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New Ontario Building Code Impact on Condo Design

Well given that I'm putting up a 10kW solar system on my house right now (which, btw, will pay for itself in 5-6 years), I'm pretty sure the distinction isn't so fine as to be lost on me. All I'm saying is that it's simply a matter of time before thin cell solar technology is everywhere, cars, skycraper glass, etc. Other jurisdictions (including those with comparable climates) have taken bigger strides with rooftop solar. Given that Ontario is a world leader in photovoltaics (ie. Canadian Solar), it ought to take more of a lead on this issue.

Given that the post I initially quoted and responded to was about rooftop solar water heaters in Israel, your posts about photovoltaics are rather irrelevant.

I got that, but your initial post, the one I responded to was about solar water heaters, not photovoltaics. The subsequent responses to me were about photovoltaics and how they do work in Ontario, which I agree with and never denied. I'm suggesting that solar water heaters don't work in Ontario because of our winters and that a roof mounted panel filled with water isn't going to get very warm when the temperature is -20C.
"Okay, so it's solar thermal - which also works in winter, although again as stated above, significantly less than in summer. My conclusion is unchanged."

Gee, no condescension there ;)

Since you're conclusion is the definitive one, why don't you tell us how circuilating cold water through uninsulated copper tubing, open to -20C temperatures actually raises its temperature?

"If you disagree, say so without the snark. Thanks."

...and perhaps, follow your own advice.
I'm not really sure what you mean. All I said that if it was solar thermal it would also work in winter and my opinion hadn't changed. I also never said my conclusion was the definitive one (not sure where you got that), only that it was "my conclusion". I am entitled to disagree with you, as I did, as you are entitled to disagree with me, but that's different from what you subsequently did. Your post was different, and condescending, because you weren't making a new substantive point and the post's sole purpose seemed to be to denigrate the opinion/knowledge of another contributor ("Meanwhile, in Toronto, the difference between solar water heating and photovoltaic panels is clearly lost on most."). My post, in contrast, didn't even allude to you, or to what you know or what you think. I have no idea, frankly, what you know or think and wouldn't presume to speak to it.

Happy to have a discussion with you, but not if you carry on like this. Thanks.
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Here is your reply to my initial post:

"Meanwhile that sunbelt nation, Germany, got 6.9% of its power from solar last year."

" My post, in contrast, didn't even allude to you,"

You quoted me and responded in kind.

You then became upset when I used the same tone with you. You post was condescending and snarky and unrelated to solar water heating.
I then explained to you why I think that solar water heating isn't viable in Toronto, due to the sub zero temperatures we experience for a good part of the year.
You seemed confused by the differences between water heating and electricity production, using them interchangeably in each of your posts.
You denigrate my opinion/knowledge on the subject, become upset when I explain the differences to you and then hypocritically call me condescending.
That's someone else you're quoting (re. the sunbelt nation of Germany), not me.

I'd like you to point to where I denigrated your opinion and knowledge on solar power. Having an opinion other than yours is not denigrating yours. In responding to your posts, I didn't even mention your knowledge or your intelligence, let alone denigrate them, yet in your posts you have not extended that same courtesy to me.
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"That's someone else you're quoting (re. the sunbelt nation of Germany), not me."

You're right, sorry about that.

So why pick on my alleged condescension when bilked took the same condescending tone with me?

Your response to my post about solar water heaters not working in Toronto due to our winters was about solar energy production, leading me to believe that you were confused over the difference between solar water heaters and photo-voltaic cells.

I'm more than happy to discuss solar power and water heating in Ontario with you as well.

My conclusion remains the same, Solar water heating doesn't work in Ontario due to our cold winters, and the laws of thermodynamics.
I didn't take a condescending tone with you. I disagreed with you. There is a difference. That's why I was taken aback.

As someone who has only ever read about solar water heaters, I can't pretend to be an expert and certainly haven't tried operating one in Toronto.
So we are half way into 2017 and there doesn't seem to be any noticeable difference to windows walls in newly constructed buildings than 3 or 4 years ago. I was expecting to see more solid walled buildings with pinched openings, or the dreaded thought of spandrel panels taking up most of the facade (though these still exist and still get built and are due to bad design or cheapening by developers), or even the wider use of curtain wall as it is a more efficient and better quality glazing system (and very sleek looking, though expensive).

There are options to still use window wall with fenestration exceeding th 40% limit, but that involves implementing expensive building-wide ultra-high efficiency and energy saving HVAC and other mechanical systems which many developers may not be willing to spend or incorporate into their buildings, or are they?

I'm still seeing lots of condo renderings showing glassy facades with little to no spandrel panels in their marketing materials today. Granted these are just "artist's impressions" along with additional disclaimers, and often the actual building will never look just like the renderings.

I would like to know how builders are still getting away with using window wall with tons of glazing, even though it doesn't follow the Ontario building code.
