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Letters to the Toronto Sun

God forbid that someone from Woodville uses the education or health system. But of course, I am sure they paid just as much provincial taxes, per capita, than they use in terms of services than your average Torontonian.

"Why no more money for Toronto"? instead of "Let's seperate from Toronto"? I will vote for the latter and bid thee adieu, gladly.

Aug. 26:

T.O. needs the Iron Lady

Re "Flaherty's attack on T.O. a bit rich" (Rob Granatstein, Point of View, Aug. 19): Hey, Centre of the Universe, the only thing a bit rich around here is your expectation that tax dollars from the rest of Canada bail you out because you insist on electing left-wingnuts (municipal, provincial and federal). Toronto, keep your hands out of my wallet! What you need is a good dose of Margaret Thatcher.

P.W. Prodoehl
Pincher Creek, alta.

(Toronto sends far more bucks to Ottawa than it gets back. That's what pinches)


Aug. 23:
'Cause we all know that writing everyone a cheque a month before an election would never be seen as bribing people with their own money...

What? No rebate?

So Dalton McGuinty collected a surplus $2.3 billion in taxes this fiscal year. Well, isn't that special! Do you think he's going to give hard-pressed taxpayers a tax rebate? It's their money, isn't it? Silly me -- in the socialists' big-brother world, it's their money to use to bribe people to vote Liberal. Is this what passes for politics today?

Vincent Danagher
Atevensville, Ont.

(Why is today different than any other day?)
Very depressing that there are so many stupid people in the world...

it's even more depressing when their opinion has more influence than an educated persons.
to those people any educated person is an elitist... ;)
All of these people obviously read the Toronto Sun and all of them believe that Toronto is sucking tax money from the pockets of everyone in the country. Perhaps the Sun should take this as a sign that they aren't educating their readers very well (That seems like a pretty redundant thing to say.) and provide their readers with the facts. It won't happen of course because having people believe that all of their money is being thrown away on evil socialist programs in the big dirty city fits into the Sun's ideological model.
39% are happy?

The Sun-Leger poll on the popularity of Mayor David Miller (Sept. 9) begs the question, why so many in Toronto actually find his leadership to be positive for the city? Do these 39% feel comfortable walking almost anywhere and being subjected to aggressive panhandling and homelessness? [...] I really thought my former neighbours and friends would have caught on to this "dog and pony" show by now. Having recently moved north of my former hometown and becoming subject to effectual budgetary restraints by pragmatic leadership, I am slowly beginning to realize why people here refer to Torontonians as "cidiots."


(And how much did your city raise your property taxes this year?)
Wow. Another classic CDL. I honestly can't stand the media -- especially the Sun but also real newspapers like the Globe with John Barber -- who ecstatically fan the flames of disdain between Torontonians and other Ontarians, presumably only to sell more newspapers.

I love how these suburbanites always latch on to the latest "problem du jour" in the Toronto media. If that guy had written his letter a month ago, it would have been all the gang violence he's facing. After that bizarre and tragic stabbing, it's apparently all homelessness that's causing Toronto's inexorable decline. Anyone who actually lives in the city will have noticed that homelessness is dramatically less of a problem than it was a few years ago.

The Sun's response is actually quite accurate, though, and it begs an interesting question: Is David Miller popular because he refuses to make the tough choice of raising taxes that all of his suburban counterparts have made?
there are fewer homeless but more panhandlers though....
The Sun ultimately chooses to print ignorant letters and sensationalist articles on the "probleme du jour". I think it's more of a form of entertainment or diversion billed as information.
I love how these suburbanites always latch on to the latest "problem du jour" in the Toronto media. If that guy had written his letter a month ago, it would have been all the gang violence he's facing. After that bizarre and tragic stabbing, it's apparently all homelessness that's causing Toronto's inexorable decline.

Oh, tell me about it. Sadly, he's simply reflecting the editorial style of the Sun. Lately, they seem to have gotten really big on printing letters from people who take a Sun editorial, summarize it and maybe toss in an extra pejorative, and send it in as a letter. The paper doesn't even have to write "Don't vote for the Fiberals" articles any more, they can just print three letters a day written by their faithful readers.
there are fewer homeless but more panhandlers though....

I don't know how much time you spend around here in 2003, but in my experience there's no comparison. Both homelessness and panhandling are way down. Right down the block here at Front and Spadina there used to be at least 5 or 6 panhandlers/squeegee kids at any time. Now, I don't ever see any. That's just one example.
Trim the fat first

With due respect to Rob Granatstein, I disagree with his Point of View ("New taxes stink, but may be the only way," Sept. 14). It is not the only way, not even a maybe. In the movie Dave (ironically) in which an acting president of the U.S., with the help of his accountant friend, came up with more than $600 million in cuts in a few hours by using some creative accounting and cutting fat. Granted, it is a movie. However, I am sure if Miller and his inner council genuinely want to make an effort of cutting fat, they will have no difficulty in finding the ways and means to do so.

Alfred Tsang

(Some Hollywood magic would help)
