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City Workers Strike 2009

Our fire alarms went off at 3:05am this morning, fire trucks arrived within a few minutes and then came the cop cars. By 3:15 6 cops cars and 2 unmarked were parked on the street and all but one fire truck departed by about 3:25. Seems there was an "incident" and in a panic someone pulled an alarm as opposed to calling 911. The incident involved someone being harmed, EMS didn't show up to attend to the victim until 3:40am. That really ticks me off.
I wouldn't recommend that, seriously! Besides, it still took 35 minutes for them to arrive. 911 is always the best option in a health or safety emergency.
Fire fighters have very good training in life saving skills (i.e. heart attack) should they arrive before EMS although overall medical treatment that they can offer is somewhat limited.
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Ex a dumping ground?

CNE, more parks on city list of garbage sites


Last Updated: 19th July 2009, 5:10am

Let's go to the Ex ... and take two bags of trash?

As part of the city's contingency plan to cope with the reeking mountains of garbage, 200 sites across Toronto have been selected as potential dumps that could be opened if the strike drags on.

One of them is a 2,272-tonne behemoth -- nearly five times the size of the Christie Pits pile -- at the CNE grounds.

"I've heard that rumour," said Councillor Brian Ashton, who sits on the CNE's board of directors. "What needs to be done is determine if the mayor has put his 'X' on the Ex grounds for garbage."

The CNE site is included in the ministry of environment's certificate of approval for the city's temporary dumps, but suspiciously absent from a list the city leaked earlier.

The 130-year-old Canadian National Exhibition, which attracts some 1.3 million visitors annually and is the fourth largest fair in North America, opens Aug. 21.

Last year, the Ex made the city about $1.2 million.

"It would be disastrous for us to have a garbage dump there, unless we had people guess how many bags there were and make it a contest," Ashton added. "(A dump) could have a serious impact on our attendance.

"Unless everybody loses their sense of smell in the next five weeks, it's not a good decision."

But it's not just the Ex that could stink.

According to the city's exhaustive list (see the complete list on Page 5), virtually no public space, especially parks, is spared.

The city has 23 dumps planned for High Park alone -- none of which have been opened yet -- and is prepared to store 12,490 tonnes of trash there for however long the strike lasts.

The city also has plans to open seven dumps in three eastern beach parks -- Woodbine, Balmy and Clarke.

All 200 potential dump sites have been approved by the ministry, although officials there are quick to point out these sites were chosen by the city, not the province.

In total, the city's potential dumps could store 174,084 tonnes of trash.

City officials, though, won't say how long it might take to fill those up.

"I think we're not really thinking that far ahead," said Patricia Trott, a City Hall spokesman. "At this point, we're doing everything we can to make sure that we come to a settlement (with the unions)."

But Geoff Rathbone, the city's general manager of solid waste, said the city had to "plan for all the contingencies," which explains the whopping and exhaustive list.

But the 21 sites the city has opened up so far -- five of which have been filled already -- have caused a lot of controversy in the past four weeks since the city's more than 30,000 inside and outside workers walked off the job.

The city has come under fire from residents over its decision to store trash at Christie Pits, Moss Park, Ted Reeve Arena and now Campbell and Clairlea parks. The growing mountain of garbage at the latter is only metres away from residents' backyards.

If the strike drags on and more temporary dumps are opened, something officials hope not to have to do until later this week, residents everywhere will be up in arms if they're not buried in garbage.

Mayor David Miller acknowledges the temporary dumps in the city's parks are "beyond regret."

"It's beyond regret how I feel about the fact that you have to have temporary dump sites," he said Friday.

"There's three of these in my own neighbourhood, you know, and I go by two of them every single day, so I understand very much."

But Miller added the city is not to blame.

"The City of Toronto isn't on strike," he said.

According to Rathbone, the current 21 temporary dumps are 40-50% full.

