, thought about being a politician?

I'd rather have fat, ill-tempered, loudmouth, wife-beating, racist..etc than a big bald gay queen who lies and squanders a billion (and more according to the audit Ontario is running).

So automatically because I'm against Smitherman and Pantalone, and because I'm right leaning (therefore voting for Ford) I'm immature and inexperienced?

I'm sick of billions being wasted on useless projects. In the years of debt-piling Miller has caused, what do we have to show? No new transit, a few new parks, business taxes still high, Toronto losing it's employment base to the suburbs and a whole lot of pissed off residents.

I second this also. I can't support the useless garbage these liberal candidates are proposing or have proposed and ended up not delivering.
And you've been giving hard facts, right? Riiiight....

Easy to be morally superior when you're on a board of similar minded people - Torontonians however think differently, and thank God for that.

Proof? and not just cuz your mom thinks so- Dammit! he got me AGAIN.
The problem with the current first-past-the-post election we have is that the person the majority do not want could get in. If we had a 50%+1 vote, it could be better, but expensive to stage a runoff election. With a ranked ballot, we could at least rate them to make the final decision.

My ranking would be:
1) Pantalone
2) Smitherman
3) Thompson
4) Rossi
5) Ford​

Without a ranking ballot or a conclave, my vote would have to go to Smitherman.
I've got a revolutionary idea: Vote for the candidate you think is the best!

If Unions are leaving the NDP candidate, you know it's over for him. No point in dropping out at this point. Like an article earlier this week said: "Joe pick your poison". Either drop out and endorse George (impossible now) or stay in the race and either end a 30 year career with embarrassing numbers or end it being responsible for splitting the progressive vote and handing Toronto to its most destructive mayor ever.
Here we go again -- dumping on the candidate with the most integrity (actually the only one among the top three with ANY integrity) just because he is staying true to himself, the voters and the election process. Gutter politics strikes again.

For those looking ot stop Ford, but aren't keen on making calls for a mayoralty candidate...

Flyers can be downloaded for printing at Put them in mailboxes, on car windshields, in washrooms, anywhere!

simply_Dan and myself have distributed over 1,000 at this point.
Yes, I'm an idiot! I want to be one of the sheep and vote against someone instead of for someone! This appeals to my deeply flawed character!!!

He's unequivocally said that's what he wants to do. So, you think that he won't be able to complete a lot of his mandate, and that's a good thing? I think you're kind of confused.

I don't like TC, either, but putting it off altogether for 4 years, then going back to starting a whole new plan is really putting off doing anything about transit for 15 years. That's IF he doesn't manage to rip out streetcar lines. Then we'd be moving backwards.

Again, as with most Ford fans, you're mainly obsessed with what you're against.
And that's different from Smitherman fans how???

