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Anonymous Anti-Scientology Protest: April 12th, 2008, 11 AM

  • Thread starter Anonymous Anonymous
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Anonymous Anonymous

Good evening members of the Urban Toronto forum. My name is Anonymous. It is a name taken on by myself, as well as any other person on the face of the planet who does not wish their identity to be revealed. Rest assured that I am a long-time member of this site, and I did not stumble in here simply to spam you with this thread. I have come because I trust that some other members of this site are willing to stand up for what is good and right in the world. Apologies if this is in the wrong section, I just chose the place that seemed the most right.

You may have seen us before. Near Yonge and Isabella Streets, on February 10th and March 15th. You saw our masks, our flags, and our signs. Perhaps some here marched with us, even, among the 300 masked guardians of free speech whom were there on that day. If not, allow me to show you what it looked like:




To those of you who just heard of us in passing, or never heard of us at all, you may wonder what we're all about. This thread is intended to inform and educate you as to why we fight, and possibly implore you to join us on April 12th.

What is Anonymous?

Anonymous is a movement. A single, utterly decentralized group of people fighting for a given cause. Anyone can be Anonymous. It is a fusion between proper noun and adjective, in fact. Anonymous has no leaders. We organize over the internet, each person contributing what they can. We are like a flock of birds; a group of individuals all going in the same direction by instinct.

This particular group of Anonymous, the one I am here to represent, is at the forefront of the movement against the evil, hateful, suppressive organization known as the Church of Scientology, hereafter the CoS.

Wait, hold up! Doesn't that make you a bunch of religious bigots?

No, as much as the CoS wants you to think this, we are not bigots. Since the beginning, Anonymous has been clear in one respect: we completely respect the right of any human being to believe whatever they like. Atheist, Christian, Buddhist, Muslim, Scientologist, or any other religion. We have no problems with any belief system.

What we are attacking is the organization known as The Church of Scientology. Compare it to the Catholic church's molestation scandal. If someone were to protest the Catholic church for covering up evidence of molestations, would that make them bigoted against followers of Catholicism? No, of course not.

In fact, Anonymous has been working with a group of Scientologists called Freezoners in our protests. Freezoners have the same beliefs as Scientologists, but with one key difference: they believe that religion should be free. This leads into my next point...

What exactly is your problem with Scientology?

The answers are many and varied. The bottom line is that the CoS is a lying, cheating organization. They suppress the basic human rights of their followers, prey on the weak, and harass anyone who speaks out against them. They are allowed to get away with virtually anything they like under the guise of religion.

Followers are forced to pay exorbitant fees to attain "salvation". In fact, you aren't even taught the creation story of the religion until you have paid over 380,000 dollars! For recruitment, the Church preys upon the weak and ill informed. They tell people whom are undergoing some turmoil that they are depressed, and that the Church's courses can help them heal. They then begin to systematically brainwash their new members, forcing them to tell the Church all of their deepest secrets in the guise of helping. In fact, these secrets are filed away and used to blackmail anyone who leaves the Church.

For people who can not pay the high fees, but want to be members of the Church, a terrible fate awaits. They are forced to enlist in the Sea Organization, also called the Sea Org, and forced to perform work at far, far below minimum wage, usually for up to 14 hours per day. Most of this money goes straight to pay for their courses. In the Sea Org, you are abused constantly, both mentally and physically. If you perform work too slowly, for example, you will be yelled at for hours by your boss, told that you are an utterly worthless human being, and forced to do the work again.

Why, you ask, don't they just leave if it's that bad? Well, it's not that simple. You could just as easily ask "Why didn't the followers of Jim Jones leave when he tried to make them drink the poison Kool-Aid?" As I said above, Scientologists are systematically brainwashed into believing that they can not live without the Church. They are convinced that they are humanity's only hope in an intergalactic war. Should they still decide to leave, they are charged the full amount for the courses they have taken (usually into the tens of thousands of dollars) and, of course, blackmailed with the secrets that were taken when they joined.

Scientologists are forced to "disconnect" with anyone whom the Church believes to be a negative influence. This means, essentially, any non-Scientologist. Entire families are destroyed by this, and to this day, there are mothers who have not spoken to their daughters in years, children who have not seen their parents since they were toddlers, and husbands who still hold on to the one, tiny string of hope they have that their wife may be allowed to speak to them once again.

Once again, you may ask "Well, what's stopping them from talking to their family?" They are kept in check by threats of being declared a "Suppressive Person" or SP. Anyone declared an SP is not allowed contact with any Scientologist. By definition, I am an SP, though I am not declared as such since the Church does not know my name. Being declared an SP comes with a much more dangerous side effect: fair game.

What is fair game? AKA Why do we wear masks?

Fair Game is a policy instituted by L. Ron Hubbard, the founder of Scientology. It states that any Suppressive Person is "fair game" for harassment, slander, and even death. To quote L. Ron himself directly:

L. Ron Hubbard said:
Any SP may be deprived of property or injured by any means by any Scientologist without any discipline of the Scientologist. May be tricked, sued or lied to or destroyed.

