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Gun Control

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You've broken every rule in this place. How is that not nuts?

Besides, you seem to think that carryign handguns are good things. Everyone knows that only half-wit white racists think things like that. Why would one want to debate with such a bunch of liars? It only brings one down to your level.

We all know the gun registry won't be going away ... enjoy

Hmm.. so posting any thought that disagrees with you is against the rules.. posting facts & figures must be against the rules as well.

According to the rules you reference you are the one breaking them by intentionally insulting others. I quote:

Everyone knows that only half-wit white racistsy

Not only have you tried to claim you speak for "everyone" with that absurd statement you have also tried to state that anyone whom is pro-gun must be a half-wit and a racist. Neither one could be further from the truth however and for you to make such claims is not only a violation of those same rules it's just more proof that you are effectively having a tantrum.

Reality is I am very much against racism.. I'm anti-homophobic.. I'm for equal rights for ALL of us including you. I fight for the right for everyone to be entitled to their own opinion and to be able to express it. Even when I completely disagree with such.

This is something you obviously can never claim to be yourself as has been proven in spades by your infantile remarks.

Not everyone is going to agree with you... get over it.. that is reality. Having a tantrum will not change that fact no matter how much you wish it to be the case.

Oh and as for the registry... it'll be gone one way or another. The disaster of a program is to be put down because it simply cannot ever work and is an insane waste of $ that could be far more effective when used elsewhere.

Oh and as a side note... not using the spell check function makes you look even more foolish... or do you believe that " racistsy" is a word as well and want to argue with Merriam Webster as well.
You've broken every rule in this place. How is that not nuts?

Besides, you seem to think that carryign handguns are good things. Everyone knows that only half-wit white racists think things like that. Why would one want to debate with such a bunch of liars? It only brings one down to your level.

We all know the gun registry won't be going away ... enjoy

Seriously resorting to calling me a racist? That's pretty low. I'm all for freedom but posts like your make me question why we let just about anyone like yourself procreate. I cited statistics. I see no problem with people provided they are of good character carrying a firearms for the purpose of self defense. As I have spent time in these places I would say that I felt far more in danger within some of the streets of downtown Toronto than of an entirely foreign State/City. John Lott's More Guns, Less Crime I suggest you take an honest look at it and read it over. If we're talking about any day of the week Vermont, New Hampshire, Maine are just some of the States that are far safer statistically speaking than Canada and have far less controls on guns including letting a good number of citizens carry guns without any permits what so ever.

If you really want to look into Geo Politics it gets really interesting when you compare things like Murder Rates Per Capita by Counties in the USA and how they voted in the presidential election.

Interesting Statistic
Professor Joseph Olson of Hemline University School of Law, St. Paul , Minnesota , points out facts of 2008 Presidential election:

Number of States won by:
Democrats: 19
Republicans: 29

Square miles of land won by:
Democrats: 580,000
Republicans: 2,427,000

Population of counties won by:
Democrats: 127 million
Republicans: 143 million

Murder rate per 100,000 residents in counties won by:
Democrats: 13.2
Republicans: 2.1

Professor Olson adds:
"In aggregate, the map of the territory Republican won by Republicans was mostly the land owned by the taxpaying citizens of the country.

Democrat territory mostly encompassed those citizens living in government-owned tenements and living off various forms of government welfare.

Professor Olson believes the United States is now somewhere between the "complacency and apathy" phase of Professor Tyler's definition of democracy, with some forty percent of the nation's population already having reached the "governmental dependency" phase.
second reading. Still has to go to committee, and through the senate. Fat chance.

It seems every gun nut on that forum is here ... I couldn't have changed your mind, if I took a gun to all of you .. come on. The lies are so huge, there's no point debating ... 98% of people in Toronto-Danforth are in favour of guns .... good grief, ... that's just so absurd ... at least say it's 55% ...

I'm off, I need more intelligent company, and my 2-year old wants to go to the park. Wish I had a gun to shoot the dogs running loose over there.

cuz that's not hypocritical at all.....
cuz that's not hypocritical at all.....
Anyone with even the slightest sense of humour, would have realised that someone who is against allowing guns being carried in urban areas would have been joking about shooting dogs running around the park.

