I wish I'd known this forum existed prior. A lot of my concerns for the 'high rise densification' of the High Park neighbourhood are more aptly posted here, and one that few have mentioned, since it's so obvious as to be overlooked, is *light*!
The high rise 'infill' proposed for High Park
http://urbantoronto.ca/news/2017/01/high-park-ave-high-rises-tabled-fill-tower-park-block not only overtaxes some utilities and services, it will block light to adjacent buildings, high rise or otherwise.
It's past time to consider moving to mid-rise, or more correctly, moving *back* to mid-rise instead of high-rise to retain, sustain, and promote healthy neighbourhoods. Toronto is already hosting some very tasteful and sensibly designed mid-rise. It's time to emphasize it more.
That's just pizz-poor planning approval. You wish to throw the baby out with the looming lurid bathwater. What's better? Towering terrors?
As in *many* far better conceived neighbourhoods in far more livable cities, low-rise densification is not only the norm, it has been for centuries. Just consider the favourite tourist cities of Europe for a start...