One key consideration - the used locos they are buying are exact carbon copies of the model ML already owns and loves ….. they were built to the exact GO spec. Absorbing these into GO’s fleet will be very easy. If the strategy is a stopgap that is intended to last only until electrification makes some of the newer diesels redundant, it is perfectly reasonable.
ML has the same cycles of spending and cost cutting as any other business. And we have certainly seen ML having its share of money pits and cost overruns on specific projects. There is a risk that some projects will be cut to the bones to keep the cost to the approved envelope.
- Paul
ML has the same cycles of spending and cost cutting as any other business. And we have certainly seen ML having its share of money pits and cost overruns on specific projects. There is a risk that some projects will be cut to the bones to keep the cost to the approved envelope.
- Paul