Perhaps those Jeff Foxworthy caricatures aren't as fictional as I think ...
Anyone with even the slightest sense of humour, would have realised that someone who is against allowing guns being carried in urban areas would have been joking about shooting dogs running around the park.

anyone with any knowlege of gun safetly would know you NEVER joke about shooting anything. EVER. If i were to say i'm gonna shoot something. I'm actually physically going to shoot something. you from vancouver anyways nicholas so why do you lie about being from ontario?
Anyone with even the slightest sense of humour, would have realised that someone who is against allowing guns being carried in urban areas would have been joking about shooting dogs running around the park.

Perhaps those Jeff Foxworthy caricatures aren't as fictional as I think ...

You made a post about running around in a park shooting etc etc... and you have the nerve to call us Nutz? Even as a bad joke that makes no sense and I suggest you seek professional help asap..

Assuming there is any funding for your mental health since those $ have been wasted on the registry...
You made a post about running around in a park shooting etc etc... and you have the nerve to call us Nutz? Even as a bad joke that makes no sense and I suggest you seek professional help asap..
You really don't see the humour in that? What are you, someone working at 7-11 with his b.a hanging behind the cash?
You really don't see the humour in that? What are you, someone working at 7-11 with his b.a hanging behind the cash?

Nick i'm surprised you are anti-gun considering you grew up in calgary alberta... and considering you are now in vancouver majoring in Computational Intelligence, you are showing a distinct lack of intelligence.
nfitz: if one person is posting under more than one name (hopefully would be spotted by a moderator), I would agree that the person should be banned. Otherwise, let them post, and we are free to read or not.
They are violating the trolling rule, however.

The guy who jumped over here explicitly told the others on the thread he started on their forum, that he was here to troll. That's clearly against the rules, and all these accounts should be removed, as they are all simply here for trolling.

This behaviour should surprise us, the kind of evil people who support guns are well known to break rules and lie to achieve their evil anti-family ways.
Nick i'm surprised you are anti-gun considering you grew up in calgary alberta... and considering you are now in vancouver majoring in Computational Intelligence, you are showing a distinct lack of intelligence.
WTF? I think you have me confused with someone else; read the years of posts I've made here, discussing things I've seen here in Toronto on a daily basis.

That's right, I've been making up posts for 3 years to trick a bunch of gun-fetishists.

I've never even been in Calgary ... though I think I might have changed planes there once in 1990.
They are violating the trolling rule, however.

The guy who jumped over here explicitly told the others on the thread he started on their forum, that he was here to troll. That's clearly against the rules, and all these accounts should be removed, as they are all simply here for trolling.

This behaviour should surprise us, the kind of evil people who support guns are well known to break rules and lie to achieve their evil anti-family ways.

I have been married for 15 years and had my 1st son a few months ago and my daughter is 6 years old now. so how is that "anti-famly" the OP may have been here to troll but i cam for legitimate conversation. i want to know WHY you are an anti. i want cold hard facts. if you have some rason perhaps i could change your mind, however as you seem unreasonable i beleive you have an irrational fear or firearms.
They are violating the trolling rule, however.

The guy who jumped over here explicitly told the others on the thread he started on their forum, that he was here to troll. That's clearly against the rules, and all these accounts should be removed, as they are all simply here for trolling.

This behaviour should surprise us, the kind of evil people who support guns are well known to break rules and lie to achieve their evil anti-family ways.

On the contrary.. the posts by the new members including myself have been honest, filled with actual facts and written in an intelligent manner.

I cannot say the same of yours which have consistently been abusive tantrums with insults, lies and libelous statements.

Calling others racists, anti-family etc etc with absolutely no evidence to base that on is simply childish.. and your reaction to facts and opinions being posted you do not happen to agree with.

You obviously lack the skills necessary to hold an intelligent debate and have resorted to your childish ways.. and yet now we are "trolls"?

Yeah.. that is quite the logic you have there.
The Second amendment of the Constitution of the USA, as understood by the majority of US jurists ,wanted to keep guns in the hands of citizens as a check on the power of the state. Totalitarian states always want to disarm citizens as they are then easier to control."Germans who wish to use firearms should join the SS or the SA - ordinary citizens don't need guns, as their having guns doesn't serve the State." Heinrich Himmler.
i agree and disagree..

gun control = bad

comparing canada to teh usa = bad

we're not them
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