Northern Light
Ok I volunteer to ask the dumb question. Why not ship the GO car down to T.O via the CP tracks?
Ok, this is weird:
What's a GO train doing in Winnipeg? Any ideas?
Ok I volunteer to ask the dumb question. Why not ship the GO car down to T.O via the CP tracks?
Ok I volunteer to ask the dumb question. Why not ship the GO car down to T.O via the CP tracks?
Why the hell would they start introducing new diesel stock in 2017 when there's an obvious case for electrification?! By that time, they could be well into electrification of the entire system, and then they won't have to worry about buying new vehicles again.
It would appear that one floor of Waterpark Place isn't talking to the other very well. Seriously, though, they're supposed to be one organization. They need to have one consistent message and one consistent spokesperson. Metrolinx is planning hundreds of extra trains in 2015. Gary McNeil is planning 10. Which is it?
Why the hell would they start introducing new diesel stock in 2017 when there's an obvious case for electrification?! By that time, they could be well into electrification of the entire system, and then they won't have to worry about buying new vehicles again.
I disagree. All the lines have enormous potential for electrification, especially since they're all slated to have all day service by 2020 (I think even the Milton Line,) which'll get as low as 15 minute frequencies by 2031. All the lines should definitely be electrified by 2031, and they should start soon to reap the benefits of electrification as early as possible.Woodbridge_Heights said:The entire network would likely not be electrified. I'm not close to the railways but Milton, Barrie and Bradford are lines that I can see become electrified for the majority of the route but the outer reaches of which (areas that would likely only have only peak service) would not be economical to electrify. Either GO runs diesel (which any new vehicles should be Tier 4) or the run dual mode (which should still be Tier 4 on the diesel side)
100s = total trains on southernmost chunk of Weston subdivision in 2040-something, summing all Milton, Georgetown, Bolton, Barrie and UPRL trips.
I take the 2017 comment as a "business as usual" statement, since electrification has neither been decided upon or funded at this point. If nothing else changes, those engines will need a rebuild and GO's current intent is to go to Tier 4 then.GO is just trying to stay within their comfort zone I guess. You have to remember GO is a very successful system, financially, and there is very little incentive for change. Electrification and frequent all-day service would turn GO's whole world upside down.
We can run lines on diesel with no extra infrastructure costs, or we can run on electric with a big upfront cost. The advantages of electric are huge, but if it isn't absolutely a requirement, it's going to be very hard to shake the dollars loose in the foreseeable future.