Admiral Beez
Service to Chicago would be good. Wife and I are planning an Amtrak tour from Chicago to Seattle, then Seattle to Los Angeles, then LA back to Chicago, in a big, five day (plus touring days) triangle. We would fly on Porter to Midway, but if there's a train from Union right to Chicago's Amtrak station that would be good. Slow is fine. Some chatter from last November below.There been talk since Ford bought the station of having more Amtrak service to it as well the reviving the Toronto- Chicago service along with a commuter line service. I believe they have allow for 4 tracks to be reinstall there. It will be slow going through Windsor using the Essex tracks that will have to be upgraded for faster speed. The equipment will have to be VIA new sets or power on both ends
Chicago-Toronto train service to return by 2027
The business case for a cross-border passenger rail connection was submitted by Amtrak and VIA Rail late October, and the mayors of Detroit and Windsor have both sent letters of support to Transport Canada.
Toronto to NYC and Chicago should be a given for fast crossborder passenger rail. What about Boston?
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