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CBC projects Conservative government

Further to my last post I just noticed the result in the riding of Don Valley West.

In this riding the NDP ran a sham candidate - who did not campaign - did not attend debates - did not respond to inquiries from the media. She didn't even have an email address, she was completely missing in action during the campaign!

Despite this obvious fraud - Nicole Yovanoff received 6,284 votes or 11.7 per cent of the vote!

The Conservative candidate was able to win the seat from the Liberal incumbent by a mere 639 votes.

I think that it is very conceivable that had the bogus NDP candidate not been on the ballot the Liberal's would have won back this seat.

How many other races were there like this across Canada? Why do so many people think that the big NDP win is somehow a victory for democracy when in fact it made a mockery out of democracy?
Given the serious (and valid) criticisms about the Conservatives (put forward by the NDP too) lacking respect for the democratic process and traditions, what does it say that an NDP party candidate sees fit to take a vacation after the writ is dropped? I don't care if she paid for it or not. That shows an amazing disrespect and contempt for her potential constituents. I sincerely doubt Liberal seat warmers in Alberta would be vacationing in Vegas during the election period. And I seriously doubt that the Liberals would run university students campaingning for other candidates in other ridings, in Alberta. That's the height of arrogance and disrespect for the constituents of a given riding. Sure, run a parachute candidate or a warm body. But allowing vacations, and volunteers of other MPs?

If this is how it's going to be, then I fully support Harper's drive to get rid of public funding for parties. Why should some 19 year old hit the jackpot, just because the NDP happened to get lucky when his warm body candidature turned out to be viable?

I wonder how voters in these ridings are feeling after finding out, who their representatives really are.
Aren't something like 5 of the newly elected NDP MPs still in college? I'm curious as to how they're going to juggle their studies and duties in Ottawa? How the heck can a 19 year old be elected to parliament? What kind of life experience could they offer? Is this who we want running the country?
I probably wouldn't vote for a 19 year old, but if he was truly interested I have no qualms of him running. Mario Dumont was only 24 when he got elected. However, he was very active in politics and already held a university degree when got his seat.

I'm disappointed in seeing some of the other parachuted-in candidates too. Anyways, here's an article about 5 McGill students going to Parliament.

I guess some of them had more interest than others, but if I were Mylene Freeman, I'd be somewhat embarassed, but not quite as embarrassed as the Vegas vacationer.
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Mongo, Joanne Corbeil, the NDP candidate for Westmount-Ville Marie certainly went to bed on the evening of May 2 thinking she was elected MP, the incumbent Marc Garneau even conceded defeat. But when the final polls were counted she ended up in second place. She will not be adorning the halls of Centre Block in the 41st Parliament. As for Mylene Freeman, well I was never a fan of NBC's 80's lamentable sit-com without laughs "Blossom".

As for the posts commenting about the inexperience of the NDP's newly minted MPs, I agree, but... I also harbor deep concerns about the qualifications of their so-called experienced thought leaders. The bow is not even off the 41st Parliament and already the NDP Deputy Leader and heir apparent Thomas Mulcair, has, without prompting, stepped onto a big bag of flaming dog poop when commenting on the killing of Osama Bin Laden. Not only does Mr. Mulcair doubt the veracity of U.S. claims to have delivered bin Laden into martyrdom and an limitless buffet of jihadi lovin' virgins, he accuses U.S. special forces of exercising wanton use of force in shooting an unarmed bin Laden.

Good thing we have a majority government comprised of professionals, because it's amateur hour with Her Majesty's Loyal Opposition. I suspect the Liberals won't have to work too hard to earn back the respect of Canadians when they see the NDP in action.
Eug, that's a damn good comparison, but there has to be a photo of Blossom with glasses for an even better contrast. I can't wait to meet these new Dippers, the daycare will be opening soon.
Somebody should tell Election Almanac, where I got the list of elected candidates. They still show Joanne Corbeil as elected. In fact I just did.

(I still think she's rather hot.)
Blossom? I have been unfortunate (or fortunate) enough never to have seen this show. What's the deal?
In this riding the NDP ran a sham candidate - who did not campaign - did not attend debates - did not respond to inquiries from the media. She didn't even have an email address, she was completely missing in action during the campaign!
A conservative supporter criticizing a candidate for not attending debates and ignoring the media? Pot, meet kettle.
Granted there were Conservatives who did not attend debates... there were also Liberals who didn't but little light was shone on those incidents. But I'm quite confident that all 307 Conservative candidates were out campaigning and knocking on doors. The same cannot be said of the NDP. There is a big BIG difference.
Mongo, In between the mid-80s British docudrama "Threads" about the effects of a nuclear attack on Sheffield, England and which as a 14 year old kept me sleepless for months, and more recently the film "28 Weeks Later", which as an adult still haunts me, Blossom was just as terrifying. Be thankful you've not been exposed.
I would also add that, while it is certainly true that some of the newly-elected people from Quebec do not have the qualifications needed for the job, most of them do.

I had been hearing for some time how the NDP candidates in Quebec were "warm bodies", completely unsuitable for representing their ridings. I decided to look into the resumes of each of the newly-minted Members of Parliament .

I have not yet finished, so I still have a few more people to examine, but so far I can say that yes, there are a considerable number of people (15 so far) who appear not to have the qualifications expected for the position (the infamous pub manager Ruth Ellen Brosseau being the least qualified I have looked over so far), but on the other hand, there are a number of outstandingly qualified people (4 so far with the maximum 4 stars I give). Most of the people I have looked at so far, I have given 3 stars (12 people) or 2 stars (16 people) on the basis of their accomplishments.

So basically there are a group of born backbenchers (31 people), a group of potential minor Cabinet members (12 people), and a small group (4 people) of potential major Cabinet members -- although almost all of them could use more seasoning, which they will get in the next 4 years. (There are a few who have already successfully held top positions in large or very large organizations, who could be ready in the near future.)

p.s. -- Thomas Mulcair only got 3 stars (potential minor Cabinet member) on my rating.
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