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News   Sep 05, 2024
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News   Sep 05, 2024
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City councillors wants to ban shark fin soup

Yes, shark fin should be banned by all levels of government. However, it is easier to implement and enforce a ban on a federal level.

Exactly. In my opinion, Foie Gras should take precedent as far less people are aware of what is done to those poor ducks, and I would think more people consume the food. Besides, this is happening to Canada's main symbol; the Canadian Goose. How can we not protect those friendly, social birds? :(

Here's another video, for anyone interested. I hope people will spread the word about this, and boycott any restaurant that serves this disgusting meal.

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So now you're comparing farmed ducks to endangered wild sharks? What's next veal? Chicken wings? Just about every fine dining restaurant in the city serves Foie Gras or as dishes with Foie Gras.
So now you're comparing farmed ducks to endangered wild sharks? What's next veal? Chicken wings? Just about every fine dining restaurant in the city serves Foie Gras or as dishes with Foie Gras.

The process starts by killing all the females as their diseased livers don't taste as good as the males'. The females are actually the lucky ones. The males are forced to eat until their livers become painfully diseased. So much so that their own blood becomes toxic, and they begin to rot alive. During this process, they are literally tortured by having a giant metal rod stuck down their esophagus daily, to the point where their esophagus becomes perforated and they can no longer even lift their heads. Speaking of lifting, they aren't able to even lift themselves up nor move their wings due to the tight confines of the inhumane cage that they're placed in.

Oh ya, how despicable of me to compare finless sharks to painfully diseased, injured, tortured, and confined ducks, right? As inhumane as throwing finless sharks into the ocean is, it is still much more humane than this. At least they just starve to death.
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I think the pain of having all of their fins cut off while still alive and dumped back into the ocean to either starve or get eaten alive is more than just "starving to death". I had never heard of Foie Gras or what is done to these ducks so you are right that it doesn't get the proper attention it deserves and it made my stomache turn to think of their suffering.

Either way, all injustices and inhumane treatments of land or sea or sky creatures is wrong and should be stopped. I just wish all levels of government in every country of the world dealt with all of these issues but then I am not naive and know that won't happen.
Exactly. In my opinion, Foie Gras.... Besides, this is happening to Canada's main symbol; the Canadian Goose. How can we not protect those friendly, social birds?
Show me where this is happening to the Canada Goose? BTW, it's not called the Canadian Goose, you twat.

Regardless, after the Herring Gull the Canada Goose is the most hated bird on the urban landscape. While I don't recommend eating the creatures, I have no complaints about the city rounding up half of them and gassing the lot.
The process starts by killing all the females as their diseased livers don't taste as good as the males'. The females are actually the lucky ones. The males are forced to eat until their livers become painfully diseased. So much so that their own blood becomes toxic, and they begin to rot alive. During this process, they are literally tortured by having a giant metal rod stuck down their esophagus daily, to the point where their esophagus becomes perforated and they can no longer even lift their heads. Speaking of lifting, they aren't able to even lift themselves up nor move their wings due to the tight confines of the inhumane cage that they're placed in.

Oh ya, how despicable of me to compare finless sharks to painfully diseased, injured, tortured, and confined ducks, right? As inhumane as throwing finless sharks into the ocean is, it is still much more humane than this. At least they just starve to death.

Banning it would be a huge blow to Canada's thriving foie gras industry. Fact is that a vast number of animal products involve incredibly inhumane and unhygienic treatment of animals. It's not just duck farmers.
Banning it would be a huge blow to Canada's thriving foie gras industry. Fact is that a vast number of animal products involve incredibly inhumane and unhygienic treatment of animals. It's not just duck farmers.

So you're saying that Foie Gras and Shark fin soup are no more inhumane than other foods? See, this is exactly why we need to educate people. Please watch the videos I posted and look at videos of a regular poultry farm to see the stark differences.
