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GO Transit: Service thread (including extensions)

It's not Metrolinx that's playing around here, it's BBD. Metrolinx gives them a budget and a listing of the projected schedule changes for the year or two, and then BBD comes back with a "Yeah, we can do that" or a "Naw, that's going to be tough, let's move it back 3 months". As they are the ones providing the service, it's ultimately up to Bombardier to give the go-ahead to the changes. Which is a bit of the tail wagging the dog I suppose, but that's how things are in a Federally regulated industry.

I had forgotten that BBD owns the people. Airlines and nuclear plants, among others, have long lead times for certified positions - up to 7 years or more. They have sophisticated approaches to projecting labour requirements so that the right number of people are available down the road. And they are federally regulated, in fact their regulator insists on the plan (and the people) being there.

It is what it is, I suppose, but making decisions "for the year or two" is far from industry best practice. I wonder how the bigger ramp-ups to come will work out.

- Paul
It is what it is, I suppose, but making decisions "for the year or two" is far from industry best practice. I wonder how the bigger ramp-ups to come will work out.

- Paul

Next time you chat with Dave, ask him about that. He'll give you some good stories about some of the neighbouring properties....

And to be honest, in the railway industry, sometimes you're lucky to get that much lead time. And sometimes, you still need more.

Toronto, Ont.
My partner and I used to often take the GO Lake Shore West line to get from Mimico to Exhibition, at over 5$ per ride each, but I haven't done that in over a year, as I use now Uber. It's crazy that a government has spent these billions of dollars on public transit infrastructure, but it's still cheaper to take a car and put more automobiles on the road. If transit was about getting more cars off the road, it would be less expensive, or even free; but in Canada we don't think that way. I understand public transit is mostly for single commuting purposes, but we may need to re-think transit when it comes to riders who use it for other purposes (outside of commuting), as it often does not make economic sense to take transit if you are riding with even just 1 other person (or more) as there are cheaper alternatives.
Well...there will be more stops per day in Kitchener and Guelph.

The article actually doesn't say anything about stops per day, it doesn't even say anything about the current number of trips (increasing to 4 from 2). It also doesn't mention the major increase of bus trips on the same corridor. It's almost as if whoever wrote the article didn't read the schedule they are referring to and just went off the press release.

Being technically correct doesn't excuse a bad headline.
The article actually doesn't say anything about stops per day, it doesn't even say anything about the current number of trips (increasing to 4 from 2). It also doesn't mention the major increase of bus trips on the same corridor. It's almost as if whoever wrote the article didn't read the schedule they are referring to and just went off the press release.

Being technically correct doesn't excuse a bad headline.
It gets even worse at some other news stories on it.

From the Guelph Mercury: (Try and makes sense of this)
GO Transit says new and changing GO train service in the eastbound direction on the Kitchener line on weekday mornings includes:

• The current 5:49 a.m. trip from Kitchener will instead begin at Georgetown at 6:48 a.m. time, with all other stops and times the same, including arrival at Toronto’s Union Station at 7:52 a.m.

• The 6:23 a.m. trip from Georgetown will now begin at Kitchener at 5:24, stopping in Guelph at 5:48 a.m. It then goes to Acton and will continue to serve Georgetown and all other stops at the current times, with arrival at Union Station remaining at 7:27 a.m.

• The 7:03 a.m. trip from Georgetown will now begin at Kitchener at 6:04, stopping in Guelph at 6:28 a.m. It goes to Acton and will continue to serve Georgetown, Mount Pleasant, Brampton and Bramalea at the current times, with arrival at Union remaining at 7:55 a.m.

• The 7:46 a.m. trip from Georgetown will now begin at Kitchener at 6:47, stopping in Guelph at 7:11 a.m. It goes to Acton and will continue to serve Georgetown and all other stops at the current times, with arrival at Union remaining at 8:50 a.m.

As well, a fourth westbound GO train, leaving downtown Kitchener at 7:10 a.m., will stop at the Guelph GO station at 7:34 a.m. and arrive at Union Station at 9:13 a.m., the new schedule shows.

GO Transit says changes affecting westbound trains on weekday evenings include:

• The 4:50 p.m. trip from Union Station will now run express to the Bramalea GO station, and then will make all stops to Kitchener 12 minutes earlier than they are now. This train will arrive in Guelph 6:13 p.m. and in Kitchener at 6:45 p.m.

• The 5:20 p.m. trip from Union will be extended to serve Acton, Guelph and Kitchener, arriving in Guelph at 6:58 p.m. and in Kitchener at 7:27 p.m.

• The 6:50 p.m. trip from Union will be extended to serve Acton, Guelph and Kitchener, arriving in Guelph at 8:25 p.m. and in Kitchener at 8:57 p.m.

As well, a fourth eastbound GO train leaving Union at 5:50 p.m. will arrive at Guelph Central Station at 7:28 p.m. and in downtown Kitchener at 7:57 p.m., the new schedule shows.

They have the direction backwards on two of those trips.
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I stand to be corrected, but we are getting 16 new MP54AC in 2017 according to management and 2 will be in the spare pool.

Based on commitment by the leadership of Metrolinx, all KW trains will have the new power first, with any remaining going to other lines. With the removal of the F59PH off KW line, which line will see them or are they up for retirement??

