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Anonymous Anti-Scientology Protest: April 12th, 2008, 11 AM

  • Thread starter Anonymous Anonymous
  • Start date
How about if everyone wears wigs like this in protest

Who knew that Agent 99 was a scientologist?
hmmm... I am not sure if protesting does any good. I think education helps

Protests are all about education. Many important issues are either ignored or distorted by mass media, which the majority of the population relies on to stay "informed". By demonstrating publicly, an issue can be brought to the attention of passersby, force mainstream media outlets to cover an issue, and start conversation in the general public to raise awareness.

Edit: Oh - also, the target of the protest is often forced to address the issue publicly.
Was talking with a friend of mine in Ottawa, and he mentioned a similar anti-scientologist protest going on there today.
I have never heard of Scientology but I have heard L Ron Hubbard and his clones mentioned in a Tool song, thought I am not sure the meaning.

Anyways, I don't know anything about Scientology but I doubt it can be any more stupid than mainstream religions. All religions are equally stupid, that's what I think. So honestly I don't see the point of this protest.
I have never heard of Scientology but I have heard L Ron Hubbard and his clones mentioned in a Tool song, thought I am not sure the meaning.

Anyways, I don't know anything about Scientology but I doubt it can be any more stupid than mainstream religions. All religions are equally stupid, that's what I think. So honestly I don't see the point of this protest.
Did... did you even read my post? That big post up there at the top? The one that explains that WE DON'T CARE WHAT THEY BELIEVE!?

We are protesting a criminal organization, not a religion. They can believe alien space bats created the Earth in 1945 for all we care, it is their right to do so. We are protesting the CoS and their innumerable criminal acts. Criminal in both the moral and legal sense.

For the love of everything holy, will you at least read a thread before you post in it? God damn man...

Was talking with a friend of mine in Ottawa, and he mentioned a similar anti-scientologist protest going on there today.
It was a worldwide thing. Most major cities had protests today.

In Toronto, we had about 150 people. The rain deterred a lot of people from coming, I suppose, given how we had over 300 at the last one. Regardless, we got a massive amount of honks and support, so I qualify it as a win.
In some ways its sort of admirable that you are open to letting everyone believe what they want. Infact though, any belief is more dangerous than no belief, or rational, science based thought only. If you care to investigate the myriad reasons why belief in anything supernatural is dangerous, I would recommend reading "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins or "Future of an Illusion" by Sigmund Freud. Basically though, the point is any person making decisions for themselves or as part of a group, based on faith or dogma attached to a belief system is only fooling themselves at best and is inflicting harm on a great scale at worst. (witness the war in Iraq, Bush was told by GOD to invade! lol )

You are right though that CoS can legitimately be seen as a criminal organization and we would be much better off without them preying on the weak and vulnerable in our world. I suggest there is merit in taking things one step further, though currently it would be a tough sell.
You're really trying your hardest to turn this into a religious debate, aren't you?
I much enjoyed the South Park epsiode that elaborated on the Scientology belief system.
I'm good with the whole 'bring down the church of scientology infrastructure' thing but can't we combine it with a whole lot of mocking their stupid beliefs as well? Wouldn't they get a lot less recruits who they could steal from if everyone who walked by the recruiting centre pointed and laughed?

You say that you have ex-scientologists in your organization who believe all the same stupid shit that the scientologists believe but think it should be free? What the frig is wrong with these people? What could possibly be going through these people's minds?

'That Church of Scientology is just a bunch of criminals. They brainwashed me and forced me to do hard labour for them and took all of my money and possessions and threatened to blackmail me if I left. Thank Xenu that I got out of there - my inner Thetan couldn't take much more of that.'

I recommend that you don't mention the existence of these members of your organization any more. Other than that, rock on.
Let me explain something: I am an atheist, and I believe that the beliefs of the Church of Scientology are utterly and completely RETARDED. Not just retarded, but RETARDED, all in caps.

However, you have to think of the public perception of the movement. Trying to attack their beliefs just gives another way for the Scilons to attack us. They already call us religious bigots who employ hate speech in order to bring them down. Do you think Mrs. Soccer Mom will be willing to pay attention to a group labeled as religious bigots who are actually proving to be as much by calling the beliefs of the CoS stupid? No, they won't. I can guarantee you that there are barely any Anons who think the beliefs of the CoS are anything other than stupid drivel, but we can't say that because then they would be able to hit us even worse.

Also, you should note that, this is the important part, most Scientologists have no idea about all this Xenu stuff. You don't learn about Xenu and all that until you reach level OT3 (Original Thetan Level 3). In order to reach that level, you must pay over $380,000 dollars. This is how the CoS has been turning their lower level members against us. They tell them "Hey, look at these idiots out there! They say we believe in this Xenu fellow, but you know damn well that you've never heard of a Xenu! Who's right?" Then their members think we are the idiots. So attacking their beliefs wouldn't help at all because the under-OT3 people will think we're misinformed and the OT3+ people are so brainwashed that they feel we're the bad guys.

Finally, it's worth noting that the Freezoners are not Anonymous. They are working in conjunction with us in some ways, mostly because they've been labeled as suppressive persons and heretics by the mainstream CoS. They're a great resource because they've all been Fair Gamed at one point or another, and they prove that Scientology can be free, just the CoS wants to charge for it.

I hope this is informative.
While I'm no fan of organized religion either I agree with Anonymous' (Anonymous'es?) views of keeping it focused on the criminality of the organization. Turning it into an anti-religion thing would give Scientologists (and religiously-minded sympathizers) an excuse to turn it into a complaint of religion-bashing and deflect attention from the real problems with Scientology. We haven't yet reached the point where protests against a religion--no matter how valid the reason--will do anything other than provoke a backlash. That sacred cow will be around for quite awhile longer.
As far as I'm concerned, anybody who is gullible enough to cough up hundreds of thousands of dollars to a church deserves to lose their money.
I agree with you Bentley: fools deserve to lose their money!

However, after reading Anon's nonsense I'm starting to wonder if his movement isn't a subversive advertising campaign by the CoS itself? You know how it goes: bash the cult, get tons of media attention, some curious souls become interested, etc....
However, after reading Anon's nonsense I'm starting to wonder if his movement isn't a subversive advertising campaign by the CoS itself? You know how it goes: bash the cult, get tons of media attention, some curious souls become interested, etc....
Read some of the stuff on this forum:

If you aren't convinced that we are not related to Scientology after browsing through there, well, there's nothing I can say. All I know is that Anonymous has always been 100% against the CoS. Also, I assume the nonsense you refer to is our constant use of internet memes such as All Your Base and Rickrolling? If so, that's just a holdover from when we were just a group of people in the internet. You can't just get rid of your roots, after all.
