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City councillors wants to ban shark fin soup

Seals are not apex predators, but are in fact shark and orca food. By wiping out shark population you're removing the apex predator, never good for the ecosystem.

Mostly Great Whites prey on seals, the sharks in shark fin are generally smaller and easier to catch.. or at least I would assume from the fins I've seen displayed in restaurants. lol
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it only comes out in weddings and special occasions.... but it's not part of the culture?

That's like saying Christmas trees or wearing white for weddings isn't part of the anglo-saxon culture.... I think you're stretching it there.

FYI, Race doesn't necessary reflect culture. K Tam-Wong barely speaks Chinese, and doesn't read it at all.

I know she was born in Hong Kong and immigrated to Canada when she was young, I presumed she can communicate with some proficiency with her parents. Anyway, she made the statements not me so I presume she has some cred on the issue, I just reported what she said. If I recall during the shark fin debate another Chinese Councillor supported her comments, so that's all I know about the shark fin "culture" argument.
Glad to see this happening, and I hope eventually this will be a nation-wide ban. Shark finning has to be one of the most disgusting practices I have ever witnessed. Add to that the fact that the fins are used purely for texture, and this has to be one of the most pointless slaughters in the world.

I understand there are greater threats to the shark populations around the world, but if we can eliminate this senseless activity we're one step closer to sustainability.
Oregon & California are banning shark fin sales, this movement is really picking up steam.
Ontario court overturns Toronto’s shark fin ban

Justice James Spence ruled in favour of a challenge to the prohibition brought forward by four members of the Chinese business community and concluded that the bylaw, which went into effect in September, was outside the powers of the city and of “no force and effect.â€

The Superior Court judge also cautioned municipalities against passing laws simply because it may be considered to be a good cause. “The power to deal with municipal issues is a broad power since it is not defined in the [City of Toronto] Act. However, that fact does not mean that an issue is a municipal issue merely because a policy decision is taken by city council that an issue is important,†wrote Judge Spence, in the ruling issued Friday.

Good. I'm glad to see the Superior Court telling it like it is. This does not belong in City Council.
Banning shark fins should never have been done by government in the first place, regardless of which level it is originated. This is something I give a praise to Ontario Superior Court.
Good. I'm glad to see the Superior Court telling it like it is. This does not belong in City Council.

The city seems to have a lot of time on their hands or something. They always seem to be budding into other problems not within their powers. I rolled my eyes at the remembrance of nanjing massacre that happened in China. It's Toronto here. Not China. At this rate, we should be commemorating everything that happens around the world here too.
Yes, as there are a number of important city issues at hand, it does get a little annoying for council to be making pronouncements about things it has no control over.
Yes, as there are a number of important city issues at hand, it does get a little annoying for council to be making pronouncements about things it has no control over.

It's all political grandstanding. Gets their names in the paper, and recruits a few 'activist'' grunts come campaign time. Done not because of alturistic reasons, but because of personal/selfish ones.
When shark populations are essentially decimated this decade and the healthy balance of the oceans are gone forever remember how activists and politicians tried, but failed to save the oceans from grassroots organizations and various levels of government around the world.
When shark populations are essentially decimated this decade and the healthy balance of the oceans are gone forever remember how activists and politicians tried, but failed to save the oceans from grassroots organizations and various levels of government around the world.

The questions should be about whether the activists are actually accurate and whether politicians making pronouncements are actually doing something.
Great job, Wong-Tam. From shadowing issues to ridiculous policies that should be left to the federal/provincial governments. We need a new councillor for Toronto's most important ward.

While we're at it though, can we please outlaw Foie Gras?

Great job, Wong-Tam. From shadowing issues to ridiculous policies that should be left to the federal/provincial governments. We need a new councillor for Toronto's most important ward.

While we're at it though, can we please outlaw Foie Gras?


Yes! Both shark fin soup and foie gras should be banned at the federal level!