There are standards that apply to RR and general construction when it come to building things and have the same time frame for building them. RR time frame can be longer due to the amount of train traffic affecting it. Having first hand experience around the building the Toronto West Diamond and the Weston Grade Separation as well others, it was no picnic for anyone involved with these project as you were working with live trains all day that either had a set schedule or none that require work to stop until the trains went by. One reason why mid day GO service was cancel so work could be done faster.

The one thing I did see that was taking a lot longer was building the new tracks that were months behind schedule and someone posted in the construction thread in the past few days of project behind schedule. With the amount of new track to be build and replace, Metrolinx should at either buying or leasing special equipment for this track work as it would allow lines to come line sooner to run new or more service. There are 2 ways of doing this and this one of them.
MTA uses special machine to speed up track laying

As for buildings, Metrolinx has a piss poor track record to date.

Aug 19 Burlington New GO Station and Bus Terminal 4 years under construction and 2 years late at this time and you can find all the
photos just up loaded as well since day one at

Next door to this site is Paradigm that started construction in Jan 2016 of 3 levels of underground parking and 3 level above ground as sound barrier and building the 1st of 5 20 story towers

Last year a 14 floor apartment building open that started months after this station started. I can use No210 Simcoe that is 2 26s towers that started about the same time and was completed in 2015.


Its time for Metrolinx to start building projects on time and budget, otherwise they are not going to run the service they plan for and what riders need.

At the same time, people shouldn't expect things to happen on the dime as Metrolinx has a budget to work with based on what the province gives them as well what projects they want to see first even if its the wrong one.
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Great pics as always!
Based on commitment by the leadership of Metrolinx, all KW trains will have the new power first, with any remaining going to other lines. With the removal of the F59PH off KW line, which line will see them or are they up for retirement??
I think the F59s would be perfect to haul a shuttle service Bramalea to Weston, or Bramalea to Union, to complement the UPX. A lot depends on what spare coach stock there is, as only three car trains would fill the need, at least for now.

The F59s are still being used in many other systems, they're serviceable and have ample power, just no match for their replacements. It would be a waste to retire them unless they're in dire need of a rebuild.
Great pics as always!

I think the F59s would be perfect to haul a shuttle service Bramalea to Weston, or Bramalea to Union, to complement the UPX. A lot depends on what spare coach stock there is, as only three car trains would fill the need, at least for now.

The F59s are still being used in many other systems, they're serviceable and have ample power, just no match for their replacements. It would be a waste to retire them unless they're in dire need of a rebuild.
Not going to happen as it part of the agreement with the Weston Folks as well the corridor. Tier 4 only.
But they're using the F59s on there now on the Allandale stock. Is there a commitment to end that by a certain date?
Start doing your homework as its out there. There is no set date other than time frame when EMU and Tier 4 go into service.

The EMU time frame is going to be miss by a few years.

You can keep asking for something, but not going to happen.

As for your 3 trains for your service that takes 28 minutes from Bramalea and 53 from Mount Pleasant, you need 4 trains for 30 minute service, with Mount Pleasant being push to the point it may have to be something different.
Start doing your homework as its out there. There is no set date other than time frame when EMU and Tier 4 go into service.
I did, in fact I also looked up as to what's involved in a partial or total rebuild of an F59PH to Tier IV. Being done by a number of operators, and some California operators specialize in it. EMD even have a PDF on it. Whether that's cost-effective or not is a very real question, but you contradict the very point you attempt to make: "There is no set date other than time frame when EMU and Tier 4 go into service".

That might just be, to paraphrase you, why "doing my homework" showed no definitive answer. So as a stop-gap measure until the emus become available, that appears to be a very viable option to use them.
As for your 3 trains for your service that takes 28 minutes from Bramalea and 53 from Mount Pleasant, you need 4 trains for 30 minute service, with Mount Pleasant being push to the point it may have to be something different.
You overlook the present extant hourly service from Mt Pleasant in reaching that figure. It could well-be that the present day time service to Mt Pleasant could also be run by three coach consists. I've been on that run every other day past few weeks, it is *grossly under utilized* for even the six-coach consists.

Whether or not it would be worthwhile reconfiguring service on that segment of the corridor to do more runs, with less coaches, is the question, and what stock is available to do it. It certainly appears, from the very information you post, that there's going to be spare loco power.

Again, I propose examining "using what we have" to see if a more frequent and *supplementary to peak time trains* can be run on that corridor. As it stands, that corridor is woefully underutilized while even between rush-hours, the highways are jammed.

The sooner more regular service is run on that corridor, the sooner the intersecting bus connections can feed into it on a 15 min schedule.

Edit to Add: There's a greater issue at play here than just utilizing what Johnny Plebe has already paid for, and continues to pay for out of tax dollars.

When I viewed your pics of the *never ending* Burlington Boondoggle, I was jarred again at the massive amount of money spent on palaces, while Johnny Plebe has to view all of these incredibly expensive expanses while he can neither afford a home or car of his own. He wants to be able to hop on a bus, then hop on a train, and go downtown to work or do whatever. And the Western Corridor is another living, breathing White Elephant.

What is so wrong with trying to find ways, even if temporary, of utilizing spare stock to get that White Elephant moving down the tracks?

What's the deal here? Mr Plebe only gets to look at the train-set he's paid to buy, but not use?

It's time for Metrolinx to maximize the returns on investment. We saw this clearly with UPX, it was a an offer to the Gods of Conspicuous Consumption that Mr Plebe was initially financially forbidden from using. Thus the *fully justified* outrage.

UPX will never pay its way, so why the hesitation and obstinateness of finding ways to make the Corridor work, and make it work soon?
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