The Church claims that the policy was ended soon after it began. However, we know that this is not true. Even today, outed members of Anonymous are fighting frivolous lawsuits, made-up or exaggerated legal charges, and constant harassment.

One of the most serious fair game attacks in history occurred against a woman by the name of Paulette Cooper in the 1970s. The story is far too long to write about here, so I will let you do the reading: In a nutshell, a reporter who wrote a book critical of Scientology was harassed to the brink of insanity. She was eventually framed for bomb threats, and nearly went to federal prison as a result of Fair Game. The evidence which vindicated her was only discovered during an investigation of another plot by the CoS, in which a massive infiltration of the American government was uncovered.

We wear masks because we fear retribution. We fear harassment. We fear our lives will be destroyed should our identities be discovered. We do not believe we should be harassed for practicing our right to free speech, which the Church has long stood against, despite claiming to support freedom of speech.

What other stuff has the Church done?

Child labour (includes links to firsthand accounts)
Slave labour and unlawful imprisonment.
A massive infiltration of the U.S. government.
An infiltration of the Canadian government.
Forcing women to have abortions.
Murder through neglect.
Attacks on the psychiatric industry, including a claim that psychiatry causes most crimes and caused the Holocaust.
Claiming to be able to cure injuries with various "assists" which actually do nothing.
Harassing the U.S. government into giving them tax exemption.
Claiming to be able to cure drug addiction through scientifically dubious and sometimes dangerous means.

...and many, many more offenses. I will place links at the bottom of this post to websites where you can get more info.

What does the Church think of all this?

The Church, of course, greatly opposes us. They claim that we are "cyber terrorists" and "hatemongers". They call us religious bigots, they claim that we spread hate speech, and they say that we are "sadly misinformed computer geeks." They have accused us of bomb threats and vandalism, which is not beyond them, as you can see from the Paulette Cooper case. They attempt to destroy us at every turn.

But they can't. We are unlike any enemy they have ever faced before. We have no leaders to attack. We have a virtually infinite supply of members. We have the support of the police and, in most cases, the community. For every Anon unmasked, ten more rise up to take their place. As such, they must continue with their drivel, stating we are cyber terrorists and bigots.

I ask, people of this forum...



Okay, so how do I join?

Simple. Just show up. The next protest is on Saturday, April 12th from 11 AM to 3 PM. It is located at the corner of Yonge and Isabella, just south of Yonge and Bloor.

Things to bring:
A mask
A sign

Optional stuff:
Extra signs
A camera

Protest Rules and Recommendations

-Keep your face covered.
-If you find anyone acting strangely, spread the word. Scientologists are notorious for infiltrating our protests and trying to get them broken up.
-If a police officer asks you to do something, DO IT. Even if you don't agree.
-Keep to the east side of the street only. Do not go to the west side for ANY REASON.
-Stay out of the way of pedestrians and local businesses, as we're already on thin ice with the local business association
-Don't hang around before 11 or after 3, as we want to keep in the police's good graces
-Just because a protester isn't wearing a mask, doesn't mean they aren't Anonymous.
-Most of all, HAVE A GOOD TIME!

Where can I get more info? (down until tomorrow morning, but good after that)

Where and when is the protest again?

Saturday, April 12th
11 AM to 3 PM
Yonge and Isabella Streets, just south of Yonge and Bloor

I hope that this post is informative. However, don't take my word for it on this stuff. Unlike the Church of Scientology, we believe you should be able to make up your own mind on things like this. Read the sites I linked above, then check out the Church of Scientology's views on this stuff. Then decide if you want to be a part of this movement.

We are Anonymous.
We are legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
But we embrace the victims.
Expect us.
hmmm... I am not sure if protesting does any good. I think education helps and ideally we would elect leaders who are not afraid to tell the truth and start telling the population that all religion is false.

I think your posts above was very informative and helpful. I do not believe in any religion and detest those elements of any religion that are oppressive and zealous. It's unfortunate that there are those among us who are weak and perhaps not well educated enough to avoid becoming part of such organizations. Personally I hold freedom as my highest ideal and will not submit to dogma or authority.

Certainly Scientology is a dangerous element in our society. I dont think that the fear of them taking over the world is legitimate... firstly because there are so many other competing organizations and secondly because there is a fairly high proportion of people who are intelligent and fiercely guard their freedom.

Actually I was walking by the Scientology office on Yonge last weekend and some guy was giving out literature out front. I was waiting for him to offer something to me so I could tell him off, but I walked by unmolested.

Best of luck in the future...
My library (UTSC) has just received a full set of freshly printed, shrink-wrapped, ready-to-shelve collection of all of L. Ron Hubbard's works. Don't think there's any rush here to catalogue them though...
I've been offered free personality tests, or whatever they call them, when walking by the CoS offices, but I always politely let them know that I have no time for brainwashing at the moment. Not sure when I ill have time...