I wouldn't recommend that, seriously! Besides, it still took them 35 minutes for them to arrive. 911 is always the best option in a health or safety emergency.
That's still as fast as EMS responded in the recent case when someone called 911; shame they don't release the 911 tapes here like they do in the USA - it would be interesting to hear what was said that lead them to conclude it wasn't an emergency.
Truck it away now instead of later

At some time this garbage will have to be trucked away, why is that time not right now?

The garbage, the ground on which it is stored and the people who truck it to Michigan are owned or paid by the City, not the union.

Maybe the sight of this stuff being cleaned up and trucked away by someone other than CUPE (on overtime) may get their attention.
again, I just feel like I need to state how much it sickens me that these selfish a**holes are ruining everyone's summer as well as the city's image, scaring off tourists and their much needed dollars.

is it the case that garbage is being merely collected and not trucked away? I did not realize that... brutal. yes, by all means get it moved. why just let it pile up? I guess CUPE claims ownership of the garbage? Well I think the lack of a contract goes both ways... if they refuse to do their jobs, then they relinquish exclusive rights to handling the garbage...

Overflowing, smelly garbage receptacles aside, I've yet to see anything that is too far from the norm (with a few temporary exceptions). BIA's, neighbourhood groups and businesses are doing a good job in my eyes keeping streets and sidewalks pretty clean. This weekend I've seen groups of "official types" (15-20 people) sweeping curbs and changing city garbage containers and loading it all into the back of a flatbed. If it would finally rain some day when it's predicted to do so, it would help clean down the sidewalks and gutters of the stuff that street-sweepers would normally attend to.
Dumping areas are a whole other matter however.

Yonge Street outside of any BIA area, not so bad looking to tourists and visitors -

Click on the thumbnail to enlarge, then click again on the image for full size.

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At some time this garbage will have to be trucked away, why is that time not right now?

The garbage, the ground on which it is stored and the people who truck it to Michigan are owned or paid by the City, not the union.

Maybe the sight of this stuff being cleaned up and trucked away by someone other than CUPE (on overtime) may get their attention.

i think they need the transfer stations to do that. doesn't the garbage get compacted at the transfer stations before it is loaded into the trucks?

p.s, i can't believe our garbage is trucked on the highway all the way to michigan. a more sensible solution would be to rail transport it to its location.
This strike business is just ridiculous. I know of friends who lost their job after working in the same company for 10 - 20 years. Interns working for free. Pay freeze for 2 years.

People are paid to work. Your weekly / mthly salary is your "compensation" for the hours you put in at WORK. You get some paid leave so you can take a break from work. Companies are sympathetic to workers who are not feeling well & so they still pay you when you are resting at home. If you are healthy all year round, thank god that you are healthy & still has a job. What is this banking sick leave?! It is not an entitlement.
In short:
Healthy - Work - get paid
Sick - Rest - get paid
Chillax - paid leave - get paid
Not sick - Thank God - Get back to work.

What are they gonna ask for when the contract is up for renewal. That unused compassionate leave be banked too?

The most disgusting thing is the fact that the strikers are forbidding others to go back to work! How can they be sooooo selfish. These people probably need to work so they can feed their babies! Some of us give a dirty look to parents who spank their kids; what about these people who may be indirectly "starving" the kids?!
The garbage only goes half-way to Michigan now.

The dump (which the City of Toronto owns) is here. You can see it from the 401.

that's right. they bought a new site. how long have they been using it?
Despite the obvious inconvenience of this strike (not just the garbage workers, all City employees who are on strike) isn't this saving the city a huge amount of money each week? Has anyone read any stats. on this?
They're saving a lot of money now, but that will likely be canceled out by the overtime that is being paid to non-union managers currently working seven day weeks, and striking workers when they come back who will probably work 24/7 staggered shifts in a PR move to get this city as clean as possible as soon as possible.
After a strike is settled, does the Union usually get compensated for the hours that they were striking? (like a retroactive pay)?
