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Central Waterfront Public Realm (West 8/DTAH)

Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC

Many of the proposals have really interesting elements, and I look forward to seeing where this goes. They are quite imaginative.

If I have a quibble, it would be for the parts of the plan that seem to call for re-working of very recent waterfront accomplishments. For instance, why plan to massively re-engineer Queens Quay so that traffic and streetcar are re-organized? What an expensive undertaking only a short time after the line was completed. Or, the plans for a boardwalk "like the one that was recently but bigger". That work was just done and done well. Leave it alone and put some dollars into where it matters.

The bigger point in that is that again we have a "plan" or vision without understanding how it fits into existing and completed work, or the other visions such as the East Bayfront plan. Is this a change, an addition, or what? They are terrible at knitting this stuff together into a coherent plan.

Hate to be a downer, and many of the drawings are quite beautiful, but I'd like to have an idea of the whole.
Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC

The models and presentations were already on display yesterday when I met my assignation at the BCE fountain.

With Fung out the way, and no replacement, Miller will be able to use this glitzy radar blip competition thingy to ramp up his re-election campaign. Which, I assume, it the whole point of it.

Meanwhile, work continues on the nicely designed waterfront promenade at John Quay ...
Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC/Central Waterfront Designs

Anyone that is going to the Allen Lambert Galleria in BCE Place this evening to listen to the five teams that will present their designs to TWRC, can you please tell those of us who can't make it what was said? If there's anything to take pictures of, please do. Thank you.
Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC/Central Waterfront Designs

Foster takes it.

He offers us instant icons and even comes up with a brilliant way to bury the Gardiner on a short budget.
Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC/Central Waterfront Designs

Alvin, once again you come through with the links!! Thanks.

I had an opportunity to check out the displays at BCE (much, if not all of the material is provided in the links) and yes, Foster wins, but all designs have great elements.

I think Wasaw's designs are too funky and they tend to emphasis such, as opposed to being practical and functional.

PORT has some really great ideas and they seem to understand that we have four seasons, not just summer.

West 8 has some great streetscape ideas.

TWBT's ideas are the least impressive, only sofar as they appear to provide us with elaborate bus shelters and transit gateways. How Toronto!!! How boring.

My fear is that whatever plan is picked, we will get a half hearted and cheap execution, if we get an execution at all. Where are the laterns that were promised for Harbourfront's latest redo (sorry, no money)? Where is Canada Square (it will not happen)?

I could go on and I will admit that we have had some successes and things are moving along (slowly) but we have an unfortunate history of being unable and/or unwilling to follow through with decent ideas (and where is the money coming for all this? Our governments have not exactly been forthcoming with giving either the necessary money or power to the TWRC).
Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC/Central Waterfront Designs

Yeah. I agree. Foster has my vote.
Re: Robert Fung Leaving TWRC/Central Waterfront Designs

Anybody know how long it's going to be? I may join if it's not an all night thing.
Re: Innovative Design Competition - Visual Transformation!

the sail-like structures would look fantastic. I'm not so sure about the Tod Williams entry though; do we really need a bunch of oversized bus shelters down by the water? apparently we do, because it seems to be the leading vote getter right now.
Re: Innovative Design Competition - Visual Transformation!

Foster would be awesome and really stand out IF DONE RIGHT. I hope it gets the nod.
Re: Innovative Design Competition - Visual Transformation!

Interesting Spacing Wire comment...

Although I have yet to see the full details of the final entries, I feel quite discouraged by the preliminary reports about the five finalists in the water’s edge design competition.

All but one seem to be infected by the over-design disease that afflicts the practise of architecture, and several include ideas that are so over-the-top that they will simply never be constructed, due to cost, engineering complexity or political opposition.

Why, for example, are we even bothering to talk about a new island in the middle of the harbour — a project that would take decades to build and billions to finance and wouldn’t do anything to address the accessibility of the lakefront.

Some of the others seem enraptured by their photoshopped conceptual cleverness, yet it’s not apparent that they will provide Torontonians with the one feature the waterfront so obviously lacks –a relatively spacious pedestrian and bike-oriented linear park at the water’s edge that is neither architecturally gimmicky, nor ruinously expensive, nor a tourist trap.

John Lorinc
Re: Innovative Design Competition - Visual Transformation!

Interesting how Foster seems to have universal support here... add me to the list.
Re: Innovative Design Competition - Visual Transformation!

I attended the presentation tonight.

Foster's proposal was the most technically and architecturally advanced. I felt that it is the only one that would create a Toronto waterfront personality. Something people around the world would see and immediately identify with Toronto.

I spoke with the the presenters from all the bids and Foster's people seemed the most prepared. You could tell they're the biggest (and most experienced) team there.

Foster's proposal had a very cool feature where water would be pumped up as far as Front street and run down canals to the lake. This and their iconic buildings visible from anywhere in the city (when standing on their respective streets) would be inviting people to go down to the water.

I have a big feeling they'll get the nod.
Re: Innovative Design Competition - Visual Transformation!

Hey MetroMan, a bunch of us were at the meeting - cassiusa, ganjavih, spmarshall, ed, building babel, buildTO, future mayor, and myself. Would have been nice to meet up with you as well, and anyone else who was there.

I took a bunch of pictures, give me a bit of time to upload the pics and I'll post them ASAP.