I'm pretty much like Redroom: freedom from the koolaid that is religion!

But, I'm also curious: just wtf is the Org all about? I might go in sometime and amuse the folks sitting around the ghetto....

As for you anti-Sci ppl: I think A)you watch too much TV, B)you smoke too much dope, C)you are just as much a cult as the Sci ppl, D)aren't there greater evils to fight against?
299: nice one! manipulate the manipulators... never thought of that. throw 'em a bone and watch them chase it! funny...

Last year I had some Jehovah's witnesses make repeated visits to my house. Most people would just tell them to get lost but I engaged in calm debate with them. They quite liked me and kept coming back inviting me to their events. They seemed to have great concern that I wasnt troubled about what would happen to my 'soul' after I died. All I know is you dont have to work or pay bills anymore... talk about the ultimate stress relief!

UD - all good points as well! The list of evils is endless... infact though, the world is a much safer place now than in the fog of history. Enlightenment is the main reason for that, so lets keep spreading the word... in a calm and emotionless way.
during the last protest, i cringed when the city TV reporter on TV called scientology a "science based religion". :rolleyes:

during the last protest, i cringed when the city TV reporter on TV called scientology a "science based religion". :rolleyes:

Had he drunk the Scientologist koolaid at that point?

I just can't forgive Scientology because it has made Tom Cruise so full of himself.
I see there are quite a few responses here. I would like to thank everyone who has taken the time to post. Whether you join us in our protest or not, you are still helping the cause simply by being informed.

hmmm... I am not sure if protesting does any good. I think education helps and ideally we would elect leaders who are not afraid to tell the truth and start telling the population that all religion is false.
Anonymous does not support any politician who attempts to push any belief system. This includes atheists. We think that anyone should be able to make a decision as to what they believe without anyone having to try and force them into it.

I can tell you most certainly that protests do a lot of good. In the past few months, more headway has been made in the anti-Scientology movement than in the last ten years. More and more people are being educated, the media is beginning to critically examine the organization, and more Scientologists are leaving the Church than ever before.

I think your posts above was very informative and helpful. I do not believe in any religion and detest those elements of any religion that are oppressive and zealous. It's unfortunate that there are those among us who are weak and perhaps not well educated enough to avoid becoming part of such organizations. Personally I hold freedom as my highest ideal and will not submit to dogma or authority.
This is what Anonymous believes. We believe that the people who have been fooled into joining this cult should be allowed their freedom. In fact, the theme of this month's protest is "Operation Reconnect", intended to reconnect families that have been ripped apart by the disconnection policy mentioned in the original post.

Certainly Scientology is a dangerous element in our society. I dont think that the fear of them taking over the world is legitimate... firstly because there are so many other competing organizations and secondly because there is a fairly high proportion of people who are intelligent and fiercely guard their freedom.
There are actually very few people (other than the CoS themselves) who believe Scientology will ever take over the world. They just impact so many people in so many negative ways that protest is justified against them.

Best of luck in the future...
Thank you very much.

My library (UTSC) has just received a full set of freshly printed, shrink-wrapped, ready-to-shelve collection of all of L. Ron Hubbard's works. Don't think there's any rush here to catalogue them though...
If you really want to, slip a piece of paper into each book with one of the addresses in the original post written on it. This is a tactic used with some success by Anons, as it gets right out to the people who are buying the books. Just a suggestion, should you feel like helping out. As I said at the top, even replying here is a help, as it's another person who will never be drawn into the cult.

But, I'm also curious: just wtf is the Org all about? I might go in sometime and amuse the folks sitting around the ghetto....
The org is pretty much dedicated to recruitment, at least in Toronto.

As for you anti-Sci ppl: I think A)you watch too much TV, B)you smoke too much dope, C)you are just as much a cult as the Sci ppl, D)aren't there greater evils to fight against?
A) Actually, this is organized over the internet. Nice try though.
B) Thanks for the generalization that has no grounds in reality.
C) Anonymous is a cult? Excuse me? Do we refuse medical care to our followers, harass people into losing their jobs and sometimes lives if they don't agree with us, or anything else that the CoS does? We are peaceful protesters who believe in our right to free speech. I've heard Anonymous called a lot of things, some of them negative, but never a cult.
D) Yeah, there are greater evils, but none of them are ignored on the scale of Scientology. Tibet, for example, is probably worse, but everyone knows about it due to the massive amounts of media coverage. Meanwhile, the last major critical coverage of the CoS by the mainstream media was in the early 1990s. Also, what you are saying is that there is a hierarchy of causes, and that is just dumb as hell.
I just can't forgive Scientology because it has made Tom Cruise so full of himself.
If you think that's bad, rumour has it that Will Smith has joined the Church of Scientology.
Had he drunk the Scientologist koolaid at that point?

who knows. i was also expecting the reporter to state what a great contribution L ron hubbard's space telescope has been to furthering our understanding of the universe.
