Islam is not another religion like Christianity and Judaism. It has not gone through a reform process, so there is no liberal stream of non-fundamentalist thought. The Christian and Jewish holy books may have abominable things said in them, but you can always find churches and synagogues where the pastor or rabbi does not hold these beliefs and attitudes. Want a gay or female pastor or rabbi? You can find one. Not so with Islam. If you are a devout and committed Muslim, you are by definition an extremist. There is no movement of Islam that accepts the Quran and hadiths as products of their time and society or contain flaws due to Mohammad's humanity, all mainstream movements are fundamentalist and accept only a timeless, infallible, inerrant, and binding interpretation of the Quran and hadith. Not all Muslims are extremists, you may find individual Muslims who drink, are okay with homosexuality, feminism, and religious freedom, but these are NOT observant Muslims. A Muslim who fully adheres to their tenets of faith is by definition a fundamentalist radical. Hey, 400 years ago Christians were like today's Muslims: thinking their holy writings are science books, burning heretics at the stake and expelling the infidels. But let's not bring back stone-age thinking to Canada. Let's be tolerant but let's not tolerate intolerance (i.e. Islam).