Senior Member
I think overall with the same system throughout the entire GTA it allows Metrolinx to find efficiencies through the same payment system, and adjust pricing based on ridership etc. With a different system on the TTC I would imagine it would be fairly difficult to electronically control both different systems together, I.e. if it's ALL Presto then Metrolinx can just adjust the pricing electronically from their office.
There are well defined specifications for exchange of financial data (which this is). If Presto really is a monolithic design then we have some serious problems. I.e. If an agent working on the network in Ottawa can cause an outage in Toronto in any way, then the system is broken by design.
Either there are multiple different Presto installations which inter-communicate; or the next decade is going to be a pretty wild ride with Ontario wide outages.
Big difference between assembling all of the data into a single interface for a call center rep and actually having a monolithic system.
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