I currently live in Gatineau, across from Ottawa. I don't have too much to offer in terms of everyday living as it's really all just Ottawa (which comes with it's own set of frustrations separate from those an Anglo in Quebec would find and separate from a Franco in English Ontario would find).
There really is plenty to like. Québecers, like anyone else are quite warm and pleasant, fun-loving, and insanely hospitable. I would lying if I would say that there is no undercurrent of linguistic angst, but West Quebec is as friendly in that respect as it gets! It's also worth mentioning that the price of renting a place is much cheaper over on this side of the river - the idea that attracted my wife and I in the first place (1300 sq. Ft. / $1000mo). Further to that, I've noticed that, in general, the prices of most daily consumer goods is quite a lot lower than in Ottawa.
What I have seen, however, is that provincial government services are poor in general (let alone the level of service and information easily available in English). To use a more specific example, my wife has an ongoing and regular need for health care. We pretty well always have to get it in Ottawa because the level of service in Gatineau is appallingly bad. There aren't walk-in clinics available for example - you have to call the CLSC to see if there is a clinic available to see you - usually there is not. When there is, it has been quite a distance from us. In general, it seems like the majority of people on this side tend to use the Ottawa hospital system for their medical attention.
To add to the problems, the RAMQ is famously stingy with insurance payments, so fewer and fewer Ontario doctors accept Quebec's health card. We've already lost doctors over it.
The income taxes really are much higher too. I had to pay much more on my meager salary this year.
I say none of this to dump on Quebec. Like I pointed out first, there is plenty to like - it just seems like their government services are far more frustrating than anything I've experienced in Ontario. I'm assuming that it's better around Montreal, however.
With all that said, we're looking forward to our move to Toronto next month.