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News   Oct 10, 2024
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Allowing Prayer sessions during school time

So ... tell them to stop. As a non-Christian, I'm hugely offended by trying to ignore a primarily secular holiday. If the Christians would play the common-sense and secular angle, rather than just looking like biogts, this wouldn't be an issue.

Well, that's their problem isn't it ... if people choose to screw up a perfectly fine holiday with religious bs that's their choice I suppose ... but many people are brought up without any religious aspects to what is primarily a secular holiday.
I get your point, but I have to find it ironic that you've used the word "holiday" (or holy day") three times in the above.
Well, that's their problem isn't it ... if people choose to screw up a perfectly fine holiday with religious bs that's their choice I suppose ... but many people are brought up without any religious aspects to what is primarily a secular holiday.[/QUOTE]

This makes no sense. Christmas is religious in nature. It is when Christ was born, Without this event there would be no Christmas to celebrate.
Because it's a battle that's winnable. Many of us would like to see Catholicism kicked out of schools, but it's a harder task.

Not sure who you mean when you say many of us. Obviously non-Catholics. My portion of property taxes shows I am a separate school supporter so obviously my portion of my taxes goes to the Catholic school board and not the public system. We (The Catholic schools) can still say Merry Christmas and put on concerts with Christmas carols, put up Christmas tree and thank goodness for this.
Not sure who you mean when you say many of us. Obviously non-Catholics. My portion of property taxes shows I am a separate school supporter so obviously my portion of my taxes goes to the Catholic school board and not the public system. We (The Catholic schools) can still say Merry Christmas and put on concerts with Christmas carols, put up Christmas tree and thank goodness for this.

( can still do that in public schools too, just minus the jesusy stuff - but then again, Xmas isn't Jesus's birthday anyway!)
Not sure who you mean when you say many of us. Obviously non-Catholics. My portion of property taxes shows I am a separate school supporter so obviously my portion of my taxes goes to the Catholic school board and not the public system. We (The Catholic schools) can still say Merry Christmas and put on concerts with Christmas carols, put up Christmas tree and thank goodness for this.

Palma, I wouldn't take this as an attack on catholicism. This is about fully supporting the Canadian value of separating state from religion, regardless of the religion in question. Your ability to earmark your taxes to a school system based on your religion is a priviledge that other taxpayers aren't afforded. It is wrong and will have to eventually change...

It is interesting to note, however, how the championing of this value makes every religious group in infraction of it very defensive.
And we want to promote and support this "religion?" I'd rather we discouraged it.

Had the "Toronto 18" been successful in following through with their intentions - the horrendous carnage that we are witnessing today in Oslo would have played out in downtown Toronto and many of us would have been killed or maimed.

This is a good time to remember that the Imam's recruited to give the unsupervised sermons at the Thorncliffe Park High School signed a letter in 2008 lending their SUPPORT to the "Toronto 18"!

This is a good time to remember that Dalton McGuinty doesn't have a problem with Imam's sympathetic to would-be home-grown terrorists giving unsupervised sermons to children on school property. He thinks that this is an issue "best handled by the school boards"

The problem is not just in the high schools either!

At Thorncliffe Park Public School - the School Council Chair from 2009-2010 was a Mr. Jawed Anwar.

This same Mr. Jawed Anwar also happens to run the website:

On his website he advocates against gays which he calls "generation killers"

In this article Jawed Anwar goes even further and endorses the killing of gays in countries governed by Sharia law (which he no doubt hopes Canada will be one day).

Jawed Anwar also advocates a complete overhaul of the TDSB to accommodate Muslim students. Among his repugnant recommendations he calls for separate classes for boys and girls and eventually separate schools for boys and girls (so as to reduce crime) . School "uniforms" for ALL students to prevent incidence of sexual assaults against non-Muslim girls. Mr Anwar recommends that TDSB "Create positions for religious teachers and trainers".
And we want to promote and support this "religion?" I'd rather we discouraged it.

Thanks for jumping to conclusions...

First three paragraphs:

OSLO, NORWAY — A homegrown terrorist set off an explosion that ripped open buildings in the heart of Norway's government Friday, then went to a summer camp dressed as a police officer and gunned down youths as they ran and even swam for their lives, police said Friday.

The attacks killed at least 16 people in this peaceful nation's worst violence since World War II.

A police official said the 32-year-old ethnic Norwegian suspect arrested at the camp on Utoya island appears to have acted alone in both attacks, and that “it seems like that this is not linked to any international terrorist organizations at all.” The official spoke on condition of anonymity because that information had not been officially released by Norway's police.

“It seems it's not Islamic-terror related,” the official said. “This seems like a madman's work.”
regardless of any links for the Norway situation, there is a separation between church and state in Canada and that should be maintained !

if one doesn't like that the Catholic school system gets financial support governed by an old Act, then advocate for the decommission of it. but Canada should not be going backwards and accommodating religious requests in a public school system.
Is it? We tell Muslims to keep their religion out of the public schools; but we pay for the free education of Christians? Should we keep religion out of the Catholic school board as well?

It's pretty much the same issue. We can't have it both ways.

Public funding for Catholic schools is actually in the constitution. I don't see what the commotion is save for bending too far over backwards to accommodate which seems to be the main sticking point with many. I too though am getting tired of some people trying to go to ridiculous lengths in a attempt to appease others in what's essentially white guilt. Enough please....
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Nice try. A Muslim group has already claimed responsibility.

The shooter was a blonde Norwegian man. He was also apparently in Oslo, in the vicinity, before the bomb went off. No link to Islam or Muslims. This is what it appears to be. A nut job.
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